
Random Monday

There's a new Tide commercial that I just don't like. It features a woman with a baby, and the voice…

18 years ago

Little Cavemen

Dr. Harvey Karp said in his book, The Happiest Toddler on the Block, that toddlers should be thought of as…

18 years ago

September Blog Exchange: Divorce

A husband and wife are meeting in a restaurant to finalize the terms of their impending divorce. Write the scene…

18 years ago

Take Me Drunk, I’m Home

Since it's hard to steer away from a train wreck like Forbes.com, I had to check out their recently published…

18 years ago

Who Am I?

(Geek note: If you read this title and answered "I'm Jean Valjean!" or "2-4-6-0-1!", pat yourself on the head, you…

18 years ago