Promoting My New Gig

First off, did you know you’re a really smart bunch of readers? Thank you so much for sharing your frugal tips! There are many I had never thought of, and yet not one person told me to do something like washing out and reusing sandwich baggies. (Seriously? People do that?) I’ll be putting several of those tips into practice immediately, and I’m grateful for all of the advice.

Now, moving on to the real purpose of this post: Stefania over at CityMama is having a contest to help promote the new Being Savvy blogs, and I wanted to let you know so you could enter as well. As I’ve mentioned, I’m the editor of Being Savvy Columbus (hey Columbusites, have you subscribed to it yet?), and I’m really enjoying sharing the best of the city with everyone.

It’s kind of like being paid to go have fun with your kids – I’m required to go out and find the best of Columbus, which means I have to actually, you know, GO OUT and investigate new places to play and learn. Oh, the horrors, right? Actually, I’m finding all kinds of fun off-beat locales and I’ve learned I don’t know as much about my own city as I should. That’s changing, though.

There are several other cities in the Being Savvy blog list, written by some amazing bloggers you may already know, and I wanted to take the chance to mention them all here:

Shawn Burns (Silicon Valley)

Kim Mordecai (Sacramento) (coming soon!)

Jonathon Morgan (Austin)

Caitlin Giles (Chicago)

Mike Adamick (San Francisco)

Leticia (DC Metro)

Rachel Mosteller (Houston)

Casey of Moosh in Indy (Indianapolis)

Colleen (Delaney Diaries) (San Antonio)

Aimee of Greeblemonkey (Denver)

Rita Arens of Surrender Dorothy (Kansas City)

Jenny Ciampa (San Diego)

Bethany Dunn (Seattle)

Kelly Leahy (New Orleans)

Amy Kuras (Detroit)

Nicole Teed (Charleston)

Meredith Pelham (Nashville)

Julie Woo Yang (Honolulu)

Amy Davis (The Lovely Mrs. Davis) (Atlanta)

Becky (Tampa) (Tampa)

Heather Gibbs Flett(Rookie Moms) (Oakland/Berkeley)

Whitney Moss (Rookie Moms) (Oakland/Berkeley)

Kim Prince (San Fernando Valley)

Amelia Sprout (Minneapolis/St. Paul)

Jill Notkin (Boston)

Nina Moon (Los Angeles)

Gwendolyn Floyd (Vancouver)

Katie Mother Bumper (Toronto) (coming soon!)

If your city isn’t represented here, tell Stefania you want to see it in the list. Want to write it? Let her know that, too.

And if your city is here, be sure to check out your local blog. Maybe even talk it up a little, and in doing so enter CityMama’s contest.

Finally, I’ll ask a favor: would you like a pretty shiny button to add to your blog? If so, leave me a comment or e-mail me at amommystory [at] gmail [dot] com so I can send you the code for our Being Savvy buttons. Let me know which city blog you want it to link to.

I KNOW my smart and savvy Columbus bloggers will help me out. Right? Right? I’ll bake you cookies if you add a button. Wait…that’s not really an incentive, is it?

Give Me Your Best Frugal Living Tips, O Wise Readers

Now that we are mostly incomeless, seeing our bills staring us down is a little intimidating. There are still two more paychecks coming, so current expenses aren’t a problem, but the ones looming out a month are a little more frightening. If another job doesn’t present itself in a month or two, meeting those bills will be difficult. Aaron will be applying for unemployment assistance, but of course that will be far less than his old salary, and we’d prefer to not use it at all if we could help it.

(Yes, we paid for unemployment services with our taxes, so we should have access to it. I agree, but I still would like to take as little as we can. There are people who are far more needy than us. At least we have family and friends to rely on a little if needed.)

As a result, we’re making cuts to drastically scale back our spending so we can stretch these last two paychecks as long as possible. Looking over the checking account, it’s obvious we’ve had a lot of unnecessary spending. I’m finding lots of items around the house that we no longer need also, and I’m considering listing them on eBay to make a little extra cash and declutter the house in the process.

While I’ve always been a cost-conscious shopper, I’ve never been an obsessive coupon-clipper, price-tracker, or make-at-home-er. Cooking generally involves convenience foods – actually, convenience is the official word in this house, now that I think about it. But I know we may need to put some convenience and luxury aside until a new job is found.

Mira is doing her part by feeding herself now,
freeing up my hands for more blogging.

We won’t be giving up our internet access, because we must have it in order to do our freelance work. Sure, I could go to the library to write my blogs, but Aaron’s job requires him to be checking news all day long. I think the library has limits for how much internet time you can have, and living at the library isn’t that attractive with the whole no food-or-drink rule. We have to keep our cell phones, too, because we’re locked into a family plan contract, and the cost of canceling is an obscene amount of money, with the possibility of a first-born child thrown in, too.

So I’m turning to all of you for help. What is your best frugal tip? How do you make your budget stretch further, not just for food, but for everything? Give me your best dollar-saving advice, within reason, of course – I’m really not into separating the two-ply toilet paper into two rolls to make it last longer. At least not yet.

Thanks in advance! (And whoever has been clicking on my Adsense ads in the past week, thank you. I’ve never had that many clicks before. You’re very kind!)

Today is the last day to enter my Mabel’s Labels contest over at Mommy’s Must Haves. Contest closes at midnight tonight! Also check out my review of the Step 2 Sand & Water Cart. I’ve got a new contest coming up later this week, too.

How Today Is Going (So Far)

1. Waking up at 5:30 am so you can be on TV at 7:45am is tough. Especially when I barely slept all night, because I was going to be on TV at 7:45am.

2. It was right about here that my stomach decided to climb up and lodge itself in my throat:

Yes, that’s the entrance.

3. I now understand the difference between my husband with his BFA in Acting, and me with my BA in History. One of us has stage presence – the other likes to read dusty old books and learn about dead people, which does nothing to provide any ability to speak on camera.

4. TV studios are far smaller than you’d think they are. And the people working there are amazing. They’re very nice, and so able to change what they’re doing in a moment’s notice if needed. I could never do their job.

5. Remember David Archuletta on American Idol and the criticism that he closes his eyes too much on camera? Yeah, well, apparently I look at the ground a lot. It’s a good thing I was just on local TV, and not national, like other better-spoken bloggers.

Local TV also has no fancy green room with exotic foods. Still, it worked
fine for practicing deep breathing before going on.

6. I’m glad I was given the chance to promote Being Savvy Columbus with 3 of my 15 minutes of fame.

7. I think people in Columbus now think I make a lot of money from blogging. Ahem… HAHAHAHAHA!!!

8. Hot afternoon days make for fun, wet backyard activities.

She’s up…

…and she’s down.

9. Later this afternoon, I subjected myself to having 6 suspicious moles removed. It’s probably nothing, but considering I spent most childhood summers looking like I was trying to be the mascot for Red Lobster, skin cancer is always a worry for me.

10. In the doctor’s office, I had a conversation with my doctor that proves that the internet, web content and blogging are topics that can connect us all. (Hi, Dr. H! Welcome to my blog!)

11. Now that I think about it, it’s a good thing I did the live TV interview first and then have six small circles of skin removed from my body, rather than the other way around.

12. I’m nearly positive my youngest daughter is British. She’s been saying hello for several weeks now, except that her version of “hello” is more like “al’lo!” or “el’lo!” Today, as my mom was leaving, she tried to get Mira to say bye-bye, and instead Mira gave her a proper British-sounding “ta-ta!” Next word to teach her: “gov’ner”.

13. Happy birthday, Aaron!

14. I passed all of my nursing school classes this quarter!

15. I just realized that scheduling a TV interview and dermatology surgery on my husband’s birthday probably makes me a bad wife. Especially since I haven’t even signed the card I bought him yet. Of course, I did buy him a card and gift, so that has to count for something, right?

I really didn’t need all of the excitement for the week to happen in just one day.

The First (and Probably Last) Time I’ll Ever Be Called an Expert

You may have noticed I haven’t been posting as frequently in the past couple of weeks. It’s not that I’ve lost the urge to write, or even that I couldn’t think of topics to write on. Instead, I’ve been busy. Really busy. But beyond finals week for school, and trying to keep Mira from being pushed over by Cordy and Cordy’s hair out of Mira’s hands, there’s been something else.

I’m cheating on all of you, and kept it a secret until now. I’ve spent the past few weeks writing for someone else. Well, it’s for all of you, too, especially those who live near me. It all happened so quickly, giving me no time to plan so that you wouldn’t suspect anything. Today, though, the secret is out:

Technically, I was ordered to keep it a secret until now. Under the guidance of Stefania Pomponi Butler (aka CityMama) and Stacey Boyd, nearly 30 bloggers across the US were gathered to make not only the place to go for preschool reviews and finding fun activities to do with your kids at home, but now the place to go to find things to do with your 2-6 year old in your hometown. Yep, I’m now the City Expert for Columbus, bringing you all the fun and educational activities in the greater Columbus area. See that? City Expert. I feel so professional now.

How did I get this amazing new title? Dumb luck. Lots and lots of begging, pleading, and bribing. OK, maybe a little begging, but mostly by seeing the call for bloggers on Twitter. (P.S. LOVE TWITTER!)

And now that we’re live, I can officially say I’m working with some of the best bloggers out there, and if you live in or near any of the cities Savvy Source features, you should check them out. The talent feeding into this project is amazing, and they’ve made me wonder more than once how I managed to sneak into this group.

We all have our own URLs, too. You can find me at

Here’s just a small selection of what I’ll be writing about:

99 things your must do with your child in (or near) Columbus

Room to run: tiring out your preschooler

5 things to do in Columbus on a rainy day

The littlest Picasso: where to go to make art

The Columbus blog will also feature book reviews, toy reviews, and interviews with local child development experts. The media push has started too – there’s a chance I might be on TV soon! (Ahem…EEEK!!)

Now that we’re live, this space will be getting more attention again. It’s like having another child – you somehow find enough time and room in your heart for both. I hope you’ll come visit me at Being Savvy Columbus!

The Best Gifts From Grandparents

As a child, I got some pretty awesome gifts from my grandmothers. Remember the first year for Cabbage Patch Kids? Remember the chaos that ensued from parents and grandparents elbowing each other to try to get their hands on one of those hot little dolls? Yeah, my grandmother was one of those people, standing in the toy store crowd before Christmas as the nervous stock boys threw boxes into the crowd. And that Christmas I squealed with joy as I unwrapped my curly headed Madeline Eva.

Years later, my other grandmother gave me one of the best surprises ever. I received a small Casio keyboard when I was in elementary school, along with a “Teach Yourself Piano” book, and I worked hard to learn how to play. That hard work paid off, and in middle school there was a knock at our door on a cold, snowy December night. I opened the door to find a couple of large guys standing on our porch, telling me they had a piano to deliver. My jaw nearly hit the ground as they brought in a gorgeous upright piano and positioned it in our living room. My mom then told me that my grandmother bought it for me for Christmas, so I could play something with more than two and a half octaves.

Cordy will learn to play on the same piano.

My mom must have taken notes on good gifts, because she always picks the right thing for our girls. She has been kind to my ears and rarely bought loud electronic toys – actually, she rarely buys toys for the girls, unless it is something that is educational in some way. She’s more likely to give them clothing (OK, they may hate that in another year or two) or pay for an activity, like a soccer class or swim lessons.

Aaron’s parents sometimes give cash, and sometimes give gifts. The cash goes to savings accounts for each girl, and the gifts are generally toys. Both are generally well-received.

But the gift that the grandparents give the most is their time. Cordy practically vibrates when she sees her grandmother and g.g. (my grandmother, her great-grandmother), and she begs to go “fishing” at her grandpa and bubbie’s house (they have a small goldfish pond in their backyard, where she feeds the fish and spends time playing with them). The time spent with their grandparents will give them memories to last their lifetimes.

Do your kids receive good gifts from their grandparents?

This post is a part of the Parent Blogger Network blog blast, sponsored by the Grandkids Gift Guide. They’re giving away Kushies Zolo Toys and a $50 Starbucks gift card. There’s still time to enter – just get your post in before midnight tonight! Read the full details at their blog.

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