
Laughing At My Child, Not With Her

There is nothing quite so funny as watching a toddler learn to jump. Cordelia wants to jump. Really, really, wants…

19 years ago

No Really, the President Made Me Late

Driving to work today, I noticed an unusually high number of police cars on the road. Every mile I covered,…

19 years ago

Valentine’s Day: Zombies, Witches, Crusaders, and Chocolate

Aaron and I are both procrastinators. So it didn't surprise either of us that we both planned on doing our…

19 years ago

An Education Update

As I mentioned at the beginning of the year, I've gone back to school to try my hand at another…

19 years ago

Weekend Recap

- There's something wrong when I see a Special K commercial featuring the Wiggles song "Hot Potato" in it. My…

19 years ago