
You Don’t Have To Go Home, But You Can’t Stay Here

BlogHer 2006 is now done and over, and the Hyatt has been abandoned as everyone returns to their hometowns. Well,…

18 years ago

BlogHer 2007 Announcement

It's official:Blogher 2007July 27 & 28CHICAGO!!

18 years ago

BlogHer Day 2: Crowded

Yesterday there were roughly 300 tickets available for the conference, and it was sold out. Today, there were 750 tickets…

18 years ago

So I Got A Tattoo

No worries, Aaron, it's of the temporary kind. My Mommy Blogher tattoo There was free wine last night. Free, unlimited…

18 years ago

Day One Cocktail Party

Too drunk to blog. More in the morning. Me with Sarah Women with pasties (Liz, Kristen, Catherine, me) Sarah, Aaron…

18 years ago