A Wet Fourth of July

Mira ready for the 4th of July parade

How was your Fourth of July? Ours had its ups and downs, but mostly had a lot of water. Mira was so excited for this year's holiday because she was going to be in a parade for the first time. Her … [Continue reading...]

Cleaner Air Inside The Car With FRAM (Giveaway!)

Cabin filter

When I was picking the kids up from their first day of summer camp (for real this time!), we were stopped at a light on the way home and Mira noticed a huge dust cloud go across the road as the … [Continue reading...]

Mom’s Words of Wisdom for Healthy Living #momwisdom

Hydration Movement logo

Thanks to Nestlé® Pure Life® Purified Water for sponsoring today's discussion. Do you ever think back to those sage words of advice your mom may have given you when you were younger and you now … [Continue reading...]

Looking Ahead

She likes to win.

Cordy had her first meeting with a behavioral therapist  last week. Her psychologist had recommended setting up a meeting, but it had slipped my mind until last Wednesday when the therapist called and … [Continue reading...]

Make Your Instagram & Facebook Apps Less Annoying

The Facebook Message bubble

I love technology, and I love my social media apps for my iPhone. However, one thing I'm not so fond of is when an app is "upgraded" to provide new features and automatically turns ON those features … [Continue reading...]

Birthdays Don’t Stop To-Do Lists.

Driver's license photos never look good

Today I'm 37 years old. Light the candles, dim the lights! Sing it with me, everyone! Hap-py birth-day to meeee, I'm go-ing to the BMV To get my new li-cense For a $25 fee! (And don't forget … [Continue reading...]

Because I Know You All Care About My Health

Vitamin D - Super Vitamin!

You do care, right? Or at the very least, you're interested in learning about my health woes so you don't make the same mistakes. Hey, I'm OK with that. I'm a giver. Not only did I have a big area … [Continue reading...]