
Rainy Day Madness

I hate rainy summer days. Here in Columbus there are far more outdoor places for kids than indoor places to…

18 years ago

My Daughter, the Klutz

I'm nearly recovered from my fall down the stairs last weekend. I was stiff and sore for several days, but…

18 years ago

Art That Cries

One post at Blogging Baby really struck a chord with me today. Dutch wrote about the site of an anonymous…

18 years ago

And Now I Ask For Help: A Contest (of sorts)

After being gifted with stuck reading my "Dear Google" help post, I now want to turn the tables to ask…

18 years ago

Because I’m Here to Help

Browsing through my sitemeter is a terrifying interesting activity. I especially love seeing how new people find my little blog.…

18 years ago