
Baby’s First Scotch on the Rocks

A few weeks ago we were invited to a BBQ in the Middle of Nowhere, OH. (OK, stop laughing, there…

18 years ago

Wait, Let Me Turn Up My Hearing Aide…

Tonight Aaron and I were given our "time off for good behavior" pass, and my aunt watched Cordy so we…

18 years ago

When Marketing Goes Wrong

At BlogHer, we all received t-shirts from a condom company, along with samples. We've all complained about the size of…

18 years ago

The BlogHer Wrap-Up

I'm finally shutting up about BlogHer now, right after this post. I already miss everyone. I wish I was back…

18 years ago

Just Call Me A Mommyblogger

This post has been bouncing around in my head for days now, and I've had to start and stop it…

18 years ago