the J-O-B

You’re Never Too Old To Stop Learning

"Mom, why do I have to go to school? Homework is so dull and boring! It's draining my life from…

11 years ago

Summer Changes

It's been a rather tumultuous seven days around here. Or as I like to call it...any typical week in this…

12 years ago

I Am Not An Island (And Neither Are You)

I've tried to avoid writing all week about the Mitt Romney secret tapes where he essentially stated that nearly half…

13 years ago

Did I Mention How Much I Dislike Uncertainty?

So remember how I said Aaron was being laid off at the end of May? Yeah, that. Well, he's not…

13 years ago

Brought To You By The Letter D (for Depressing)

No one likes to read bad news, and I don't really like writing about depressing things. But my little family…

13 years ago