I’ve had a flu shot many times. No one really wants to get a flu shot, but many people generally consider it worthwhile if it keeps you from getting the flu. I have no time to be sick, so I usually get vaccinated each fall.
While the girls were already vaccinated, I had yet to get my flu shot this year. I meant to do it at my doctor’s office visit last month, but then forgot to ask about it. So a little over a week ago, when I heard of more flu cases creeping into our area, I decided to get my flu shot at Walgreens while I was picking up a few other items. Cordy was with me, too, and I thought it might be good for her to see me getting a shot, to reinforce that it’s not a big deal.
I answered the pharmacist’s questions and paid my $28 for the vaccine, then waited in the little cubicle they had set up for vaccinations. The pharmacist walked in and asked which arm I preferred. Seeing how I was already seated with my right arm to the wall, I said I preferred my left. It was my non-dominant arm, and I know from experience that the muscle is sore for a couple of days after the shot.
He opened an alcohol pad and cleaned off an area on my arm. Or rather, my shoulder. I noticed the area he chose seemed awfully far up on my arm. As an RN, I never gave shots that high up on the deltoid. But I’ve also been out of clinical practice for a few years, so maybe there was a new technique I wasn’t familiar with? I didn’t say anything, because I didn’t want to sound bossy and tell this young pharmacist how to do what he was surely well-trained to do.
The pharmacist stood beside my chair and quickly gave the shot, right at the area he had swabbed on my shoulder. I felt the initial poke of the needle through my skin, and then felt nothing else. “All done,” he said. I blinked. There was no pain, not even a slight burning sensation that has always accompanied a shot. I didn’t feel anything from the injection. Weird.
I tried to rationalize my confusion, and settled on believing this young pharmacist was a master at flu shots and somehow found a way to make them completely painless. I called to Cordy, who was standing nearby, scared at the idea of me getting a shot and unable to watch, and told her, “See? I’m done. And it didn’t hurt at all.” My smile to reassure her was genuine.
Later that night, my arm felt a little sore, which I knew was common with the flu shot, and I didn’t think anything of it. The next morning (Monday), my arm was significantly more achy when I moved it in certain directions. The ache felt different from how I remembered the muscle pain from a shot before. I attributed it to faulty memory. Monday night, I noticed that sleeping on my left side was uncomfortable.
Tuesday morning, the pain was worse. I was unable to move my arm in certain directions without a sharp shock of pain. I could lift my arm directly ahead of me, but couldn’t cross it over my body, and I couldn’t lift it out to the side by more than 45 degrees without the pain keeping me from going further. I had noticed the ache occasionally traveling down my upper arm into my elbow, too. And I was starting to develop some occasional tingling and numbness in my left hand and fingers, too. Tuesday night I had to sleep on my right side or back – the left side hurt far too much, and woke me up several times when I shifted in my sleep.
At that point I started to be concerned. Muscle soreness is typical with a flu shot, but this went beyond soreness. It was now the third day after the shot, and I should have been feeling better by now. Instead, I was counting the hours between ibuprofen doses and trying to search online for why my shoulder and upper arm were reacting in this manner.
By Thursday, the sharp pain had lessened quite a bit, but the intermittent numbness and a constant low-level ache had set in. I was also starting to develop some “popping” in my shoulder when I moved it. Prodded by conversations with a few people, and by some scary information from Dr. Google, I made an appointment with my doctor for Friday.
My doctor listened to the whole story with concern, then carefully examined my shoulder and arm, trying different motions to see which movements were uncomfortable and which didn’t cause any problems. She knows I’ve never had a shoulder injury, too. (Knees are another story.) Surprisingly, she agreed with Dr. Google: I have bursitis in my shoulder, with an outside possibility of a small rotator cuff tear, too.
When the pharmacist gave the injection, he was too high on the deltoid muscle. My doctor said that a lot of women don’t have a significant amount of muscle mass at that spot on the deltoid, and directly under it is the subdeltoid bursa, a pocket of fluid that is part of the shoulder joint, designed to reduce friction in the joint.
The deltoid muscle, in red. (Source)
So when he administered the injection too high on my arm, he went through the deltoid completely and punctured the bursa, injecting the flu antigen into the bursa. That would be why I didn’t feel any pain or burning when it was injected, and it’s also why I’m experiencing all of my shoulder pain symptoms.
The bursa is located just above the rotator cuff tendons, with the deltoid over all of it. (Source)
The bursa fluid isn’t meant to have a flu virus antigen mixed in with it. So it reacted with inflammation, pain, and stiffness in the joint. The numbness and pain into my elbow that I’m feeling is likely caused by the inflamed bursa putting pressure on the nerve.
My doctor thinks the symptoms should go away within a week or so. She recommended a conservative approach for now, and that we treat it with heat and ibuprofen. If it doesn’t get better within a week, then we may try a round of oral steroids to help it along. If that doesn’t fix it, then we’ll consider an MRI to see if the rotator cuff was damaged, physical therapy and begin thinking about long-term treatment plans.
That last sentence scares me. Long-term treatment. Long-lasting shoulder pain. I’m really hoping my doctor is right and it’ll resolve within a week. In doing research on this, I discovered that the government already has a name for this type of vaccine injury: shoulder injury related to vaccine administration, or SIRVA.
As of 2010, it’s a known type of vaccine injury, and a study on it found several identifying characteristics. In most cases, those affected were women, the person administering the injection was standing while the patient was seated, and the injection was placed too high on the arm, resulting in the injection being delivered into the bursa.
This led to the recommendation that “the upper third of the deltoid muscle should not be used for vaccine injections, and the diagnosis of vaccination-related shoulder dysfunction should be considered in patients presenting with shoulder pain following a vaccination.” (The Dept. of Health & Human Services accepted this recommendation, along with also recommending that the person administering the vaccine be seated if the patient is seated to reduce error.)
A report on this injury was given during a 2010 Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines meeting (pages 15-28 or so), where it was revealed that among those without prior shoulder injuries, only a third who developed SIRVA ever fully recovered. Meaning there’s a chance that an improper injection can lead to life-long joint pain in that shoulder.
And here’s the kicker: I still don’t have any immunity to the flu. My doctor said it’s unlikely that I gained any immunity from that shot, since it went into the bursa and not the muscle. I paid $28 to be given subdeltoid/subacromial bursitis, that has a chance of causing chronic shoulder pain. Lovely.
I don’t want anyone else to have to go through this, so here are a few tips for you the next time you have to have a flu shot (or any vaccine injected into your arm):
1. If it seems too high of a position, say something! I wish I had followed my own advice here. A shot should not be given just under your acromion process (the knobby end of your shoulder), but should be given at least two finger widths down. Needle size should be carefully considered, too. Better to say something rather than be injured. Not sure how to bring it up? Try this as a starter when the alcohol pad is rubbed on the spot: “Huh, that seems really high on my arm. I don’t remember getting any other shots that high.”
2. Ask if you can stand while the shot is given. If the provider would prefer that you sit, ask that person to sit as well, so that you’re both at the same level. Injecting from above tends to result in the injection being given higher on the deltoid, which increases your risks. Trying to estimate two finger widths down while standing provides a skewed view of the site and means your shot will likely be placed too high.
3. For the flu shot, ask if you’re eligible for Flumist. The Flumist version of the vaccine is sprayed into your nose – no needles! Not everyone is a good candidate for this version of the vaccine, since it’s a live vaccine, but if you’re eligible you’ll prevent any needle injury by avoiding it altogether.
4. Consider who administers your shot. Pharmacies are convenient for flu shots, but how well do you know your pharmacist? Many may not have the experience of your doctor’s office nurse. On the other hand, you may have a better relationship with your pharmacist than your doctor’s nurse. Ideally, you want someone who has a good amount of experience in giving shots, and who gives them with some regularity.
However, one point regarding this: sometimes, you get a bad shot, no matter the person giving it. I’ve had my flu shot at Walgreens in the past, by one of their pharmacists, and didn’t have any issues. Nearly any medical professional has a risk of giving a bad shot, even if they’ve been involved in your care since you were a baby. That’s why it’s important to pay attention and ask questions if something seems wrong, even if the professional is someone you trust.
I’m not going to say that the solution is to never get another shot. But I do think we should all consider each shot as a careful medical procedure. Any medical procedure has the ability to help, but most also have the ability to harm if done improperly. We should be cautious in who we choose to give us a shot, and we shouldn’t feel dumb or bossy to speak up and ask questions if we’re uncertain.
As of today (1 week, 2 days after the shot), my shoulder has almost a full range of motion again, although a few movements continue to be painful. A low-level ache is present nearly all the time (I’m told this is what arthritis feels like?) and I still can’t sleep on that side. I have occasional numbness/tingling in my fingers, but it’s less and less each day.
I have noticed a significant weakness in that joint now, so I’m taking it slow and easy with lifting anything or too much movement. And the “popping” in my shoulder has continued – with certain movements you can hear the pop across the room. I had a chiropractor recommended to me, and I will likely give him a visit to see if he can help. Hopefully it’ll be resolved soon and the only popping and ache will be the standard ones in my knees.
To see more about how I’ve been dealing with SIRVA, I’ve provided links to my update posts below:
An Update on My Shoulder – one week later
The Ongoing Shoulder Saga, Episode IV (A New Hope?) – one month later
Flu-Shot Shoulder Update – nine months later

I was searching shoulder pain with flu shot, and found your site. I know how you feel as I have the same shoulder problem after getting a flu shot. I got mine on Oct 28, 2013 and it still hurting and limited movement. same as you. I know there is a place online where this can be reported to CDC. I hope you feel better. I just now reported my problem to my doctor and was given Naproxen.
How is the naproxen? I saw someone tried Neurontin and Diclofenac. Not inclined to ever take meds but I guess I”ve never needed them like this before. I’d like to be able to function and just hope with time it gets better.
Also trying to find another PCP before I’m on Medicare next year. My young doctor was very defensive when I asked if the flu shot being given so HIGH by her nurse could be the cause of all my pain and suffering. She even got a pic out of the deltoid to SHOW me I was completely wrong!
Wonder if she had HER flu shot up high like that? A dose of “empathy” is in order here and might “up” her bedside manner several notches!
The Doctor will never admit anything- that would set up a lawsuit. Don’t expect the orthopedist to admit anything either, but the orthopedist can definitely tell with an MRI what happened.
I got a flew shot and a pneumonia shot, they were both injected hi in the shoulder. This was on October 1st 2015 one of the shots is still hurting my left shoulder arm and shoulder blade. I have a lot of pain still, taking ibuprofen Tylenol. I read the article that you have the pain for life given bursitis. It makes me a cripple. The doctors going to suggest an MRI. But I know what it is since reading this article and seeing the person inject my shoulder I know was too high but I didn’t say anything because I thought he knew what he was doing. But he was a young guy and new in the building. I have numbness in my right leg and is very hard to sleep.
I had a flu shot at CVS about 5 weeks ago. My arm was sore for 2 days but it went away. THEN, about 3 days later it was very painful. The pain lasted for weeks!! I finally called my doctor and he said if it wasn’t better in a week to come in. So, after several excruciating days of periodic pain I went to my doctor. He examined my arm and said the most likely explanation was that the shot ended up in my bursa, as was stated here. Today I started a 6 day pack of Prednizone and my arm already feels quite a bit better. I have been in so much pain for 5 weeks, and often very painful. I highly recommend anyone who has pain after their flu shot to contact their doctor within a few days if the pain does not subside. I will NEVER go to anyone but my doctor for any shot EVER again. I know this is not a common problem, but, believe me, the incredible pain that this has caused was NOT WORTH saving time by getting my shot at my local CVS.
I am on day 2 of Prednizone and my arm is already 90% better. I feel bad for all of you with pain from shots!!!! I hope those of you who have not been to the doctor will go ASAP!!
I hope you all get relief very soon. I am so fortunate the steroids seem to be working! My best to all of you. These types if sites are invaluable. It is good to be able to hear what others are doing and what is working for some but not others. Keep trying new things and hopefully something will work!!! Godspeed to you all!!!
Thank you so much for this. I have also had the same problem after a flu jab which was done in a supermarket pharmacy. Went to the doctor after 6 weeks of pain and I was given Volterol which has made no difference. So will go back next week for steroids. Hope he gives me them!
Great! I am pleased to read this. I will go back to my doctor because Volterol hasn’t worked for me, so maybe he will give me a steroid. Had my flu jab done at a pharmacy in October and it’s still painful.
Actually once I stopped the steroid the pain came back immediately. This happened again after the second round of steroids too!!!! The pain then very slowly diminished and went away after about 8 weeks! It’s now gone. My best to everyone else who has this!!
Great info! Never knew about his but glad to know it now! Thanks for the PSA!
I have the exact same problem and I have been dealing with the pain since November 2013. I am going to my doctor this week. I will not being getting the flu shot ever again. Very worried that this could be not solution to make this go away.
As soon as you said it seemed too high up, I groaned. It was like watching a car crash, I just couldn’t stop reading. I am glad to hear that it is getting better and I hope you don’t have any long term effects. Short lecture #1 – I always tell my patients, we are not only our best advocate, sometimes we are our only advocate. NEVER be afraid to question any healthcare practioner!
@Amy, I can understanding why you feel that way, but as a PHN I gotta say, for yourself and for your loved ones and for your community, please still get the flu vaccination yearly! It will not be an improvement if you skip the vaccination this fall and end up with the flu!
Excuse me, but do you have a shoulder injury related to vaccine administration? If you did, you would understand Amy not wanting to EVER get a flu shot again. We did not ask for this, but now have to live with it, pain every day, affecting our lives, our jobs, and quality of life.
I read on this site of another person with this problem. They had another flu shot in the opposite arm the following year and now they have the same injury in both arms! So would you take that chance? I think not. I certainly will not be getting another flu shot, even as a nurse. I will wear a mask.
I have had frozen shoulder from a flu shot for 9 months now, and went to two specialists that told me that it could take another 9 months before I recover. This sucks and I doubt that I will ever get a shot again unless it is in my thigh. Marion
Thank you for the information! I am very reluctant to have vaccinations, my children were on delayed schedules. However after having the Flu last year and feeling sick for 3+ months, I decided to get it later in the season this year, after all our family had the flu in the Spring last year. Unfortunately, my Family Doctor’s office was out of Adult-vaccines so I decided to go to the Pharmacy at Hannafords. The Pharmacist thought they were all out of Vaccines but found the very last one, I thought it was Divine timing but she did seemed nervous to give it. We were both sitting, however at the end of my vaccine, something kind of “snapped” with the shot and she apologized. It didnt hurt that bad at first, then my arm became very sore and achey. I thought this was normal and since I have never had a flu-shot just assumed I was being sensitive. Its been two-weeks now and my shoulder is very achey and sore. I have a previous shoulder injury at the AC joint and this is where the pain is. The shot seemed to be given low enough and she was sitting. I am unsure why the shot resulted in pain in my case, I tend to have Bursitis depending on my activity but its always on my dominate right-arm not my left where the shot was given. I have not been able to work out because I dont want to aggravate it. I guess like anything else, with some time, rest and some ice it will heal. I am also trying Wobenzym N to help with joint inflammation and pain. I will say, after having the flu run through our family last year that I would take the shoulder pain over the flu. They need to use different needles and be trained on the proper way of giving a vaccination. I dont like how they “sell” the shot, it should be given only at the Doctor’s office by a professional who is trained to give vaccines. Thanks for your post and giving me a chance to vent 🙂
You may be eligible for compensation from a federal fund. The govt collects a tax on every vaccine, which goes into a pool of money reserved for VICP – National Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund Program. Years ago, pharmaceutical firms who manufacture the vaccines were being hit with lawsuits so often that they threatened to stop producing and researching vaccines. Uncle Sam stepped in and set up this program funded by the tax. Find a local law firm on their list and see if you are entitled to a claim. I had shoulder pain and loss of range of motion for over a year due to this SIRVA issue. Everyone thought I was crazy, but I am so glad I found others online who have the same experiences! Even the CDC and NIH wrote some reports about this.
Thank you for your posts. I too have some kind of shoulder injury. However mine is NOT from the flu but from Prevnar (either meningitis or pneumonia), and it was a 4th semester nursing student, about to graduate, who injected me. When she wiped my shoulder I told her she was too high (I am a surgical tech and just got into nursing school myself) I told her to go lower, she said ok and dropped down maybe 2 mm. I instantly had pain in my shoulder joint. I have no previous injuries to my shoulder but by the end of the day I had lost almost all range of motion in my arm. The loss of ROM lasted for almost 3 days but never fully returned. I cant lift my arm in certain directions and the pain is through the roof at times, especially when scrubbing and gowning and gloving surgeons. Its been 9 days and nothing helps. Can anyone tell me if the symptoms they were experiencing went away?
Same thing happened to me — but my doctor thinks the shot damaged the nerves that allow the deltoid muscle to function. Physical therapy helped a bit (allowing the other muscles to compensate) as did anti-inflammatories — but I got the shot in January, and it’s late May and I still can’t use that arm!
Did you ever get better? I got a flu shot on my way out the door from the hospital. My condition had nothing to do with my shoulder. I experience all of your symptoms except the tingling and the pop. It has been 3 months. Cold compressions made it somewhat better but it is not gone. I want to have an idea of the possibilities of gettting better. Thanks.
I am having the same symptons, it has been 3.5 months. I’ve tried pain meds, cortisone injection and PT, and had an MRI.. I’m losing hope that anything will work.. How are you? Did your shouler heal??
I just wanted to post an update to give some hope. After a little over 4 months it all started to go away and fortunately I was back to normal. It has now been a year and have no side effects remaining.
I received my flu shot on Nov. 2, 2013. This blog post describes exactly what happened to me! After a month of severe pain I went for an MRI. I too was diagnosed with subcromial bursitis. For anyone suffering, please feel free to email me. I have been speaking with a vaccine compensation lawyer. My shoulder still hurts every day but I am thankful I have regained some movements. Thank you for this blog post! I have been handing pamphlets out to pharmacies giving vaccines, they need to know…
For any questions regarding my shoulder injury, please don’t hesitate to email, [email protected]. I am so sorry to anyone suffering. We must come together and share our stories to stop these needless injuries.
I am so happy to hear that someone has gone through this. Its been 9 months and the pain gets more severe each day. I was in so much pain tonight I called the on call doctor who told me this was my imagination and impossible to happen to anyone! I have never felt so upset in my life. So i asked him why then is my shoulder the size of a grapefruit and I cant get myself dressed or brush my teeth or hair? Where would I find a doctor in Virginia who has some knowledge of this ! Please Help!!
I am sorry to hear you are in pain. You can call Dr. Krakower in McLean, VA. He is really good and can probably help.
I too have these exact symptoms. I believe mine was from a whooping cough shot that I got because of the birth of twin granddaughters. I am a massage therapist and know that this pain should have gone away by now. I have had chiropractic done and massage and the pain is still there. That tells me something more is going on. I will be seeing my MD tomorrow and we’ll see what she thinks.
p.s. I’m confused as to why you need a website. What if I didn’t have one?
In may I was immunized for a missions trip I was going on. Instantly it hurt real bad and I told the nurse this. I was unable to move my arm within the hour, and the pain was bad. after 1 1/2 weeks the nerve pain started I was getting worse. 4 mths on I’m still in bad pain, I’m constantly on medication. I can’t move my shoulder more than 30% and that is excruciatingly painful. I live in New Zealand, here it is not a known thing. The doctors have never heard of it. They say my symptoms don’t really make scents , but at lest they believe it is coursed from the injection been incorrectly administered, (all but the medical practice where I was injected). I’m young and fit and health I have never had any injuries before. I’m really struggling with getting help for something that no one has seen before here. It’s nice to find other people struggling with the same thing.
I have been told I likely have brachial neuritis, along with subacromial bursitis and possible frozen shoulder. MRI shows fluid in places there shouldn’t be and damage to my shoulder joint.
I have lost mussel tone right from my fingers and down to my shoulder blade.
I am not improving at the moment but I’m staying optimistic.
I truly feel something needs to be done here in NZ to make this known, I now see I’m the one to do it
Hi Wendy, I’m also in NZ and have just had the same thing happen to me. Did you find a way to be listened too? Today I’m going to try go back to the medical centre for the 3rd time and hope they accept what has happened and give me an acc referral letter. As I’m looking at paying $90 per acupuncture or physio session. Grrrrrr 🙁
This happened to me in Oct of 2012. It is now Oct 2014 and I still have some pain with just a little bit of motion problems. It has also affected my lower back from the muscles all trying to compensate. The pain was unbearable for months. I couldn’t sleep on that side, I couldn’t shift my car, and I couldn’t lift my arm to do anything, really. Sometimes I would move it a certain way and it would literally bring me to tears because the pain was so bad. A shoulder expert told me it was frozen shoulder and that it should heal in 18-24 months. It has been 24 months now, and I am not completely healed. I know it was the flu shot, and yes, it was high up on my arm and the pain started within a few hours of the shot. Please take this poster’s advice and don’t let anyone give you a shot up high on your arm. I spent hundreds of dollars, probably a couple thousand on doctor appts and chiropractic appts, and had really horrible sleep and extreme pain for months.
I got my flu shot in January, my shoulder started “freezing”. It was more gradual. It kept getting worse over time. The best treatment I received was Physical Therapy along with a strict regimend of shoulder stretches. The chiropracter and cortizone injection gave me no relief. I started physical therapy in April, went for about 8 weeks. It did wonders at getting my mobility back and reducing the pain. I still have mild pain and about 85-90% mobility. My guess is I may never be back to 100%. The shot also caused a slight tear in my rotator cuff, which showed up on the MRI. Is there something with the Flu vaccine that makes getting a shot high inyour shoulder worse? Or is it the same case with any shot high in the shoulder?
You should look into filing a claim against the Health and Human Services Department through myvaccinelawyer.com. They are helping me and there is no charge to you. Hope you feel better soon.
Sorry for long post, please let me know what you think, if you can!
Friday, a week and a half ago, I got a flu shot and she had my arm dangle forward so that it’s “relaxed,” which I never had to have it dangle like that.. She put the needle in and my deltoid spasmed violently! She didn’t stop and kept going. There was a pop or like she hit my bone or something, and it bled afterwards! She said, “oh, it’s bleeding a little,” and asked if it hurt and I said yes! It was the most painful vaccination I have ever had! I asked why it spasmed and she said probably because I wasn’t relaxed enough..
I’m a nursing student, so I needed it for school and went to school afterwards (I have only had minimal training in IM injecting so far.. but know it shouldn’t have bled). That night, my fingers were spasming involuntarily. The next day, I went to another urgent care, and they just looked at my arm and said to let the flu shot place know, take NSAIDs, and put ice.. even though my fingers still felt shaky and my back started having spasms in brachial plexus area.
Later that day, my brachial plexus area was hurting and my ring and middle finger felt numb/tingling. I called the place I got the shot and the doctor was very rude and told me that there is NO WAY that is from the shot and that there are no nerves that they could have hit through the deltoid.
I think they hit branches from the axillary nerve, hit my bone or vascular, or went into my bursa.. I feel like no one wants to help me. Right now, a week and a half later, I still get random tingling in my fingers, back pain, and dull shoulder pain!
I typed in shoulder pain due to flu shot and this is the first article I found. The exact thing happened to me except it was at a clinic. The women administering the shot kept commenting on how hard my muscles were. I also felt no pain that I usually feel when I receive the flu shot. This is 2014. I will be calling the doctors office as soon as they open. Thanks for posting this article and good luck to you.
I got a flu shot also from WALGREENS and am having the shoulder pain. 🙁 it has been 14 days since I had the flu shot and I can’t move my arm in certain directions without pain. 🙁 so glad it’s not just me.
Hello. I am writing this from the UK. I am 65 and started having flu jabs last year. Last year (2013) the different doctors’ practices in the town where I live (Knutsford, Cheshire) had different days set aside at the local cinema for flu injections. You walked in, they ticked you off a list and a doctor or nurse gave you the injection. Last year as I walked into the room they were using a doctor beckoned me over, I rolled up my sleeve and she gave me an injection in my forearm. It took about a minute and there were no after effects. This year my wife (who goes to a different medical practice) had her flu jab and then rang my surgery to organise mine. I attended last Monday. The practice nurse was doing it and individuals were going into her room every few minutes. When my turn came the nurse said I would have to take off my shirt as the injection would be in my shoulder. She also said as I was now 65 I could have a pneumonia shot as well. As I have just returned from a week going around the WWI battlefields in Belgium with some old army comrades and one of them had come home and got double pneumonia I thought this was a good idea. The flu shot hurt so much I thought I had been stabbed. Since then my right shoulder has been tender to the touch, swollen and painful when I move my arm especially backwards. I have had from Tuesday onwards the symptoms of flu – shivering, head feeling full of cotton wool, temperature first going down then up. I still feel grim this morning. I shall think very carefully before have a flu shot next year but I wonder if putting the injection into the shoulder. My wife had hers in her lower arm this year as before so why did mine have to be in my shoulder?
I received my flu shot on October 10th at my doctor’s office. I had come in for a different reason and the medical assistant convinced me to get my flu shot before the doctor saw me. I knew I’d put it off so I acquiesced. When she came back with the injection, I stood but she asked me to sit. The injection went high on my arm at a sharp downward angle and it felt immediately different than any other immunization I’d received in 40+ years. It felt like it went deep and created a pool or bubble as she pressed the plunger. No real pain after and then I saw the doctor and went home.
Next day my arm was more than sore, achy and I had trouble crossing my arm (left) to right across my chest. Now that I’ve read all these posts, I suspect she injected to my bursa instead of the deltoid. After a week, the disfunction has improved but is still there. I’ll be making a follow up with my doctor and I’ll ask him to file the VAERS report.
Thanks for all the posts, helps me feel I’m not crazy or alone in this.
On injection, I felt a pooling sensation too. It felt like the injection spread from the needle site over about 1 second to reach a diameter of about 1 inch.
I am sorry to say that I am having the same problem. I cannot lift my arm over my head without the pain. I am already disabled from previous surgeries. I do not need this. I just feel like my body is falling apart.
I am considering suing for my frozen shoulder caused by a flu shot in my shoulder joint. I probably have about a thousand dollars into just doctor bills (visits, xrays, MRI, medication, Cortizone injection, Chiropractor visits and Physical Therapy). What do you think are the chances of proving a frozen shoulder was caused by a flu shot in the shoulder joint? I like my doctor, so I am torn about making a case of this, but I sure could use my $1000 back.
I am filing a case against the Health and Human Services Department with the help of myvaccinelawyer.com. Since I still have pain after 2 years and everything was documented from general doctor, chiropractor to shoulder specialists appointments, it is almost certain that my case will be provable. You should get in contact with this lawyer, as they are specialists in the field of injuries from vaccines. It costs nothing to you to go through them because their fees are paid right from the fund that the government has specifically set up for vaccine injuries. Good luck and I hope you feel better soon.
I’m having the same trouble. The flu shot did hurt a little, and I remember thinking that it was awfully high on my shoulder. Right after getting the shot, I ached from my neck down to my fingers. It was terrible. Now, I ache most of the time in my upper arm. I wake up from the pain most nights, and my shoulder also pops. I even asked someone yesterday if they thought I had bursitis in my shoulder. I have an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon next week for an unrelated matter, but I plan to ask him about this. Thanks for helping to realize that this is not just “in my head.”
Wow – glad I found this web-site. Just had my flu shot 3 days ago (received from some stranger at a church, because I thought I couldn’t get it at my doc’s office). Knew right away that the shot felt way too high on the arm.
No real pain (except for the shot itself, which hurt more deeply than any other I’ve received) until a couple hours afterward. Then I couldn’t even swing my arm when walking without pain… a deep ache, actually. It hasn’t gone away yet, but I guess I should wait a bit before making a doc’s app’t.
I feel very badly for all the folks who’ve posted along this thread – people shouldn’t have to suffer (physically, emotionally, or financially) for trying to keep healthy, and keep those around them healthy. I won’t stop getting a flu shot, but I will definitely say something if I think a nurse is planning to jab me too high in the future. Yikes, I never would have thought this could happen.
Thanks to this site, I’m now going to search “SIRVA”, “VICP” and some other junk I never would have heard about otherwise. So Thanks, All, and I wish you better health luck than you had with these stinking vaccines.
I had a flu shot on October 2, 2014. It was given very high on my left shoulder. The girl giving it was standing and I was sitting. It felt like she put the needle in from above rather than at a 90* angle. It felt sore, then painful within a few days, got progressively worse until I went to the doctor. On a scale of 1-10, my pain was an 8. I would involuntarily yelp in pain, still do at times. Now I’m going to physical therapy. I can’t move my arm back to put a jacket on, there are countless moves I can’t make without pain. I can barely sleep on that side. I haven’t done the exercises as often as I could because of the pain, but its clearly my only hope. I feel pain in my arm, my bicep seems worthless, but painful. I’m 66, and and feel like my health just took a nose dive with this injury. I hope some people have improved, because this pain and inability to function is very depressing.
I had my flu shot on 15 Oct/14 at a pharmacy in British Columbia, and noticed (after the fact: like most folks, I turned away during the actual injection) that the injection site was very high on my left arm, perhaps only an inch or so below the shoulder line. The pharmacist and I were both seated, and he also instructed me to let my arm dangle “to relax the muscle”. There was no pain or undue swelling. The shoulder pain and stiffness – both relatively mild -started the next day. I wasn’t too alarmed, assuming it to be a natural reaction to the injection. Things remained the same until 31 October: no better, no worse. On the 31st, any movement of my shoulder became much more painful, and I developed a pronounced tilt to my gait to compensate for the pain. Sleeping has become difficult. Yesterday was the worst, but today seems a tad better – perhaps due to the heavy dose of extra-strength acetominophen I’ve started taking. The realization, (thanks to the information posted above, and to comments from fellow sufferers) that this may well be a long-term, or even permanent disability is sobering in the extreme.
Got a flu shot a little over 2 weeks ago. Same thing. Me sitting, her standing. Still having terrible pain and can’t move my arm in certain directions. Glad I found this blog because it lets me know I’m not nuts. This explains it better than I could ever could but it is exactly what happened to me. I don’t think I am going to be taking any more flu shots.
Yikes! This is it! I recently had a Tetanus Booster (March 2014) after many requests to have it done. I was not in for the shot, but for another ailment.
With that said, I was standing and I received the shot. Admittedly, almost 60 years old, I am always a little squeamish, but said "let's get it done"! All seemed well, and expected the next few days of discomfort. As you said, I chose my left, non-functioning arm to take the pain.
Well, it's now 8 months later and I'm telling you I am in severe pain when I use my left arm to reach…in certain ways of course. It's real pain…I've tried to just ignore it…I cannot.
On top of all of this pain, I actually caused my own wrist pain on my right arm sometime in July. I needed to get rid of 2 dozen eggs that I'd forgotten in our basement fridge, so living in the country as I do, I started to throw them at a large tree…30' away! I was amazed how well I was able to hit the tree almost every time. I was ready to start calling the Red Sox…HaHa!
So, I wince when using my right wrist, and then really wince/screech following up with the left arm!!!
My physician suggested Physical Therapy. PT is ok, but I truly have so little time to make it to Physical Therapy. At some point, I really do need to address this issue and the wrist too, though I have since resorted to using a brace. It has helped, but as long as I keep it on for a long(er) period of time.
I want the shoulder pain to go away…compensation would be sweet, but relief would be the best! I am so happy to have once again typed in my issue…this time with more specific info. I may brake down and ask for that MRI, and if I can have both issues reviewed at the same time!
With Flu season here, I am almost afraid to get the shot…but I will as I can't stand being sick, and can't stand having to be in bed or home for too long! Thanks so very much for sharing your situation. 🙂
Woe is me here in Rural Maine!
This happen to me this year at my doctor's office. I am in severe left shoulder pain now. It has been at least 3 wks since the shot too. I can barely use my arm without being in pain to the point of crying. I have never had this happen before when getting my flu shot. I wouldn't have even considered getting a flu shot but with my asthma I have to have one. If I get any type of cold it makes my asthma worse so I have to be careful.
Me too. Unbelieveable!
I got a flu shot a week ago. Like many others, the injection was high up on my arm near my shoulder. I felt the pain in my shoulder a few hours later. I was told it might be sore for a couple of days so I was not surprised. It still hurts a week later. There is associated pain in my elbow area and wrist. Wish I'd read this before getting the flu vaccine. Seems like the heat, ibuprofen, and exercise are the first line of attack against the condition. I don't want to get steroids or have an MRI… hopefully it will clear up soon. With all this information out there, I'm surprised a health care worker would make a mistake like this. The appropriate target for the injection is large enough to stay well away from the shoulder area. I got the injection at a grocery store. I won't do that again.
I posted on 10/29, a few days after receiving the damaging (flu) vaccine. Now it’s almost 3 weeks since my shot, and I’m re-posting as sort of a progress report. Very interesting that this sort of injury has happened to so many people, and I feel very lucky to have found this thread.
I did go to see my (brand new) doctor 5 days post-shot. Almost cancelled, as I was feeling much better than the first 4 days, but thought I’d like the visit on record, and wondered if the doc could offer anything helpful; she did not. She had me roll up my sleeve (?? no, you really can’t SEE my shoulder injury from outside my skin) and do a couple of motions with my shoulder. When I could make these motions, she basically dismissed my complaint out of hand, and said I’d “be fine”. Thanks. I’m pretty sure she did not for a moment believe that a flu shot could cause an injury to my shoulder.
It’s really frustrating to not be believed by your own health care provider. I’ve got my annual check-up next week, tho, and will be addressing the issue again. Unlike some folks who’ve posted, I would Welcome an MRI, or whatever test or picture could make clear exactly what the injury is. At least then someone could recommend an appropriate course of strengthening exercises, or stretches or heat/cold regimen or Something.
Living on Advil is Not the long-term solution to the problem. Also, as it has for many others, a good night’s sleep has become impossible for me. Although the days vary pain-wise (some are better than others), the inability to sleep through the night has been a constant thing, and sleep-deprivation never helps anything. It also, I’m sure, doesn’t help that it’s fall here in New England, and I’ve been raking rather a lot lately. Probably when I quit the raking, I won’t hurt so much.
So I’ve read that this type of injury is so common that it has a name (or, more commonly, an acronym) – SIRVA, and that there’s even a “fund” for paying out for law suits resulting from these injuries. My question, then, is WTF?? 😉 No, really. If it’s Known that the administration of these injections so often results in these injuries, WHY aren’t the vaccine administrators trained to deliver these injections properly? Doesn’t seem like it would be that difficult. I wonder if I should report my adverse event to the hospital that sponsored the flu clinic – I kind of feel responsible if I don’t, and the same nurse (retired and hired as contract help) injures somebody else. ?
Just very frustrating. and, as others have noted, we seem to be largely of an age where we’re starting to fall apart anyway. I’ve already had bursitis and SI problems, yada yada. I really did not need to jump-start problems with a body part with which, to this point, I’d had NO problems. Now I guess I can add my left shoulder to the growing list of chronically problematic parts. Sigh. Will post again later, as a follow-up.
Good luck, people!
My Flu shot was very well described by Christina and others, high on arm(shoulder), at a drug store, administered by pharmacist, standing over me, I’m thin also. This happened October 2012, and I’ve come to believe my shoulder will never be the same (since 2 years have passed). While I’m now 55 I’ve always been very active. 2 sport HS athlete, son that I helped coach thru years of travel baseball, later lots of yard work….never any shoulder issues. Now limited physically, and no longer hopeful it will improve. When given the shot, I did notice a burn feeling & within the hour dull pain, and the very next day substantial pain with any movement. I filed the event with the Federal website, informed the Store/Pharmacy just to let them know, with multiple communications with them in the months after, later having an MRI, the only observation was some indication of possible bursitis.
Christina’s 4 suggestions above are very good, I would add #5, consider getting the Flu shot in the REAR not the shoulder. I will never have a shot again in the shoulder that can be given in the rear. This will probably require you go to your family doctor, the box store would not do this as I requested. I’ve always believed in the flu vaccine, and still do. But never expected anything like this, and most people or medical professionals seem to struggle believing such a problem can come from a flu shot!
Good luck to all of you, I truly “feel your pain”
God bless — Bob
That was a great suggestion – to request that the vaccine be administered into the buttock! I don’t think it would have occurred to me. I saw my doctor again today for my annual check-up; when I learned that I needed a tetanus booster, I requested a butt shot! 🙂 No problem whatsoever. and This time, she did give me a prescription for physical therapy for the shoulder. If that fails to do the trick, an orthopedist will be next.
Thanks for the butt solution, Bob!
Carrie, not all of these shoulder injuries are due to the needle administration being too high. Myself and others have the same injury as described in all these posts and it was done in the customary position then didn’t hurt when it was given. Due to this I have come to believe my problem occurred from the solution medication or the additives in the medication when I got the flu shot. I have read this reasoning on other websites and post s. I’ve also read that people who had this injury and then got the flu shot on the opposite arm have ended up with the same injury now on both arms since you’ve had a reaction I would not advise getting another one. I’ve been dealing with my shoulder pain sense October 23rd 2015. I have had MRIs x-rays cortisone shots prednisone medication physical therapy and now I’m trying acupuncture, and it still hurts. My orthopedic doctor won’t even consider that this problem is from the flu shot. Thankfully this has been on workers comp. Now the doctors talking about exploratory surgery but not an option at this point for me. I will get a second opinion before that. I have been advised by many to get an attorney and after reading all these posts it doesn’t sound like this problems going to go away. I hope that someday I will read that someone has found a solution to this problem .
Thank you for this article with such detail and diagram. It's been two months since my flu shot and the pain/soreness comes and goes. I think it's getting better, and then if I do some type of physical activity it returns with a vengeance. If this is long-lasting then I am going to be livid and consider legal action…
Christina, I’d love to hear how you’re doing. I’m in the same boat after getting my flu shot today. I had a similar reaction a couple of of years ago and it resolved. Right now, though, my arm really hurts.
How long did it take to resolve?
Wow, I could literally cut and paste most of these posts as my own story. I had my flu shot about two months ago. This was my first ever flu shot, so I wasn’t really sure what to expect. The nurse moved my arm back and forth, apparently to relax it, then gave me the shot. As with others, I was seated and it was quite high on my shoulder. I was completely surprised that I felt nothing at all. Not even the needle prick. I began feeling soreness the following morning. Naturally, the friend I went with who also had a shot was absolutely fine. Several people told me this was normal and it should go away within a week. Instead, the pain increased to the point my arm was basically useless. I saw my doctor about a month later, and she agreed I had swelling and put me on a Medrol Dosepack (steroids). A seven day treatment. After the third day, the pain had subsided slightly to where I could pretty much move my arm in any direction, but still had pain. A few days after the last pill, the pain came back full force, and then some. As it is very difficult to get a timely appointment with my doctor, I am relegated to the Urgent Care. I can now go armed (no pun intended) with the information from this post. Hopefully, they will find a solution!
My 81 year old mother recently had her flu shot at a local pharmacy. She’s mentioned several times about her should hurting so much that she’s having difficulty sleeping. She described getting her flu shot just as others here have. My question is should my Mom go to her primary care, who is most likely going to dismiss her complaint by not believing that a flu shot could cause an injury to her shoulder, or should she go to an after-hours clinic, explain the pain in her shoulder and ask for an x-ray or MRI?
I have been very healthy all my life and very willing to get a seasonal flu shot the past 15 years. I’m a teacher so exposure to germs and viruses is common. I recently changed my health insurance plan from a PPO to an HSA given that our insurance trust now includes a clinic which offers many free services including vaccines. I went to the clinic for a flu shot a month ago and experienced almost word for word the same procedure as all the previous commenters on this site have described. I was sitting in a chair rather than the examining table. The nurse, a stranger, injected me very high up on my arm at an angle. Four hours later after shopping, I felt restricted movement in my injection arm as I was driving. Later that night, I could not undress myself. On and off for a month now, I have good days and bad where I cannot put my shirt over my head, turn my steering wheel with both hands, or pull my blankets up when I go to bed. Heat has helped as well as OTC painkillers, but I don’t want to merely treat the symptoms for the rest of my life. I’m so upset that this injury may be permanent. How can this keep happening to people? How can health professionals not know what they are doing?
Same here! I'm so mad, I got my shot from a nurse at the office so I thought it would be fine! I already have arthritis in every joint but my shoulder joints so if this really does continue to be a problem I'm going to be very angry!
Wow I did not know that this could even be a possible result of a plain flu-shot. This is my 4th time getting one and i got it 10.25.2014. I was in a lot of pain but i thought it was just sore from the shot. It was getting worse and worse so I went to see my Doctor. They gave my steroids, Naproxen, and even Vicodin and nothing helped. He also sent me to a Neurologist that sent me for an MRI, gave me gabapentin (for nerve pain) and a script for physical therapy.
The results of the MRI showed the sever inflammation and fluid in my shoulder so he sent me to an Orthopedic Surgeon. The O.S. said I have severe Bursitis in my shoulder which caused extreme inflammation and fluid that he needs to remove and test. I actually just had the fluid removed yesterday and did that hurt like ….. They gave me a cortisone shot as well hoping to alleviate some of the pain. Today the pain is still very apparent on top of the injection. It is still a waiting game.
I have been in excruciating pain and my whole left arm is debilitated. I do not have much movement in my left arm at all and I am still in constant pain unfortunately, but I am hoping this gets better. Luckily, I am a rightie otherwise I would be screwed. But, for all of you thinking about getting a flu shot please be careful. I would not wish this pain on anyone.
Its relieving, frightening and maddening to see so many posts for the same issue. Got my shot in Calgary, AB and I’m into day 16 of pain and immobility. The worst part is the pain at night, it wakes me up when I move at all and is more severe than during the day that I can’t sleep…feel like am losing sanity! I too tried a regimen of alternating advil and tylenol every two hours, plus heat, and even a massage around the area (about 3-5) days after. It seemed to bring some relief but came back with a vengence when i tried to get back to some of my regular mobility. Aside from the lack of sleep, I am an avid hockey and kicboxing lover and the thought of having to resort to running for exercice makes me want to shake this woman that gave the shot lol! I was able to make a doctors appt for 2 weeks after the shot…but caved a few days prior and on the advice of a Healthlink phone call went tp urgent care. That doc too was sceptical it could have been from the shot,….squeezed my shoulder and guessed an inflamed bursa—gave a presceiption for extra strength alieve basically. I talked to the pharmacist who said give it a try, it would be stonger in the anti inflammatory dept than advil, and do ice. Then i saw my other doc as scheduled, who thought it was nerve damage…suggested chiro or physio, said keep trying the naproxen and if no improvement to come back and steroid or ultrasound might be looked at. Chiropractor yesterday thought it was muscle damage, not either of the first two diagnoses, although agreed the needle went into the highly nerved and vascular area near the bursa. He did active release, and some ultrasound and laser heat treatment and said don’t take the naproxen as the nsaid will also block the healing process….and he said use heat at this point,
So…frustrating with lots of different opinions. The active release and laser etc did seem to feel better for the day…sure was a painful night though. Going to keep going to chiro and i guess play around with tylenol / advil / alieve for night time and if something helps long term will post back. Good luck all.
I think you are wasting you time with the Chiropractor and Ultra sounds. I went that route with my shoulder issue caused by the flu shot. I ended up with a “frozen shoulder” adhesive capsulitis. You should look that up. You need an MRI and physical therapy.
I got a flu shot 2 months ago at my baby's pediatrician's office. Steroids didn't work. Now I am doing physical therapy. Pretty annoying. I hope this gets resolved or I may have this my whole life! And I still got the flu a few weeks later!
Were you diagnosed with a frozen shoulder? I was and its been 10 months for me. I have about 90% mobility of the shoulder, with only a dull ache. If I quit doing the stretches, it seems to start freezing back up.
My quality of life has not been the same since 11/7, when I got the flu and pneumonia vaccinations injected in my arms. I am still experiencing burning sensation in my arms. A heating pad, ice pad, OTC,or prescription pain medications would not take the burning pain away. I have been to the doctors/emergency room 9 times so far. Nerve pain medication has given me some relief of the burning. I never had nerve pain, something happened when I got the shots. After reading these stories, I know that I was sitting and the nurse was standing. Also, I have pre-existing conditions; 2 autoimmune diseases:necrotizing myopathy and rheumatoid arthritis. I don’t know if the vaccines triggered something else to go wrong with my immune system. I am going to keep fighting, praying and hoping I get some answers one day. My body is weak so I have to use my walker. I am unable to drive. I am limited in doing daily living activities because of the pain and weakness. I am my own advocate through this. I have contacted a vaccine lawyer, completed a VAERS form, contacted CDC and the Health Department. Please pray for me and my family. I hope my story will save someone else from going through what I am. I will not be getting vaccines anymore and I will ask questions even though I have a history with all my doctors. I just want a good quality of life back.
Also, any medication I put in my body aggravated my nerves and made the pain more intense. I was getting 2 hrs. of sleep because the pain worsened at night. At one point, I had to lay in bed all day because the more movement caused more pain. I have not came across a doctor yet that is going further than clinical exams and blood work. I am considering participating in a clinical trial for undiagnosed conditions. I also am getting different opinions. I thank God for the spiritual strength He is giving me. This is how I’m getting through this. I wish everyone the best. We are all frustrated but don’t give up and keep speaking out about this. I was thinking to call a news reporter. Our voices need to be heard for change to happen.
I got the vaccinations Nov. 7, 2014. It’s amazing how I’m finding websites that are encouragement. I’m educating myself. It seems like my doctors do not want to blame the shots for my symptoms. You never know when life will change for the bad. Take one day at a time and enjoy life because you never know what tomorrow holds. I’m praying for all of you. God Bless
It’s been over three weeks since my flu shot, and my shoulder is getting worse instead of better. I had it done at my doctor’s office, and when the technician did it, I felt the serum shoot through my upper shoulder and reach almost to my neck. It was bizarre, and I commented on it immediately. The first week is was stiff and a bit sore, but the second and third week have been reminiscent of the frozen shoulder syndrome. I’ve gone through it with both shoulders already, and supposedly, you cannot get it a second time in the same shoulder.
I cannot take Motrin because of being on blood thinners for my heart. My husband rubs it morning and night with Capzasin, and that helps, but I wake up every time I move in the night. I’ve also tried ice. This is very distressing. Thank you for posting, and I appreciate all of your input. Will this go away?
It’s not going away for me. It’s been 11 months. My flu shot definitely turned into a frozen shoulder. I went to physical therapy for 6-8 weeks back in March-May. I got 85-90% of my mobility back, but still have some soreness. I do the stretches occasionally now when the the soreness increases and the shoulder almost fells like it is re-freezing. Since you have had frozen shoulders before you should know what it is like. Very painfull and the stretches can be painfull as well. These errand flu shots can cause other problems other than frozen shoulder, as you have probably seen on this blog site. Good Luck all!
Thank you for sharing. I am discouraged. The frozen shoulders (both at different times) were horrible, and I’m not looking forward to suffering that pain again. It runs in our family… Mother and three of my four sisters have all had it, but to get it AGAIN seems even worse. At what point to I consider contacting the lawyers dealing with this problem? Do I wait 6 months and see if it lessens?
Google-vaccine lawyers, vaccine injury compensation.http://www.hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation/index.html
I went to the doctor today, and after I described what happened, she said the pain I described going across my shoulder and upper back was probably because a nerve was hit. She examined my range of motion and heard the clicking in the joint and well as the pain. Since I cannot take NSAIDS because of a heart condition, she recommended a cortisone shot into the bursa. She said I might feel worse at first, but within 24 hours there (hopefully) would be significant pain reduction that would last. Wahoo! It’s been 13 hours, and I have so much less pain. I’m headed for bed, and I hope to get a good night of sleep. I hope some of the rest of you can get some relief, and I hope mine lasts!
Dont wait. If you file a lawsuit later it could cause problems with your case, i.e. ‘why did you wait so long’ type questions. I found a couple law firms with simple web searches, VaccineInjury.org or MyVaccineLawyer.com are a couple that crop up quite a bit.
According to the website you have to have had the symptoms for at least six months before they can help you
My mother went to get her flu shot about a week ago at Walmart..The next morning she couldn't move her neck and shoulders were affected also. she has never had a neck injury and never complains, but now approx. a week or more ago she is in more pain than she would have ever expected to be from a flue shot of all this. She cannot turn her head from right to left and there has been no change for the better. But When she wakes up we will see, as we have been doing for again a week or a little more.my father and I are very scared she is not living a normal life and last night my father read some medical report that it may never go away. Some one please in the name of Jesus Christ, please help me find answers!
She needed help in getting out of the chair she was sitting in. My mother never complains. Her dentist will factually tell you she falls asleep in the dentist chair, with no drugs of any kind. She doesn't even like taking an asprin . By the way it seems to be going down her back, and from reading some of your situations, it all seems to come from the same resourse. A simple flu shot, but perhaps done the wrong way. I'm going to speak to the pharmacist and all involved
OMG!!!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!!!! it's been over 3 weeks since i had my flu shot and I like you am in severe pain to the pont i thought maybe she may have broken the needle off in my arm or something. I can not sleep on the side where the shot was given it completely goes numb and the pain is horrible. I too did not feel any burning or nothing except the poke of the needle, I thought maybe it was because I had many years on the depo so I'm very use to getting shots in my arms. I have pain in my whole arm going to my forearm elbow and twitching in my fingers. lifting any kind of weight hurts worse, and i paid almost 50.00 for my shot. The lady was standing over me as i was seated as well. i think i'm headed to the er tomorrow, i was looking online to see if maybe i had an allergic reaction or something to the shot which i never had any issues before this year. i'm so upset now! thank you for posting this, i just wonder if i should confront the lady from walgreens where i got it, do we have any recourse you think?
I have been experiencing the same thing since getting my flu vaccine October 2. I am a very small woman with little muscle mass and like yourself, I too worked in the medical field years ago and when the pharmacist went to give me my flu vaccine I thought he was a little high up on my arm but didn't want to say anything and offend him. Especially since it has been years since I've given an injection. Now I wish I had because the pain in my arm and shoulder gets unbearable and sometimes I can't even lift my arm to get dressed. There are even days when it hurts terribly just to move my arm and I have noticed that my hand has started to get tingly and I can no longer sleep on my left side. Because I am having surgery in three weeks all I can take is Tylenol for the pain which does not help. NEVER again will I get my flu vaccine at a pharmacy!!!
I did bring it up to my doctor and she pretty much blew it off like it was nothing. Also I've taken notice to my shoulder making cracking noises occasionally which it never did before. I just can't seem to win no matter how hard I try! I've been thinking about going to an orthopedic doctor to see what they say or urgent care.
Same experience. Local Walgreens November 10. Thought flu shot was higher than I remember. It is approximately 3 weeks since getting the shot and still in pain so did a Google search to find how much longer the shoulder pain should last. Now find that this is a real problem and possibly permanent. I have been a very blessed 56 year old –in perfect shape with no maladies at all. Now this and maybe will get worse. Have not been to GP yet. Now I know I need to address this as not normal. Thanks for all the posts and advice.
Thank you so much for this information. It was almost exactly like reading the story of what I'm going through right now! I got my flu shot 11/7/14 at a nearby Pharmacy. I thought the Pharmacist, that I later found out was a "floater" covering different stores, did not seem very confident. My husband and I both got our shots by her the same day. When we were leaving the store, I commented that I thought she gave the shot well, because it really didn't hurt. I really didn't feel the needle stick, though I did feel the serum go into what I think was my deltoid muscle. But, I'm an RN and I commented to my husband that she gave the shot a bit too high up on my arm. He said he thought the same thing about his shot! Well, to make a long story short, I'm at 3 1/2 weeks now and the pain is still not gone! Actually, it seems worse. Certain movements really hurt rather acutely and aggrevate it and I do have an ache in my upper arm almost all the time now! I saw the PA at my Dr's 2 wks ago who thought it was "mucscle." She recommended ice, naproxen (which I have for occasional use for hand arthritis) and come back in 1 week if still an issue. Now, 2 wks later, it's not only still an issue, but seems worse. The naproxen helps (but does not eliminate the pain) but it causes me GI issues so I really can't take it or any NSAIDS regularly. I have REALLY BEEN WORRIED lately about permanent injury. I was thinking about bursisits. My chiropractor said he thinks it's the bursa that's effected. Well, I see my Dr tomorrow and will see what she has to say. But, this has really been an inconvenience and made the last few weeks dificult. I have much concern about permanent injury and greatly appreciate the information about VICP. Thank you for the information!
Same happened to me –got shot on Oct 20,2014, and it did Hurt at the time (usually never hurts). Had just low level pain and could not sleep on left side. Now 5 weeks later, pain is constant and cannot make lateral movements without sharp pain. Dr said shot had nothing to do with Rotator cuff injury, but I suspected it did. Took X-rays today, so should know how bad this is. Thanks for the article.
Very sorry this has happened to so many people. It seems as though we only find out when it happens to us. I have the symptoms described in this article. Loss of full range of motion due to sharp pain and intensified pain at night while lying down. After reading all of the comments, I was getting very upset that I might have to live with this for months or more. I hope this next part of my story gives a little hope to the readers. I had two vaccines injected into my shoulder on November 18. As with most, the young woman was standing above me as I sat in a chair and she chose a spot very high on my arm. I even commented to my coworkers that it felt like she had injected into my joint. I regretted not asking for it to be administered somewhere with more muscle. Anyway, after about 2 weeks of pain and stress, the pain has started to subside with gentle physical therapy that I have been performing regularly (without having visited a doctor.) It still hurts quite a bit when i raise my arm as if to do the chicken dance, but I can tell there’s been some slight progress. I recommend using your other arm to help guide it through the motions if you can. And to keep giving it very gentle attention day and night as often as you can so it won’t lock up on you. I’ll update once the pain has completely disappeared which I’m hoping will be sometime in late December.
So, it’s mid January and the pain has almost completely subsided. From reading all these comments, it’s definitely a slow healing injury. I’m 32 by the way and lead a moderately active lifestyle. With patience and the right attention, it’s been a manageable experience overall. But I am definitely warning others every chance I get and hope for the best in your recoveries.
I’m really grateful to you for your article. I had the flu shot on November 7, 2014.
I POINTED OUT that the shot seemed unusually high and the pharmacist got defensive about it. now here I am, a month later, and every day, my shoulder hurts more and gets weaker.
Thank you for your article. At this point, I don’t know if there’s much I can do but wait and be gentle, but now I will be watching my arm’s progression very closely. And I don’t believe the nurse, nor the doctor I saw today, who said it shouldn’t be the flu shot causing pain a month later and did I injure my shoulder?? (Cause that’s something I’d forget).
I’m scared that this is going to get worse but I really want to thank you for writing this. It’s important information.
Hi Anna. I had my flu shot on Sept. 17. As in your case, the pain became worse every day until I literally could not use my arm without screaming with pain. At least my doctor admitted it could be from the shot, but thought it was a result of an overactive immune system. I noticed on Thanksgiving that there were certain positions I could move my arm with relatively little pain. Every day it got better. Right now, I can full rotate my arm. Still some pain, but so much better. Keep your chin up. I hope you improve soon! Cheryl
Had a flu shot Oct. 31 st. ( trick no treat ) high on right arm, about 1″ below shoulder line.
Hurt a lot for 2 days…After a few day the aching started beside collar bone, and down the upper arm, now 5 weeks in I have achy pain from collar bone to knuckles with worst spots by arm pit and just below elbow….. Motion ( limited ) seems to help… worst time of day is early morning, trying to find a position that doesn’t kill with pain.
Hey Judy…saw your post about your shoulder pain from the flu shot during my own painful search for answers. I have the very same thing happening and I'm concerned. How are you? Have you recovered?
I work for a hospital and I got my flu shot October 8, 2014. They hold a clinic every year for all the employees get their shot. I’ve gotten one every year without any serious pain until this year. I went, got the shot and I too thought it was funny that I didn’t feel any sting or burning sensation with the injection but thought nothing of it. Well here I am almost 2mos later and every night I go through this horrible left shoulder pain that runs down to my elbow and numbness and tingling in my hand. I cant lift my arm above my head nor can I reach across my body. I always had a good tolerance for pain but these past few nights have been unbearable so I searched flu shot administered incorrectly and came across this. Now after reading this article and all of these comments I’m going to occupational health first thing tomorrow morning.
My flu shot was in Nov 2013. By mid Dec, I was desperate and went for acupuncture. I had significant improvement after about 6 visits, as in I could sleep again and not think about by shoulder constantly. It took 22 visits to get almost back to normal. Try a Google search for acupuncture to treat frozen shoulder and rotator cuff injuries. I found this blog because I know I should get a flu shot this year and wanted to see if more people had problems in the last year. Appears 2014 was worse than 2013 for this injury. I read they can give the shot just under the skin or in the butt!! I’m not offering either arm any time soon.
Oh my! This is my exact problem! I pray there is no long term effects! Sounds like I should see my Dr asap!
Shot on 10/13/14 up high near left shoulder. MRI on 12/6/14. On lifting a load with my arm extended forward, pain is extreme. I have to be careful moving my arm from left to right. My Doctor said that I have a tear of one tendon, inflammation of a 2nd tendon and a bursitis. Recommended a steroid injection, rest and ibuprofen. I felt no pain on getting the injection but did feel a radiating bubble for about 2 seconds like Jason’s. My doctor said that it is really surprising that this would start after a vaccination.
I got my flu shot Oct 2014. Can’t sleep, can’t workout, popping advil constantly. The only thing that is not hurting is not doing anything which I am not used to at all. I am reading all of these posts and seeing that this could be an 18-24 month situation. UGH. Awful.
Any chance you can give an update? It’s been a month and I’m pretty concerned this will be long term 🙁
Thank you for posting, i am going through so much pain. It is comforting to see I am not the only one. 18-24 months.
Wow. I received a flu shot in September of 2013 at a Walgreen's Pharmacy and immediately felt intense soreness. It went on and on. After several months, I went to see my GP. End result. I was diagnosed with shoulder impingement and did PT for the better part of this year. Still not feeling better, I had an MRI only to reveal small cartilage tear in the labrum and a small low-grade rotator cuff tear. I should mention that I am very thin and I am sure the injection was administered incorrectly. Initially I thought I had to be crazy to think the injection did this. Now I am 100% sure my shoulder injury is a direct result of the flu shot.
Hello. I would like to hear from everyone to see if you have any relief. I have tried exercising my shoulder/arm.. I had absolute relief when I was prescribed prednisone but I had an allergic reaction to that and cannot take it again. I have been taking lyrica for a different issue and it felt better for a little while. Now I am mostly in constant pain. I have asked doctors about it and they have never heard of it and one who specializes in pain control said they would not know how to treat it??? I thought maybe cortisone shots might lessen the pain. Sleeping is nearly impossible. I go for an MRI in the beginning of Jan. 2015. HAS ANYONE FOUND RELIEF OR A SOLUTION TO THIS ISSUE. I also just recently wrote to a lawyer's office who specializes in this very issue. I will let everyone know the results from MRI and visit with lawyer. Please share how you are all are doing , I would love any information, Thank you, Judy
Hi Judy. I had a flu shot on 9/16/14. The intense pain in my shoulder and arm built up over about a week. My doctor didn’t really doubt that it was the flu shot, but she thought it was my immune system overreacting to it. Prednisone helped until the seven day dose was gone. Then the pain came back with a vengeance. My first sign that I was getting better was on Thanskgiving Day. I noticed I could move my arm in certain directions with a little less pain. Thankfully, it continued to improve every day. I still have a little pain when I bring my arm up to shoulder level, but I have a feeling that will go away eventually. From what I’ve read, the problem occurs when the shot is administered too high and is injected into the bursa instead of the deltoid muscle. It seems to just need some time to work it’s way out. I too contacted a lawyer and was told a suit cannot be filed for six months, but thank goodness it does not look like that will be necessary. I hope you start to feel improvement soon!
My flu shot on 1/4/14 caused severe pain just like everyone else on this site (I could not raise my arm over my head or reach behind my back without the worst shooting pain of my life). I ended up with a frozen shoulder “adhesive capsulitis”. I haven’t seen anyone here with that same diagnosis, but 6 weeks of physical therapy worked for me. I have 85-90% mobility back, with only some mild lingering shoulder pain.
Hi, Judy. So sorry for your injury. Mine happened on 10/25/14, and I’m just now feeling pretty normal, after a little over 2 months. I initially took a lot of Advil, which helped a tiny bit, but it was the physical therapy that really helped me.
After seeing my general practitioner a couple of times, she gave me a “prescription” (so that insurance would pay) to go to physical therapy. I’d been in previous years for other issues, and have a favorite therapist. My therapist gave me gentle exercises to do (stretching and strengthening), and I got some kind of electrical (heat) stimulation, then a deep massage of the shoulder, then an ice pack at the end.
I started doing therapy twice a week, and am now going once per week. At this point, that’s enough for me, and I really do feel pretty “right” again. I just hope that, if I continue the exercise regimen, there will be no flare-up. If this does turn out to be some sort of permanent damage, however, I do plan to “sue the bastards”, whoever they may be.
I think I could take some pictures of the exercises I’ve been assigned and send as an attachment, if you’re interested. But, yeah, time and gentle exercise may just do the trick! I’m hopeful for you. While it seems that you may never feel better, I’d wager that you will. Patience is a virtue that I don’t have, but it helps to have it in a situation such as this. I also could not get comfortable to sleep for many weeks, but it’s So much better now. Moving the arm is probably much better than not, and icing after exercise may help.
I don’t know what’s right for you, but I wish you All the best!! Let me know if you’d like to see the exercises I’ve been given. Take care.
I would love to know what your exercises are, Carrie! I had a pneumonia shot over two weeks ago, and I am still bothered. Can’t sleep tonite! So here I am at the computer thanks to this shoulder discomfort.
shirley Grossman
Hi, Shirley. I think you have my e-mail address, but it’s [email protected]
I can’t see your e-mail address via your post to this site, but if you give me your direct e-address, I’ll see if I can take a pic of my exercises (they’re pictured on paper pages) and send to you as attachments.
Basically, they’re just stretching and (mostly) strengthening exercises. I actually haven’t done them in weeks now, and I’m feeling it! I’m 55, and it just seems like the smart thing to do at any rate, injury or no – building the muscles to protect the stuff underneath them.
I wish I didn’t Need to do these exercises, but it’s probably good that I have this impetus to get moving and be generally healthier. I’m sorry for your present discomfort. Really doesn’t help matters, or let you heal optimally, when you can’t sleep.
Take care, and I wish you better nights, Carrie
Wow, can’t believe I am reading all of this. I had my flu shot 2 months ago. I am a nurse also and our hospital requires a flu vaccine every year. This year the nurse injected high on my left arm, said ok there you go and signed me off. I had pain with the injection that I have never had before. Some bleeding (no bandaid placed), blood on my scrubs! Dull achy pain that progressed and has been getting worse. I went to my orthopedic and he gave me a Medrol dose pack. Instant relief, but as soon as I started tapering off, the pain came back. I am unable to get comfortable at night and no sleeping well. Thank you for all the information on this site. I filed a report with CDC and will report to the Occupational Health at work on Monday. I’ve called my Dr. back and waiting for a return call. I’ve had a torn labrum on my right shoulder and had surgery and this pain is so much worse than that! I will not get another injection in my arm if I can help it. Want them all in my butt from now on. This is horrible and wouldn’t wish this on my worse enemy. Who knew a simple task as an IM shot in the arm could lead to all of this???
Have hope Pam. I could have written your story almost word for word. My arm finally started improving about two and a half months after the shot. It was gradual, but I noticed every day I could move my arm a little more without any pain. I noticed the improvement on Thanksgiving Day, so one month later, I have full mobility and only slight pain when my arm approaches shoulder level. I hope you start to show improvement soon!
Follow up from post #52
Finding that Diclofenac works super well to take out most of the bite due to the pain , ache, and partial numbness caused by the “Bursa Bullet” they call a too high Flu shot.
This got me off pain killers and at least I can sleep at night, thank God ! Gerry
“Bursa Bullet” good one! Did you come up with that? I think I will use that term when I go for my yearly check up soon.
It occurred to me that there are many bursa sacks throughout the body and a lot of
people getting shot…….So I suspect the body can heal itself after such injuries.
This gives me hope that a syringe puncture might heal with time on its own.
For a while i felt like i had been shot thru’ the shoulder.
I found a Neurologist that decided to do further testing; extensive lab test ordered, X-ray of my spine, Mri of my brain and spine and an EMG. He also suggested alpha lipoic acid. I still have feelings of burning sensation, something crawling on me, pins and needles being stuck in my arms. All these symptoms fall under parasthesia. I thank God for my spiritual strength. He is helping me along the way. If and when I find out, I will post a diagnosis.
A few words of encouragement for everyone-
Hold on, don’t quit. God’s on your side!
You have provided a public service with this concise explanation – thank you so much! I cannot believe this has been going on for so long and no one is sounding an alarm. Prayers to all for a complete and speedy recovery. Thank you, Christina.
I am stunned to be reading this tonight as my injury was 2009 and there was hardly any postings or recordings of this happening.
I have never fully recovered from this after months and months of therapy. Visiting specialists etc. my arm never regained the strength it once had. I ended up getting adhesive capulitis and then movement slowly returned. My movement at times is still restricted and I still sometimes wake up feeling my shoulder is trapped, some days are better than others. I worry about the permanent damage and long term as I get older but life goes on and it’s manageable. I just have certain movements that I know are a no go and will cause a sudden grab of pain.
My case was unusual they said at the time and they accepted fault and I too had a diagnosis of burstitus caused by vaccination. Reading this I don’t feel alone anymore.
OMG!! Andy 5 years you have been dealing with this. Since they admitted fault did you get any compensation? I too ended up with adhesive capsulitis. It has been 1 year for me. I went through 6 weeks of physical therapy and would say my shoulder is 85-90%. Slight general soreness, feels like it stiffens up if I don’t keep stretching it out, and definitely some strenghth loss. You are the first person I have read about that someone took responsibility for the injury. Everyone else says that the people giving these shots cannot believe that the injection is causing these injuries and it has been going on for at least 5 years.
It was administered where I work.
No compensation but all my medical bills were paid for through workers compensation and also my time off work which probably equated to almost a year.
Was finally cleared for returning to work full time a year and a half later.
I was diagnosed with adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder) 8 months after the initial injection in Oct 2012. I am still dealing with some issues like you, but I am able to get through the day and night much better. I am currently seeking physical therapy because it had affects my neck so severely. It’s getting better by the day. I was able to settle my case with the health and human services dept. using myvaccinelawyer.com and it took less than a year. They pay based on how many dr visits, how much PT and the diagnosis. Unfortunately after almost 3 years and a settlement, I still have pain and my range of motion is not 100%. I will continue to do my stretching and hope that it will correct itself. I heard from another person with the exact same issue and she ended up having successful surgery 5 years after the shot. She now has no pain and has recovered her full range of motion. My hope is that everyone will file cases and the government, or someone will do something about it.
Thanks for sharing your story. You have given me hope about the government listening to adverse reactions to vaccines. I have been dealing with so much since the vaccinations in 11/2014. The nightmare is still continuing. I hope each of us, i dividually and a whole, make a difference including risks are discussed more before given vaccinations, training or fresh up course needed to administer them and more medical research for people who have pre-existing conditions such as myself, autoimmune diseases (when your immune system attacks itself through inflammation).
My mind is troubled about the doctors office who recommended the vaccines to me because of my suppressed immune system. When I experienced the adverse reaction, the same doctor did not even think of nerve pain even though I told them I was feeling burning. I have and still are dealing with multiple doctors and physical therapists.
I’ve learned through this horrific experience to acknowledge the medical field does not have all the answers, only God. The doctors are doing their job to recommend vaccinations because their theory is to reduce sickness. The government needs to look at what to do when different illness develop after getting vaccinations. It took a month for me to find a Neurologist that has hands on experience with patients dwaling with burning sensation after vaccination. I can’t fully explain in words the thoughts and feelings that were in my mind during that time. I am still traumatized about the whole experience.
I have to add, I got diagnosed with inflammation in my spine. I underwent a spinal procedure trying to reduce the inflammation. The sciatica nerve has been affected, resulting in buttocks pain, sharp leg pain and neck pain. Some symptoms are decreasing since the procedure so I feel good about that.
God Bless everyone and their families who have been affected by a vaccine injury
I was not planning on filing any lawsuit, but maybe I should reconsider. I probably had around $1000 out of pocket. Is the process fairly straight forward?
I am relieved to read that I'm not the only one going through this. I received my flu shot Nov 2014, and today Jan 10, 2015, I still can't use or sleep on my left shoulder without excruciating pain!! I too have never had an injury so this is frustrating and scary.
Would love some advice/ info from CDC. This is unacceptable.
Any update? Have been dealing with this for a month now!
I had the same experience. I finally after 2 years went to the doctor. Hope mine soon feels better! I was afraid doctor I was nuts. I was given prednisone and gabapentin. I had relief the next day. Just have twinges of the pain 4 days out.
I type in shoulder pain due to flu shot I received at work my shoulder in bad pain can't raised it up. What can I do about it
Most likely they injected your flu shot too high on your shoulder, either in your bursa or directly into your shoulder joint. Your bursa could be inflammed or you could be in the first stages of adhesive capsulitis “frozen shoulder”. You most likely will need an MRI, you might even have a small tear in your rotator cuff. 6 weeks of physical therapy worked for me, but I still have some lingering pain. You don’t want to let your shoulder freeze up, that may require surgery. Get to your primary doctor ASAP. If nothing else the doctor can give you some predizone (steroids) that may relieve the pain.
I'm glad I'm not the only one with this situation and I work in the health field. I did not want to take this flu shot 2014 my lung dr was almost in tears. Due to I'm an asthmatic and in 2012 I was sick for 4months due to from the flu shot. Did not take it 2013 I did not care I had to wear a mask in the facility.Took the flu shot at the facility where I worked didn't feel it this is in oct 2014 the next day I was in pain and in bed for 2 weeks.In dec before xmas my arm still hurts went to the employee health told her my arm still hurts from the flu shot of course she thinks I'm crazy she said take some advil put heating pad then cold compress I did that it helped a little but it still hurts. Went back jan 2015 she told me to go to urgent care this is a work injury. Saw the doctor the doctor told me since I volunteer taking the flu shot this does not consider work injury and folloe up with my primary dr. If anybody can give me some ideas let me know my primary dr does not want to touch me this happen in workforce might be lawsuit will see I'm just giving people heads up on health care workers this is how they treat us which is sad.
Update-I got a skin biopsy on my left thigh in two places; upper thigh and lower leg. I have recovered well and patiently waiting for results. My neurologist is checking for damage to my small nerve fibers. I am praying for a breakthrough from this. I am thankful for the wisdom God has given me to be an advocate for myself. When this started in Nov, I was in so much pain and I felt not one dr that examined me had compassion. I went to UNC Chapel Hill, NC 5 times before I decided to get a 2nd opinion. I went to Duke University and the Neurologist that I’m seeing, Dr. Justin T. Mhoon has experience with seeing patients having burning sensation after getting the flu and pneumonia vaccin. No he has not discovered a diagnosis but I feel in my heart he is trying his best to help me. My quality of life has changed tremendously. I can’t drive everyday and not for a long distance. I have to depend on people because I am weak and don’t want to fall. I thought I was making a good health decision for myself by getting both vaccinations. My life has not been the same. I am using this time to get closer to God and not focus on the pain. I feel so isolated from the world. I’m always in the house dealing with pain. I make it to church when I’m able and that helps. God is with us, through it all. Think positive and hold on to faith. I feel like drs don’t always have the answers but God does. He will heal us in His time. I’m praying for everyone on the blog.
May God Bless You All
I got my flu shot on Oct. 28, 2014, I have had similar reaction to everyone who has posted. I have had 2 medral dose packs, 9 Physical Therapy appts,including desensitization, and ultrasound treatment with steroid cream, nerve conduction study, nerve block, started on Tramadol, Gabapentin, and now Lidoderm patches. Pain is still severe 3 months after shot. Having MRI in 5 days. Hoping for answers!!!
Thank you for this article. As an update, I went to an orthopedic surgeon, who did not seem to know why this occurred. He said he had talked to his colleagues and they "are still unclear why a greater number of people complaining of arm pain from flu shot." Honestly, your article was more helpful than his diagnosis! He's given me six weeks of physical therapy, and after 4 months of varying levels of pain, endless ibuprofen/icing, I hope it gets better!
I got my flu shot at a pharamacy on December 30, 2014. I was sitting down and he was standing up. He had to have been over 6 feet. It was very high up on my shoulder. The next morning I woke up in great pain on the left side. Did not have full use of my left side and my head was cocked to the left and I could not hold it up straight due to the pain. As it was New Years Eve I could only get in to see my chiropractor which was of no use. Then I went to the emergency room where they gave me an antinflamatory, muscle relaxor and pain meds. Since that time I have been to my Dr. twice, two different neuorolgists, physical therapy, accupuncture and massage therapy. It has been almost five weeks. I have 100 percent movement in my left side, but it is still painful. I have weakness in my left side. None of the Drs. have any answers, but two of the three think it was from the shot. One neurologist wanted to do surgery as the MRI I had showed a herniated disc and he would not even listen to anything else I had to say. Honestly, the accupuncture and massage therapy have given me the most relief. I have been unable to work and I drove last week for the first time but it was painful.
It has been six weeks since I got my flu shot. I posted earlier about what all happened. I am not 100 percent, but I would say 85-90 percent. I still have some pain, weakness in the left arm and some positions still hurt. Here is what I think has helped the situation:
1. Accupuncture – I started with twice a week and now once a week.
2. Massage therapy – and I don't mean a massage from a spa. Find someone good that knows what they are doing. The one I am going to was recommended by my husband's personal trainer.
3. Physical Therapy – I have only gone 3 times, but I do the exercises at home. All the medical bills, and accupuncture and massage that are not covered by insurance, there was really no need to keep going to PT and paying my co-pay.
4. My neurologist put me on Neurontin. It helped with the pain and helps heal the nerve.
I can finally drive and do normal household chores. I could not type for the first 2 weeks.
I hope this helps someone.
I got my annual flu shot 4 1/2 months ago (Sept. 23rd). I was seated with the pharmacist standing. The injection may have been a little high, but the sensation was different from other injections I’ve had. It didn’t hurt, but I could clearly feel the fluid going in and I asked if it was refrigerated, because it was cold; she said it was refrigerated. I didn’t have any discomfort at the site, but the next day began feeling pain if I tried to lift my arm above shoulder height. This got worse and I re-visited the pharmacy. They said they’d given hundreds or thousands of shots and had never heard this complaint. On Nov. 3rd, after trying to tough it out for 6 weeks, I discussed this problem with my doctor. He was aware of injection injuries, which he explained happen when the needle hits a nerve or the bursa. There are medications that can help the pain, but it was his feeling that physical therapy might be the best solution, because these things usually eventually heal themselves. So, I embarked on a program of push-ups and stretching to help increase my arm strength and range of motion. I have noticed some improvement, but am planning on this being a lengthy rehab. Normally I don’t care what arm gets the shot, but this time, thank goodness, I asked for the right arm because I’m left-handed. Wise choice!
This also happened to me from Dtap, its been a year and it still hurts me. The benefit does not out weigh the risk!!!!
It has been 8 weeks today. Had to travel last week for work, flying, driving, and sitting at a desk working on a computer. Was in pain every night. Back home this week and had accupuncture and will have massage therapy tomorrow. Also, doing some excercises I learned at PT. Pain is still there, but just annoying. Weakess in left side still there. It does appear that time is the best healer with this, but it has been a long road and the first 4 weeks were very painful and debilitating. Haven't decided how I feel about shots now, but someone commented that you can get them in your buttocks. That may be the way I go in the future. That also means, only shots at my Dr.s. office and no more pharmacies. I tried to report this on the CDC webiste. The information they want is pretty detailed and it timed me out as I had to gather all the information. If I have patience, will try again
This was an inexperienced pharmacist; I'd only trust a veteran nurse.
Thank you for all the comradery. I had flu shot at my PCP’s office by an RN in September, 2014. The shot was given very high on my SHOULDER, and I have no doubt the serum went right into the bursa. Has bothered me every day since then, some days are worse than others. Can’t sleep well, and it is getting worse now. Hard to find any position that I consider pain tolerant. Begging for relief so I can function. Never knew how awful chronic pain was and I want to say I’m SO SO SORRY to all those I never understood how debilitating and depressing their pain was!!!! I’m gonna start doing some exercises daily – any favorites you could pass on? Thank you, Jan
I have been diagnosed with small fiber neuropathy. I also developed flu-like symptoms, flu/nasal and urine test were negative. A chest x-ray as well but negative for pneumonia. I was treated w/ IV fluids and Tamiflu and recommended to f/u in 2 weeks w/PCP. Within that time my upper back started hurting and sharp pain on my right side. 2 x-rays were ordered, chest and shoulder. My chest x-ray was abnormal, referred to a Pulmonologist. At the appt., a Pulmonary Function Test and a Walking Test completed to check my lungs function. The dr compared both chest x-ray’s w/ me and from my tests, lung volume is at 60%. She observed what looks like scar tissue on my lungs which develops from inflammation. I may have Interstitial Lung Disease. This week, I am getting a chest CT Scan to confirm diagnosis possibly starting Breathing Rehab. for 12 wks. Previously, I shared my health conditions since 2010-2 autoimmune diseases; necrotizing myopathy-polymyocitis and rheumatoid arthritis. The neurologist at Duke shared w/me that once you have ben diagnosed with an auto immune condition-immune system starts attacking itself, triggers could cause attacks on organs in your body. I truly believe the triggers were neurotoxins, mercury-thimersol found in flu vaccine and aluminum found in pneumonia vaccine. My nerves and lungs were attacked. I have done a lot of research to educate myself because doctors are focused on treating the symptoms not the underlying cause. My health improved so much from 2010 til Nov. 7th, 2014, with limitations but a good quality of life. I was active and overall feeling good about myself after making lifestyle changes. I learned how to live with my diseases and gain back control over my life. I don’t feel there is a lot of research about autoimmune conditions. It seems more of a learn as you go health problem. I have not found any data that supports the flu and pneumonia vaccine given at the same time to a person w/ autoimmune problems is safe or unsafe. Educating myself is giving me determination and knowledge about the human body. I know that the nurse was standing and I was sitting at PCP’s office, which could have caused the ingredients of the vaccine to enter my nerves (neurotoxins-neuro means nerves and toxins are chemicals such as mercury and aluminum) . My body responded immediately the same night I got the vaccines. The drs. medical opinion was not focused on the vaccines at all, they were stuck on my 2 previous conditions, which have been stable and controlled w/ medicatio, not what presently entered my body which were their recommendations. I know my body and the pain I felt was a new experience and that’s why giving up is not an option. I love myself and I have a family that loves me too. My oldest son is in his first year of college and my two younger children need their mother. Their biological father is not active in there lives so raising them has not been easy. They keep me going and give me strength to fight. I am doing all I can to help myself and hopefully someone else one day. I’ve contacted CDC, completed a VAERS Report and working with a vaccine injury lawyer. I also am researching natural remedies instead of depending on a pill to relieve symptoms. So far, I started drinking Bragg’s Vinegar which has a mother ingredient that heals the body naturally. I’m also trying some water called Alkalife Ten, it suppose to help remove toxins from our body and balance ph level.
After 3 months of a traumatic experience physically, mentally and emotionally, I’m grateful for getting answers. I BELIEVE I’m going to improve in God’s time not mine. I know I have to continue going to medical appts but also gain knowledge on my own along the way. Small fiber neuropathy is nerve pain, another chronic condition that is related to autoimmune problems. Gabapentin does not take the pain away completely. I also take a OTC supplement called alpha lipoic acid. The neurologist suggested I try lowerin. the Gabapentin dose weekly but after attempting, the pain became worse again. I could try anti-depressants but declined because there is always side effects. Actually, I took Cymbalta in the past and it made me severely depressed and suicidal. My next Neurology appt is in April, until then I got to try other options.
Everyone, don’t give up on yourself. Ask doctors questions. Research your medical conditions. We are never too old to learn. I pray for improved health amd strength for all.
God Bless
Thank you Christina for your story. With all the information given here, I have been able to open a case for the bad practice on my arm a nurse committed applying a flu shot on my arm.
After experiencing significant shoulder pain following a flu shot about 4 years ago, pain that actually resulted in several visits to see my orthopedist and a recommendation to have physical therapy, I have FINALLY discovered what I suspected all along….it WAS from the flu shot!! People acted like I was crazy when I related the shoulder problems I was having to the shot, even my doctor did not give it much credence, but it turns out I was right. I was watching the CBS news tonight and there was a report about SIRVA. I knew immediately that this was what had happened to me. Four years later I am still suffering the aftereffects (though not as severe as when they began). I cannot sleep on that side, and the shoulder aches frequently. So, to all the people who looked at me like I was crazy when I said my flu shot affected my shoulder….I was right (not that I'm happy about that)!!!
I have a new little Holmes “1 touch” space heater HFH442 from Amazon that sits on my desk to the side of my ipad. I turn it off and on directed at my left shoulder/arm and the thermostat works pretty well for intermittent heating. It feels like standing in front of a fireplace and warming your hands. Awwww…it’s good. Best $40 fix in a long time!!!! It works much better for me than a heating pad. My arm and elbow even down to my hands is very achy and the heat helps a lot. I also try to stretch and move my arm/shoulder around often. Good luck everyone!
i was given a shot of medicine by a nurse and its been 2 weeks since ive had the shot. when i first had the shot i noticed it was sore for a week and thought it was normal. i also noticed that where she gave me the shot in the upper arm was numb. last night i woke up with pain in the arm she gave me the shot in and its still numb in one spot. i believe she gave me the shot in my bursa instead of the muscle.
I had my shot in December its March and I can't use my arm. I
Several years back I had the same thing happen! I thought at the time that it was done awfully high on my shoulder. I was miserable with the shoulder for months after. Ever since, I have told the shot giver, "I had a shot given too high previously, and developed a painful shoulder. Could you be sure to do it well down from the shoulder joint?" They cooperated and consciously moved down a bit. I am older now and actually still do have shoulder issues resulting in cortisone shots given for shoulder joint pain. Badly placed flu shot years ago???? Very possible!
Has this resolved for you? Mine is almost exactly the same story. Walgreen's, too high, vaccine…but my arm was considerably worse to begin with and continues to get worse. 🙁 I would love more info!
Mine has never went away in over a year. I had an MRI and also had to see a bone specialist who gave me a shot of cortizone and recommended therapy because I could hardly raise my arm and lots of pain. After weeks of therapy when it was doing better I was told medicare wouldn't pay anymore and had to stop now my arm is right back where it was. These shots and also Shingles vac. aren't doing good they are causing more problems. I had the flu shot a couple months before the Shingles vac. and it's been nothing but problems. Whatever you do don't go to a drug store they are not taught enough about giving shots and in Indiana the doctors don't give a Shingles shot like in a lot of other states you have to go to the drug store for it.
It has been 13 weeks. The pain is still the same and so is the weakness. Still doing massage therapy, accupuncture and exercises at home. Taking only on pill at night of the neurontin. Had to back off the meds as they were making me depressed and hostile. The one at night helps me sleep and my mental state appears to be able to take it. At this point, I am done with Drs. and have cancelled my last two. One Dr. wanted to operate – so sick. I think at this point I will continue with what I am doing and I think its going to take alot of time to heal. At least at this point I can function and work. Its the worst at night after a full day of carrying computer bag, groceries and just doing everyday things. Guess I just suck it up and keep going.
I have posted on here a couple of times. I thought I would give an update. I had my flu shot 1/8/14. The injection was high on the shoulder, but I thought nothing of it. There was some mild pain, nothing out of the ordinary. The pain never went away. The pain gradually got worse to the point where I had a hard time sleeping, getting dressed/undressed and could not reach behind my back to get my wallet out of my pocket. After about 2 months of this, I finally went to see the doctor. I got an MRI and was diagnosed with a frozen shoulder “adhesive capsulitis”. Next, I got a cortizone injection and started physical therapy. After 6 weeks of therapy I was back to 85-90% mobility with just mild pain. While at physical therapy, I learned of the possibility that a flu injection given high on the the shoulder may be the cause of my problems. My therapist had another client that was sure her shoulder problems were caused by a flu injection. Since they released me from physical therapy I have occasionally done the stretches if I feel the pain increasing or feel like my shoulder is freezing up again. It has been a year now and am still at about the same point, 85-90% mobility and mild pain. I recently went in for my yearly checkup and mentioned to the doctor if he thought that a flu injection given high on the shoulder could be the cause of my frozen shoulder. He said he never has heard of such a thing and did not think it was possible. “Deny, Deny Deny” I guess. He did say he would look into it though “lol”.
So I had my flu shot on October 1st and immediately felt pain not soreness at the injection site. By the next morning I was unable to move my arm away from my body. Until this day I suffer with pain and decreased range of motion. There is a fund set up for these types of injuries, so if your still suffering please look it up under SIRTA.
This happened to me as a result of my November 2014 flu shot. I still have cerpitus in the shoulder, pain and weakness in my arm, numbness, & tingling in my wrist and fingers. Following exercise, my symptoms are worse. I did go to my doctor so the injury is documented and will use the intra nasal vaccine in years to come. Unfortunately I think the symptoms may be permanent.
If you web search on terms like SIRVA (Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration) and related words like United States Court of Federal Claims, Special Masters, influenza, DTAP, National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, and combinations of these key phrases, you can find many published cases that have been settled thru the for anywhere from $10,000 to over $200,000 depending on severity. There are law firms who will take your case at no cost to you except for a small filing fee. I am not a lawyer, nor am I affiliated with any of those firms but I know someone who is in the process of getting a settlement for a bad flu shot that caused many months of agony. Yes, it is a hassle to go thru the legal process and it takes a long time, but in the end you can get just compensation for the pain, loss of work, etc. and the money can be significant.
Exact thing happened to me with flu shot in 9/2015. Still can't get comfortable to sleep and it feels like someone hits me with their best punch in the shoulder each morning. I also wanted to ask why the shot was being given so high but who am I to say?? Wouldn't have made any difference anyway! And mine was given at my doctor's office, and when I asked her about it two months later she got real defensive and said "ANYWHERE ON THE DELTOID IS FINE" and even showed me a picture of the deltoid. I'm changing my PCP !
Mine is the same exact story but mine was done by an RN in my doctor's office (My PCP). So we can't blame Walgreens or any pharmacy – and my doctor got defensive and said it was FINE to give the shot anywhere on the deltoid and even showed me a picture she had of the deltoid muscle. What a jerk! Didn't even suggest any help or recognize my plea for relief…..I'm changing PCPs for sure! How could she not have heard of SIRVA!!!???? My shot was 9/14 and I am somewhat miserable every day and especially at night in bed! So sorry for everyone!
I was working at my desk just now thinking about how the result of my flu shot 5 weeks ago has severely affected my life. I decided to look on the internet more since I learned about SIRVA recently. So glad I found this post! If nothing else, helps me feel less alone and that I’m not going crazy. I had not had a flu shot in years and don’t like to get them, but was required to have one for a work-related visit to a military hospital. I didn’t have much time, so ran to a CVS “Minute Clinic.” The older nurse was instructing a young girl (student nurse?) the whole time and I remember thinking she was shooting it high on my arm (I could feel the fluid going into my arm which seemed unusual). Later that day my arm was killing me and I thought I must have injured myself somehow. The rest is history. I have the equivalent of a frozen shoulder – lost range of motion so difficult to do many things including driving, getting dressed and undressed, reaching, pain when typing on my computer which is part of job all day. Kept hoping this would go away, but now feels like it’s affecting the tendons going down my arm and forearm. Finally made a visit to primary care doc Monday. I don’t have time to do PT, and insurance I have won’t cover much, but I will figure out a way. I am feeling some hope reading the comments that this may improve, but scared also that it might not. I want to warn everyone never to get a shot in their arm!! This has really affected my life. I’m a single mom and need my arm to take care of kids and work, drive, etc. Also had impact on sleep as it’s painful to lay on my side. Anyways, hoping and praying this will go away with time and PT. Thank you so much to everyone on this site – great to be able to share and support each other!
I had a flu shot last September. Had arm pain in right arm my dominant one. Had x-rays. Nothing. Given antiinflammatories. Didn’t work. Had MRI was told had Bursitis. Got injection for that. Just made it worse. I can hardly move my arm from shoulder to past elbow. Can not lay or sleep on right side no more. Have huge lump about have way down my arm. And getting worse by the day. ER doctors don’t know what to do. My physian does not know what to do. Orthopedic and spine want to do surgery but I have no insurance. I was homeless at the time and had the given by a Community Health nurse that came to the mission. Don’t know what to do. Nothing has helped so far.
Thank you. I’m grateful to read this excellent article. It is 19 months, since I received a flu vaccine into my shoulder join at a Walgreens. I’ve had over a year of severe pain, disability, MRI, cortisone injections, oral medications, physical therapy, many visits to an orthopedic shoulder specialist. My shoulder is healing, but I still have not regained full range of motion or strength. When I called the Walgreens to report the problem, I was informed “it is not a reportable adverse reaction”. I begged the pharmacist to review injection technique with the staff, in order to prevent injuries to other people. It is interesting that this happened to me, as I have been the immunization nurse in many of my RN positions through the years. I am actually afraid to receive any further injections.
On March 13, 2015 went to my regular doctor for a physical.
Had no pain or complaints of any kind. I am 69 years old, soon to be 70.
Dr. convinced me to get a pneumonia shot after I refused a flu shot and shingles shot…agreeing to the shot was a big mistake. After 2 months of excruciating pain, severe bruising of upper left arm, numbness in entire left arm, and sharp pain at injection site, I submitted to X-rays & MRI. Aleve, advil & predizone did not help. Sought the advise of an orthopedic surgeon who discovered a large mass of fluid (later identified as blood) in the left shoulder along with a left rotator cuff tear,AC DJD, Traumatic Biceps rupture, Labral Tear, Extensive Reactive, Synovitis and Bursitis.
Had extensive 31/2 hr surgery May 4th, 2015. In sling until June 10th and then extensive PT.
My surgeon has described this an extensive delaminated tear of the supraspinatus and anterior half of the infraspinatus. There was impressive reactive synovitis and subacromial and sub deltoid bursitis. An extensive debridement ensued of the soft tissues including a biopsy of the synovium prior to being able to attempt a cuff repair. A transosseous equivalent repair was performed. Remember I had no should pain, weakness or discomfort before getting my injection from a nurse in the doctor’s office. I am frustrated annoyed and depressed over what this has caused me in loss of work, my home & family life, and just the inability to do what I enjoy most at this time of the year. There is also the hint from the surgeon about permanent damage to be determined after PT is complete and other complications in the future. I regret the day I stepped foot in my doctor’s office for a simple, routine physical.
You could make a claim for compensation to the Office of Special Masters of the US Court of Federal Claims, including compensation for lost work (see this article – http://www.wired.com/2015/09/cases-shoulder-injuries-vaccines-increasing/ You could also sue the doctor who gave the shot (most doctors have insurance to cover losses from suits), but I’d try making a claim to the Court of Federal Claims first.
I have posted previously in February. It is now the middle of June. Still have pain. Hurts in the morning especially if I have slept on my left side. Wakes me up at night. The pain has changed to more in the upper arm area where the shot was given. Sometimes depending on the movement it is a shooting pain. Gave up going to Drs. but have my physical next week. I really do not hold out any hope that I will be told anything different. I am still getting medical massage, but it is temporary. Hopefully time will help. I do baby the arm and am afraid the muscles are getting weak in the process.
There is a Federal Trust Fund set aside for people who are injured by vaccines. The statute of limitations to recovery from the National Vaccine Compensation Fund is three years from the date of the onset of symptoms. Ed Kraus is a law professor at Chicago-Kent Law School in Chicago, IL who handles cases of vaccine injury at no cost to the person who is eligible to file a case. See
Actually, I thought I’d provide a little more information than I did in that last reply.
To bring a claim for injury by vaccine, you must first go through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). To learn more about how the program works and why it was set up, you can visit the VICP website at: http://www.hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation/index.html.
The VICP court will provide you with a list of lawyers who can file an injury claim.
Since my last post 3/2015, I started a 9 wk. Pulmonary Rehab program. During the 3rd wk, my instructor gave me a stronger stretch band to do stretches while practicing breathing techniques. I felt fine, just sore. A few days later, I woke up and was unable to lift my left arm and felt excruciating pain. I was diagnosed with a frozen shoulder and referred to PT. I got 2 corticosteroid injections, 1 in the back of my shoulder and the other in the front, in the joint. My left arm started burning the same night so I had to go up on the Neurontin until controlled. I started having pain in my neck, shoulder, down to my forearm, to my wrist into my hand. A few weeks into therapy, I noticed my left wrist was becoming painful. The same night I was awakened by pain in my wrist and swelling. I had to put a pillow under my wrist to move. Fluid was taken off my wrist to check for infection. I was admitted to the hospital. The next day, swelling went down but still painful. I was discharged with unknown reason why this happened to my wrist. I was told to f/u with my Rheumatologist and the Hand Surgeon Team. Rheumatologists did not think I had a RA Flare because only 1 joint was affected. RA Flare is 2 joints affected. Hand Surgeon Team knew I didn’t need surgery and referred me back to Rheumatology. F/u with Orthopaedic dr about neck, shoulder pain. Referred back to PT, a neck dr and an ultrasound injection. I am overwhelmed with all the traumatic experiences since I got the vaccines. Please keep me in your prayers.
I am 21 years old and 10 months ago improperly received a flu shot from a student nurse. All of the senior nursing students were giving out free flu vaccinations at a university health fair. Little did I know that 10 months later I would be diagnosed with a massive partial rotator cuff tear that requires surgery. 70% of my infraspinatus muscle is detached from the bone. I have been experiencing intermittent pain ever since I received the flu shot back in October 2014. Immediately when the student injected the needle into my shoulder, I knew she had placed the injection site too high. I was shocked that the needle even went into my arm. I thought she had hit my bone, but surprisingly I felt no pain. Little did I know that the nights to come would bring with them the most excruciating pain I had ever experienced. I saw my school’s orthopedist, who told me it was probably just inflammation and would subside with time. About one month later I went to the ER because the pain increased again. The ER doctor actually said that he had never of the flu shot causing any serious injury. When I explained to him what I read online about bursitis and requested that he ultrasound my shoulder, he did nothing. In December I saw an orthopedic surgeon rated well by others. The surgeon went to Harvard Medical School. And he too refused to ultrasound my arm. He said that he has seen a few patients with similar complaints following vaccinations, but that it was nothing to worry about. He said that my shoulder was inflamed and might not subside for up to 6-12 months. When I mentioned bursitis to him, he blew me off and said that it may or may not be bursitis. I asked him what activities I can do and which I should avoid, I asked if I should do physical therapy, I asked if I should receive a cortisone shot, and I asked if I should be on a prescription anti-inflammatory medication regimen. If I hadn’t brought up any of these questions, this doctor would have simply walked out of the room and left. He clearly couldn’t care less about my situation. He said I could do whatever activity I wanted and to use Advil or Aleve if my arm hurt, and that is all. Then he left. Beyond ignorant. So now it’s July. The pain in my shoulder came back once again. Because I’m currently on summer break, I had time to see a different sports medicine doctor. Thank god the sports medicine doctor was wise enough to ultrasound my shoulder immediately. His reaction to the presence of a rotator cuff tear was horrifying. His exact words were “I have never seen a rotator cuff tear this large in any person or any athlete your age.” Then he continued to say “This type of injury requires massive trauma.” So I asked him what type of massive trauma. His response was “Trauma equivalent to that acquired from falling off a building and landing on your shoulder”. I was hysterical. I was right this entire time!!!! I had asked three doctors over the last 9 months to ultrasound my arm. I told them how I annually receive the flu shot and have never experienced this much pain. My limited range of motion in my shoulder was extremely abnormal. None of the doctors until now had listened. And that stupid nursing student has permanently ruined my shoudler. I need to have arthroscopic rotator cuff repair surgery in two weeks. And the recovery process for this type of surgery isn’t an easy one. I will likely never achieve full range of motion on my shoulder. And it will take 6 months to a year before my shoulder will feel somewhat normal.. I CANNOT BELIEVE this all happened from a flu shot. I just hope healthcare professionals are educated on the severe consequences that can result from improper vaccination administration.
I am so glad I have found this to read. I absolutely believe my doctor’s office too gave my shots ( I had 3 that day) too high in my right arm and this was back in January and my shoulder has never been the same. I cannot cross my arm over my body, can’t straighten it up all the way, can’t put my arm behind my back , its hard to get dressed and sleep. My mother also had bursitis and they gave her an injection of a cortizone shot and it took care of it. The fear is another shot and will that person know what they are doing… Thanks for your blog!
I posted in June. Not much progress. Had my Dr.’s appointment and they wanted me to go to a Chronic Pain Dr. No thanks. Just more drugs. Started going to a personal trainer and continue the massage therapy. Since the shot in December and the lack of me using my left arm, the muscles – especially the middle deltoid – has atrophied. Both the training and the massage helps. I am supposed to put ice packs on it 3 times a day and I have exercises that I have to do. Some days better than others. After 7 months I would think it would be better. It still hurts where I got the shot. I’m just going to keep plugging away and hope with time and the training and massage, it will eventually get better.
Thanks for this post. I just received my 2015 flu vaccine today from a pharmacy. Prior to administration, I stopped the pharmacist and politely told him the site seemed high. I asked if he could please administer it where I believe it should go since I work as a nurse. I apologized for telling him what to do, as I know it is rude to boss people around on the job. He responded with gratitude and admitted he did not know that he initially chose an improper site.
I use the triangle technique for injecting into deltoids. This includes finding the acromion process as a landmark. Put two fingers down below the acromion process. Take your other hand and make a peace sign with it. Hold your peace sign below your other hand, which has the two fingers extended below the acromion process. Inject your medication into the center of the triangle you have just outlined.
There are other concerns as well, such as needle length and diameter. It’s unclear if that could have also played a part in OP’s shoulder injury.
I had this happen in November 2012. I had two vaccinations given in both arms. I couldn’t lift either for 2-3 months. Oral anti-inflamitories helped for one side, but not the other. I, on the other hand felt a very sharp pain as the shot that was delivered into the shoulder that is still bad. After months of physical therapy, an MRI showed bursitis, a small rotator cuff tear and synovitis. (Note that I have never had shoulder problems before.) I had shoulder surgery and more physical therapy. It’s better than it was, but I still have pain and I doubt I’ll ever be able to throw a ball well with my kids, or play volleyball again. Thinking about litigation. Has anyone been successful?
I to am thinking about litigation. I ended up with adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder) and am out at least $1000 from MRI, cortizone shot, and physical therapy. I’m at around 85% mobility after 1 1/2 years. What I am noticing as a common diagnose is a small rotator cuff tear in most people on this site. Could that be from the actual injection into the rotator??? I would also like to hear about successful litigation.
Supposedly there is a government website you can go to to receive compensation for this injury
I will never get a flu shot again, but I believe it was the location the shot was given was the problem. I tell everyone I can to be careful when getting the flu shot or any shot and make sure it is not given too high (3 fingers below the shoulder joint is the proper location). I have about a 10% permanent disability in my shoulder, but most likely will never sue. My doctor still does not believe this can happen from the shot location.
I’m so sorry Jim. This is a very frustrating situation when our doctors don’t believe, agree, or support us. On this site you will find where to file with government about your injury and another for compensation.
If you google wisely you can find a lot of cases that have settled for pretty big $$. Try search terms like SIRVA, US Court of Federal Claims, USCOFC, “Special Master”, etc. There are law firms who specialize in this. I personally know someone who used a firm in Boston and got a pretty big payout. Conway Homer is the firm and they have vaccine lawyer info on their website. They will talk to you to assess the case at no cost to you.
I found this article because I was searching for shoulder pain after a flu shot. I have Sarcoidosis, so I am already on prednisone. I was very nervous getting my shot because I was at the doctor’s office for a sick appointment. I also told her she should probably go with the other arm because my left is full of metal from a previous shoulder injury. She said none of my concerns were problems and injected in the left arm anyway. It was a little high and she was standing and I was sitting, but I really didn’t know it would be a problem. She gave me a tetanus shot on the other side. I have also been having severe headaches since I got the shots. Did you have a headache? Not sure if it is from the flu or tetanus vaccine. I guess I am just lucky she didn’t injure both shoulders . When giving the shots. I am currently uninsured because I am on disability from the sarcoidosis, so I went to the local clinic, didn’t know the nurse practitioner that injected me at all. Thank you for your informative article. It helped explain why I can’t seem to move my arm and it is the first article that did.
On 27 March 2014 I was given a flu vaccine high on my shoulder under a vaccine program at work. Everyone else said it didn’t hurt a bit, but when I had my shot, it hurt sharply right away. The nurse stabbed in the needle high into my shoulder and I believe she injected the vaccine into the bursa.
It hurt more as the day wore on & my arm became sore like the dull ache from a bruise. I saw the doctor, and the chiropractor & I contacted the medical service that gave the injection & was told to take anti-inflammatory medication, which I did not do as I don’t take anything.
18 months later I still have significant discomfort every day from my left shoulder down to my inner elbow. It hurts to reach behind me, it hurts to undress, drive, sew, knit, lift my arms up to take off clothes, unlatching my bra is a killer, as is reaching behind the seat in the car, reaching or lifting something sideways. Sometimes the pain is so sharp it takes my breath away. It also hurts when I am lying in bed. It seems to feel worse when its cold & rubbing the area between my shoulder & inner elbow helps a bit. If anyone can offer any suggestions on treatments I am open to all suggestions. I thought that given time, it would get better, but it hasn’t.
I am a believer in nature healing injuries, I have taken no medication for this, but I am still having regular chiropractic treatment every 4-6 weeks, which helps a bit, and increases mobility in my shoulder. I am sorry to say, that the pain & discomfort & aching soreness really has not got any better despite this.
I am beginning to think that this is now permanent pain which will never go away. I live in Australia.
I want to empathize with you and say mine as September 2014 and I have had the same problems since then. Often things do get better over time and this has gotten slightly better but I still have lots of trouble sleeping. Heat does seem to help some. Goodluck and I hope it feels a little better to know you are certainly not alone and you are RIGHT about the cause of your shoulder injury! Best wishes.
It has been almost 10 months. Still have constant pain, limited mobility and weakness. Went to an orthopedic dr last week. More x-rays and MRI. They are now thinking frozen shoulder, but of course they say it is not from the shot. I really don’t understand why Dr.’s get all defensive when you say this all happened within 12 hours of the shot. Continue massage therapy which is a great relief. Orthopedic dr said no personal training until I see him again. I am expecting my first grandbaby in April and would really like to be able to hold it. I am also thinking about litigation, but I just can’t decide. I have missed alot of work and since I am self-employed that hurts. At this point money isn’t going to make me better and that is all I want.
I’ve been advised more than once to get a lawyer. Also, the Government has money set aside for this issue, SIRVA, I am told. Look into it.
This just happened to me.
Here is what my shoulder looks like 11 (yes ELEVEN) days after the shot.
I have never bled nor bruised after a shot and my entire shoulder hurts. Like you, I can’t sleep on that side.
I posted a photo of my 11 day old bruise here
I am also an RN and in my third trimester with my 2nd child. I received a flu vaccine in my left shoulder on Oct 2, 2015. I too thought it was given high due to the location of a dark bruise. I am still having significant pain in this shoulder particularly raising my arm above my head and crossing it over my head. It sort of catches and also makes a crackling sound. Tomorrow will be 7 days since I received a Tdap vaccine in my right shoulder, it is still very sore also– with the exception of limited range of motion. However I believe this is how the flu shot started on the left side- felt significant muscular soreness at first followed by now what is joint pain and limited range of motion. If I don’t wear a shirt that stretches it’s almost impossible to remove it- like a scrub top. I’m very disappointed in the situation especially because there’s not much of anything that can be done for it at this point since I’m pregnant. I’ve considered calling my PCP but I know that physical therapy is about the only thing that can be done at this point. I have never been “anti-vaccine” in my life but due to this I will much can more strongly weigh the positives and negatives the next time I consider getting one. I have never even heard of SIRVA!
When my flu shot was given, I felt a very sharp pain – never experienced anything like that when given an injection. A few days later, the same pain returned and has been constant ever since. Tylenol helps somewhat, but I can’t lift my arm up or sleep on my left side.
I thought the injection that was being administered was too high, but I didn’t say anything because it was being administered by a nurse in my doctor’s office.
I have had problems with bursitis in the past and it looks like now it’s returned. I will be talking to my doctor about this now that I have this information . I’m 70 and have a lot of aches and pains, so I’ll just add one more. I am sorry for all the young people who may have to deal with this for a very long time.
Thank you so much for telling your story and thanks to every one who posted.
I went in to see the doc (my PC wasn’t in so I saw someone else so that they could fit me in the next day)
The shot did not go into my bursa or anywhere else it shouldn’t have, but it was given too high so it went into a “bad” section of the deltoid.
It 2 1/2 weeks post vaccination, the bruise is finally healing and I’m not having difficulty taking my shirt off at the end of the day. (I noted that someone else had trouble raising or crossing their arm when lifted over the head)
Ibuprofen helps although I try not to take it.
The doc I saw told me to say something if anyone ever comes at me with a needle that high again. (next year I WILL be saying something before I let anyone touch me)
Someone above mentioned TDAP; those always hurt, bad, for a few days (but not as bad as lockjaw)
I do not believe I have any permanent damage, it’s just taking a long time to get better.
OMGoodness! I’ve been fighting frozen shoulder since Oct 2015 and after a year into it I’ve spent $1,000’s. Never even thought about the flu shot UNTIL I got this years flu shot a few weeks ago in the “good” arm. Only to start feeling the same type of pain start up as exactly one year ago. The light bulb went off….could the flu shot be causing this? Surely not! I’m sick to my stomach now!!! The pain has been so excruciating over the past year….and to know it may be happening with both arms?
I had this exact same experience. It’s been almost 2.5 years and I still have pain at the injection site (high on the deltoid muscle almost to my shoulder cap) I have a hard time sleeping comfortably and the pain radiates down my bicep when I try to lift anything above my shoulder. It’s in my right arm and I am right handed. I am afraid this will never get better.
OMG!!! When I started reading this I would have sworn I had written it. It completely mimics what has and is happening to me. I’m a nurse on Nov 11, 2016 I went to CVS since hospital does not give employees the preservative free vaccine. Pharmacist at CVS gave me flu vaccine. I sat he is tall and remained standing. He wiped my upper upper arm shoulder I said oh wait he said “don’t be a baby” and stuck me. I knew it was too high. But didn’t know what problems it would cause till following days when pain got worse and arm got numb heavy and fingers tingled. Went to neuro he gave me steroids helped first day then back to same pain. Pain is worse at night and unrelieved despite any medications. Muscle relaxers or hydrocodone help me sleep but make me groggy next day and pain is still there. Finally got MRI yes it shows fluid and bursitis in shoulder. I initially spoke with Corporate CVS they pretty much said we’lol speak with pharmacist good luck. I called back today over s month later and explained still in pain and paying out lots of money for Drs and meds and still remain in pain. Rep stated she will fill out papers to reimburse me for my expenses. Not sure how that will turn out but if CVS doesn’t assume responsibility I may check into an attorney. Not sure how long this pain will last or how it will resolve. Neuro said I also cannot ever get flu vaccine again because he thinks it’s auto immune reaction and next time would be worse. Any ideas for relief are helpful. Thanks.
My shoulder is back to 100% after visits for acupuncture. Try looking on-line for info about this as a treatment for shoulder pain after a flu shot.
My flu shot was October 23rd 2015. Thank you as that is my next that step after two MRIs x-ray cortisone shots prednisone anti-inflammatory medication pain medication neurontin physical therapy. First I was diagnosed with muscle strain then sent to orthopedic doctor where diagnosis has gone from inflammation of bursa and rotator cuff tendonopothy then shoulder impingement now cervical some too small bulging disc in neck though I still have the pain in the shoulder and unable to lay on that side. I was off work a month and a half on workers compensation now back at work on light duty but even that causes discomfort. I unfortunately did not see the placement of my flu injection but I remember having no pain from it thinking the nurse did a good job but that evening commented on how much my shoulder was aching knowing that was not the norm. I too am a nurse and I’ve had a flu shot every year for many years. The work comp Doctors I have seen do not want to admit this has anything to do with the flu shot but I know it’s too much of a coincidence that it started the day I received the shot after receiving the shot. I did not injure myself at work prior to going upstairs and receiving my flu shot. I am trying to find a doctor that has experience dealing with this problem if anyone knows of a doctor in San Diego please reply.
Mary, could you post some history on receiving your flu shot, your diagnosis, what you treatments you had, and how long it took overall to get to point of no pain? Thank you.
My flu shot was in Nov 2013. By mid Dec, I was desperate and went for acupuncture. I had significant improvement after about 6 visits, as in I could sleep again and not think about by shoulder constantly. It took 22 visits to get almost back to normal (May 2014). Try a Google search for acupuncture to treat frozen shoulder and rotator cuff injuries. This is what I found and took to my acupuncturist. http://www.drchernish.com/treatment-of-shoulder-pain-after-the-flu-shot/ I also found exercises for frozen shoulder on line that helped helped get me back to 100% after May 2014 . My visits were not covered by insurance but were at a discount. To me the cost was well worth it.
Thank you so much for your reply! I have my first acupuncture appt today. Thankfully my visits will be covered by workers comp because I had my flu shot at my place of business where they require you to get them. That is one thing I am very grateful for that I had the flu shot done while at work buy them so now it’s covered. I will let you know how the acupuncture treatments work for me. Thank you again.
MaryR, I’ve had about 6 acupuncture visits that was all that was approved so now I’m waiting for the next round to be approved I think it’s helped on the lower part of my arm but then today at work I was pulling down some patient charts from up above and my arm is been really hurting ever since. It’s mostly in the bicep tendon area and in front of the shoulder and goes up the side of my neck. Ask the orthopedic doctor to do an MRI with contrast I was told this would show any tears are other problems that the MRI without contrast didn’t show. He said the workers comp insurance probably would not approve it. And then he suggested doing exploratory surgery haha I said no not without the MRI showing what the problem is. I’m starting to think a lawyer is the next step if the acupuncture doesn’t work or they won’t approve more visits. And also seek a second opinion actually it would be my third or fourth opinion.
Actually mine seems to be a little better than it used to be. My shot was in late 2014. I did get another vaccine in late 2015 down much lower. I do still have nights when it bothers me a lot but it’s not constant like it used to be. I hope everyone gets the help they need. My PCP never admitted doing anything wrong so now I”ve changed PCPs and this one, especially since her nurse didn’t cause the problem, is very sympathetic to my cause. Goodluck everyone. It’s real and no one is exaggerating their symptoms!!!!! I’m glad SIRVA exists for recognition at least!
I’m suffering from the same symptoms – shooting pain through my upper arm when I move my arm above my head in any direction – but from a hooping cough jab. Good to read I’m not alone but concerning that this is seemingly a fairly common problem with no information regarding potential side effects supplied prior to receiving the jab. It wasn’t my usual doctor, this one was REALLY old and doddery – i should have listened to my instincts and not let him do it 🙁 . I’m on 10 days of pain now and if anything it’s getting worse. I’m going to go to my regular GP tomorrow to see what they make of it. Hope everyone suffering from it makes a full recovery!
YOU DESCRIBED EVERYTHING I AM CURRENTLY EXPERIENCING!! I am 7 months pregnant and was given the TDap Vaccine 7 days ago. High up on arm. I felt NOTHING. Was rly happy about that. By the 3rd day… There was soreness. By the 4th I lost some range of motion…. 7 days later I am using ice to mask the pain. I cant sleep. I cant move my arm in certain directions…. it is veeeery stiff and painful upon waking in the am. It becomes more tolerable as the day progresses but still limited movement … and pain flares up if I overuse it what little I can. 🙁 Like… if I reach with it too much, it aggravates the condition
Since I am pregnant, no IB. I feel pain down to my elbow… sometimes my hand. The nurse called and said take tylenol… do alt hot and cold packs. Call back if nothing improves.
I feel for you Monique being pregnant and now dealing with this. I have been following this blog for a couple years now. The flu shot gave me a frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis). The medical people do not want to admit to anything. My shoulder got better after I had a MRI, cortisone shot, then 6 weeks of physical therapy, but I only got between 85-90% mobility back. You could have this, you would only know if you get an MRI. Most people that get stabbed too high in the bursa, then end up with bursitis. For you, maybe too early to tell. Hopefully the ice and heat help. Good luck.
I am also pregnant and received the TDaP 1 week ago – by the next day, I knew that the pain I was feeling wasn’t normal. I noticed that she administered the vaccination in my arm quite high. After a week of not sleeping I went to my PCP who gave me a cortisone injection – that was 10 hours ago now, and I am already feeling relief. She said it was safe as the cortisone is localized and doesn’t pass to baby – I trust her in that. Never again will my OB’s nurse come near me. I am hoping my recovery from this is quick and I can move on and forget about this – reading about how long this lasts for some people is terrifying! I would see if maybe your PCP would also administer a cortisone injection for you.
Jim, why do you think the medical community won’t address this issue? I agree. My work comp orthopedic Dr won’t either. It’s been since Oct 23, 2015 day of receiving flu shot and still in pain, though not as severe as initially, and this is after 2 MRIs, cortisone shots, meds, PT, and acupuncture. Thanks for your input.
Bonilvn, my primary physician said no way did his nurse give me the shot too high. No way to prove. Frozen shoulder can be caused by many other things or NOTHING AT ALL…I’m just glad I went in to Physical Therapy early. Some frozen shoulders require a painful surgery.
Thanks. My pain is mainly in my left deltoid, bicep, scapula area and neck, but I have ROM. Never had a frozen shoulder, thankfully. Going to ask for a nerve test next. The MRIs don’t seem to show anything that serious to be causing all this, just bicep tendinitis and 2 small bulging disks in neck, per Dr. Now possibly shoulder impingement. PT again to “strengthen”, as that’s the problem, per Dr. Best to you and everyone with this problem.
Totally believable if you’ve been there, experienced that. My nightmare happened about twenty-five years ago. Several days after the flu shot, which, by the way my husband took every year without incident, I developed weakness and severe stinging in all parts of my body. My ears rang, I became depressed and forgetful. My doctor diagnosed me with a mild case of Guillon Barre Syndrome (spelling?). I stumbled through life for the next five years with my symptoms never abating. I finally found a doctor who gave me some medicine that somewhat alleviated my symptoms but did not
cute them. Eventually, I got off the meds but left me with chronic
nerve pain in my lower extremities. I have lived for thirty years with constant but moderate
nerve stinging in my legs and feet. I am now accustomed it. It is more of
just a sensation than a painful intrusion on my life the way it was in the early
days after it struck me. My husband, on the other hand took the
flu shots for years and years without incidence. Before he took them, he came
down with the flu every winter. For the rest of his life, the flu shots stopped his coming down with the
flu in its tracks. So, flu shots help some people but devastate others. Too bad no one
has figured out why.