
One Outfit, Two Kids, Three Years

One benefit of having two children of the same gender is reusing clothing for the second child. Yes, Mira will…

16 years ago

I’ll Send You Her Therapy Bills

I've noticed a trend lately among friends, family and even complete strangers when they lay eyes on my two little…

16 years ago

Haiku Friday: Smile!

We need a Christmascard picture, but getting bothkids to smile is hard.This one is cute buttoo bad the cat knocked…

16 years ago

What Happens When You’re Told "Mommy, Take A Picture Of Me!"

Mommy, look at me! Mira is an unwilling participant (and had a clothing change) If I thought for one minute…

17 years ago

A Birthday Party Quandary

In a perfect world, we would be celebrating Mira's first birthday today, the 21st. But the little diva decided that…

17 years ago