
Hot Topic Monday: Porn, Porn, Porn!

(Can't wait to see the Google search hits after this post!)With the advent of the internet, we have all sorts…

19 years ago

Boogie Attack!

Did you ever notice that fingers and nostrils grow at the same pace? No matter how young, a child can…

19 years ago

My Daughter is Mindy from Animaniacs

This morning:Me: Cordy, are you ever gonna call me mom, mommy or mama?Cordy: Noooo(As an aside, she has only said…

19 years ago

The State of Education in American Schools

My friend Kristi is in the student teaching phase of getting her degree in Music Education. She's teaching at a…

19 years ago

17 Months

Cordy-bear,You've been with us 17 months today. It's hard to believe how big you are now, compared to just a…

19 years ago