
Slowly Saving for Disney World

Last year, we took the kids to Walt Disney World for their first trip. It was not a cheap vacation,…

11 years ago

My BloggyCon13 and Cedar Point Whirlwind Weekend

I'm still recovering from a weekend so busy that it felt like five days instead of two and a half.…

12 years ago

I Left Reality Behind For Labor Day Weekend

Some people spend their Labor Day weekends watching football and having cookouts. Aaron and I spent our weekend in Atlanta…

12 years ago

Cedar Point Never Gets Old

There are some places we can visit over and over and still feel like it's new and exciting every single…

12 years ago

Surviving Disney World Part 2: Tips For At The Parks

It's been two months since we returned from our Disney World vacation, and I'm just now getting around to part…

12 years ago