Scale Happiness

So this happened over the weekend:

Yikes, my scale looks filthy on camera!

Excitement? Yep, I was pretty damn happy. The first time in my adult life being under 160lbs – probably the first time I’ve been under 160 since I was 15 years old. A mere 1.8lbs away from the goal weight I set for myself when I weighed 212lbs and more.

However, I know my body too well. It couldn’t last, and two days later I was back to 161. Still…I saw it. I have proof it happened. Which means I can make it happen again.

If I charted out daily weights for myself, you’d see a lot of little ups and downs. Of course, the valleys have been greater than the peaks, leading to the overall downward trend, but I never let a single weigh-in be the concrete number that I’ll believe in.

I’m frustrated that my weight popped right back up after that short, celebratory scale reading. (I stepped on the scale three times that morning to make sure it wasn’t an error on the scale.) That frustration has turned into determination to see this through to the end and reach my goal.

So yeah, I’m thrilled at seeing 159.8. And I’m looking forward to seeing it again – and numbers lower than it – very soon.

Slim-Fast Update – It’s Nearly the End!

OK, first off: thank you. I wasn’t looking for compliments when I wrote my last post, but I truly appreciated all of the kind comments on here and on Facebook and Twitter.

I still re-read that post and mostly agree with it. The self-perception goggles we wear when we look in the mirror can be our worst enemies sometimes. I wish I could still be five years old, wearing a mis-matched outfit, messy hair, scrape on my arm and dirt on my face and think I am fabulous! Instead, I have to setting for constantly reminding myself that no, my own perception is skewed and no matter how bad I think I look, it probably isn’t that bad.

Ah well, work in progress, I guess. And I’ll keep working on it.

Anyway, I’m coming up on the end of my four months serving as a Women of Wow Ambassador for Slim-Fast. I can’t believe it’s gone by so quickly! When I first started, I wondered if I could keep up with using the Slim-Fast products without getting bored. But now that I’m over three months in, I now wonder why I ever worried? This is about as easy as it can get!

I still start nearly every morning with a Slim-Fast shake, either French Vanilla or my favorite, Rich Chocolate Royale. Mornings are chaotic around here, and I simply don’t have time to make myself breakfast while I’m getting the kids ready for school, packing their lunches, and starting my work day.

The shake is a perfect solution: it’s quick, tasty and filling. I can drink it while checking my email, or if I’m having a particularly rough morning, I can drink it in the car while taking Mira to preschool. The protein and fiber keep me feeling full for most of the morning – some days I don’t even notice I’m hungry until lunchtime, skipping a morning snack entirely. As someone who used to skip breakfast routinely (or eat something very unhealthy), a quick shake is the perfect solution and keeps me from reaching a ravenous state of hangry (you know, angry from being so hungry) by late morning.

I alternate Slim-Fast snack bars with other 100-calorie snacks now. It’s been great to discover that I can still snack without blowing my plan for the day. I always keep a Slim-Fast snack bar in my purse for when hunger hits when I’m not at home. At home, though, I’ll also include a small Greek yogurt, or baby carrots and a cheese stick, or a 100-calorie pack of almonds in my snack rotation.

The results of the past three months have been great, though: I’m down six pounds, which doesn’t sound like a lot, but I’ve also lost an inch from my waist and an inch and a half from my hips. I feel healthier, I look better, and I’ve done it all without starving myself or putting myself through any kind of torture. That’s the right way to lose weight!

I’m four lousy pounds away from reaching my goal. FOUR POUNDS. It’s gonna happen this year for sure, and I’m certain it’s going to happen before my birthday in June, just like I said it would.

My plan for the next month is to get back to my couch to 5K plan (which derailed during spring break) and fit in more boot camp classes to build more muscle. There’s a 5K at the end of May that I’m planning to enter, and I’d prefer to run more than walk it.

I’m planning for a GREAT summer!

Full disclosure: This post was created in connection with my appointment as an Ambassador in the Slim-Fast Women of WOW! Program. Visit to join the conversation.

Perception vs Reality

(Note: this post includes photos of me in a sports bra.  Just giving fair warning.)

Last week, while at dinner with extended family, one family member who hadn’t seen me in awhile remarked on how good I looked. Well, specifically she said, “Are you still trying to lose weight? You need to stop that, you don’t need to lose any more weight.” (Jewish grandmothers for the win.)

At first I convinced myself that she was just trying to be nice, but I also know her well enough to understand that she rarely hides what she’s really thinking. Beyond the Jewish grandmother desire to make sure kids and grandkids (and in my case, the wife of a step-grandson) are eating well, she really thought I looked good and didn’t need to lose any more weight.

Of course, I immediately wrote off her comments in my head and told myself, it’s just the outfit making me look slimmer, ’cause there’s NO WAY I look like someone who doesn’t need to lose weight. I’m still overweight, I’m still huge!

And then the logical part of my brain gave me a swift kick and said I needed a perception check.

It’s no wonder that some people who lose a large amount of weight have trouble with body image. I was obese for so long that when I look in the mirror I still see myself at my largest. I occasionally notice some positive changes, but much of the time I still see myself as large.

Before I started actively trying to lose weight, I looked like this:

Not sure of the weight, but it wasn’t my highest. Few photos exist of my highest weight.

This was me when I started blogging about my weight loss efforts:

I was 212 lbs here.

And this was me this weekend:

This is 163 lbs.

Yes, obviously there are some differences, but when I look at the two photos I don’t see much of a difference. I stare at the new photo and have trouble looking beyond the continuation of flaws. Some parts may be smaller, but they’re still large.

Losing weight is hard enough, but the mental game that goes with it makes it even more difficult. I don’t want to think of myself as fat. I’d rather be proud of all I’ve accomplished. But instead the little voice in my head looks at photos and whispers So much for all that work – you don’t look any different. Your belly still hangs over your waistband, your thighs still rub together, your hips are huge. Why keep going through all that pain?

I hate that little voice. I hate how it tears me down and makes me doubt everything. It strips me of any self-esteem. I wear a medium shirt size now, and still find myself baffled every time I put one on. Why is this fitting me? Are they vanity sizing shirts now? I can’t even believe that this body could possibly wear a medium, when I’m sure I’m still an XL.

I’m five pounds from the goal I set for myself years ago, and now I’m already doubting that it will be enough. How much more will I need to lose to feel fit and healthy? Will I set a new goal and then continue to feel fat if I reach that new goal? I worry that I may never be happy with my weight, but have no idea how to find that happiness.

This post is full of questions with few answers. I know it’s my own mind blocking me from seeing the changes to myself, but I don’t know how to change that. There are diets and exercises to change the body, but now I need to find the right program to change the mind. Otherwise any transformation I make will never be complete, because while I may eventually be seen as fit by those looking from the outside, I will still be fat when looking from the inside.

I never intended this post to be such a downer. It’s a shame that so often we condition ourselves to see only the fat, the wrinkles, the imperfections in ourselves. Photoshop and the worship of the impossibly “perfect” (and too-thin) body probably doesn’t help with this. The media promotes the impossible body, and we are constantly bombarded with the message that the polished, re-touched images we see are what we should strive to be, while advertisers also encourage us to eat high-calorie junk food with abandon.

There are women out there doing fantastic work in the area of body acceptance, and I probably should be paying more attention to them. This isn’t how I feel all the time – just some of the time. I considered not posting this at all, but I also want to be completely honest. Not discussing the mental battle would give only a partial image of what it’s like to lose weight, and I know I’m not the only one who has looked in the mirror and felt like I’ve accomplished so little.

So yeah, here I am. I feel fat. And I know I shouldn’t.

My brain needs new glasses, because the current ones are out of focus.

Slim-Fast Plan Day (& Giveaway!)

I started couch-to-5K again a little over a week ago, starting with week two but then jumping to week three on Wednesday. I’m proud to say I’ve kept going with it, and if this raging sore throat I have today doesn’t stop me, I’ll start week four today.

Exercise goes hand-in-hand with good nutrition, and I credit a lot of that to starting the Slim-Fast plan. The shakes and meal bars are full of vitamins and minerals and have the right balance of nutrients to keep me going, which is more than I can say for my previous breakfast of toast. Or nothing, which is a breakfast I don’t recommend at all.

Today just happens to be 3/21, which Slim-Fast has declared the Slim-Fast Plan Day. (Get it? 3/21 = the Slim-Fast 3-2-1 plan. It’s like Pi day, but with a guilt-free chocolate shake instead of pie.) To celebrate, I’ve got a few goodies to pass along to some of you!

First, I’ve got two coupons for free Slim-Fast products. You can either use the coupon on a free four pack of shakes or a box of meal bars – your choice! Two winners will receive one coupon each.

And the grand prize: a gorgeous scarf to accessorize for Spring! While I was at Studio Wow! in New York, I met with Jacqui Stafford for some fashion tips. I told her accessories were one thing I didn’t feel comfortable with, so Jacqui turned to a wall of Bindya NY scarves and plucked one off the wall to drape around my neck.

The wall of scarves – beautiful!

She showed me how easy it was to dress up an outfit with a scarf as well as several ways to wear it. After her instruction, I tried out this look at Blissdom and I think I did a good job at making it work!

It’s a fuzzy pic, but you get the idea.

One winner will be selected to win a scarf from Jacqui’s collection to help you look fantastic for your moment of Wow! (Pattern of scarf will vary but I guarantee it’ll look great.)

So that’s three winners total for Slim-Fast Plan Day: two getting a coupon for free Slim-Fast products, one getting a fantastic Bindya scarf. (And yes, it’s possible to win both the scarf and a coupon if declares you to be very lucky!)

To enter: leave a comment below telling me your favorite accessory. (This entry method is mandatory.) Be sure to leave your email address so I can contact you if you’re the winner.

For additional entries – optional, of course (1 per method – leave a separate comment for each):

Follow Slim-Fast on Twitter and leave a separate comment with your Twitter username.
– Like Slim-Fast on Facebook
– Leave a comment on one of my Women of Wow posts on the Slim-Fast Facebook page (leave a comment here with your FB name)
– Write on the Slim-Fast Facebook Wall that you entered the Slim-Fast Plan Day Giveaway at Losing My Hind with a link back to this post.

Entries will be accepted until Wednesday, March 28 at 11:59pm EDT. One entry per method, for up to five entries total, US residents only. After that date, three winners will be selected at random to receive each of the prizes. Winners will be contacted by email and each will have 48 hours to respond or an alternate winner will be selected.

Full disclosure: This post was created in connection with my appointment as an Ambassador in the Slim-Fast Women of WOW! Program. Visit to join the conversation.

Slim-Fast Women of Wow Update (& Giveaway!)

Alternate title – 166: So We Meet Again

I’ve been using the Slim-Fast shakes and bars for about three weeks now, so I thought it was time for an update. As you might guess from above, my weight is currently at 166 lbs, which just happens to be the lowest weight I’ve ever been as an adult. I hit this same number late last year, but never managed to get beneath it.

I started the year at 170 (after my holiday hibernation), so four pounds lost in a month isn’t shabby at all! But 166 is a tough number. I was actually at 166 a week ago, then jumped up to 168 out of the blue, and now I’m at 166 again after days of being diligent about my calorie intake.

I’m wishing on a star that this might be the week to officially get past this number on the scale, but I also know that my body seems to have some kind of threshold at 166. Apparently no one gave my body the message that insurance companies and doctors don’t consider me at a healthy weight until I weigh 158.

I have to admit that the past few weeks have been very easy when it comes to food. I have a Slim-Fast shake in the morning before I go to bed (I work night shift, remember), I eat a Slim-Fast snack bar or piece of fruit when I wake up, then I eat a normal dinner with my family. When I go to work, I either eat a low-cal frozen meal or Slim-Fast shake for my “lunch” and have one or two snacks of about 100 calories each. Overall, my daily calorie intake is usually between 1400-1600, which I keep track of by using the Lose It app on my iPhone.

On weekends, we tend to eat out more, but even eating out isn’t a trap for me – I keep to small portions and take the time to enjoy every bite. I’ve found my stomach is smaller now, and so it doesn’t take as much food for me to feel full. And surprisingly, the shakes really do help me feel full despite being liquid calories. (The vanilla one tastes like melted vanilla ice cream – yum!)

With my food intake under control, I have to turn my attention back to exercise now. I’m averaging about one workout a week at this point. If I want to get this weight off, I know I’ll need to move more. I’ve got eight more pounds to go until my goal, and I’m determined to get there.


Not only has Slim-Fast given me the tools to help me reach my goals, but they want to help you have your moment of wow, too! I’ve got one $50 American Express gift card to give to one lucky reader – use it towards new workout gear, an outfit to celebrate a milestone, or whatever you’d like!

To enter: leave a comment below telling me your favorite type of exercise. What type of exercise gets you motivated and keeps you coming back for more? Be sure to leave your email address so I can contact you if you’re the winner, too.

For additional entries (1 per method – leave a separate comment for each):

Follow me on Twitter and leave a separate comment with your Twitter username.
– Like Slim-Fast on Facebook
– Leave a comment on one of my Women of Wow posts on the Slim-Fast Facebook page (leave a comment here with your FB name)
– Write on the Slim-Fast Facebook Wall that you entered to win a $50 AMEX Gift Card at Losing My Hind with a link back to this post.

Entries will be accepted until Friday, February 17 at 11:59pm EST. One entry per method, for up to five entries total, US residents only. After that date, one winner will be selected at random to receive the $50 AMEX gift card. Winner will be contacted by email and will have 48 hours to respond or an alternate winner will be selected.

Also, visit these other Slim-Fast Women of WOW for additional chances to win!

Being Alison
Shop With Me Mama
Hollie’s Weight Loss Blog
Blessings Abound Mommy
Yellow Tennessee

Good luck!

Full disclosure: This post was created in connection with my appointment as an Ambassador in the Slim-Fast Women of WOW! Program. Visit to join the conversation.

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