shameless bragging

The Things I Do For Awesome Hair

Last summer I decided to do something fun with my hair color and dye the ends purple. The ombre look…

12 years ago

Twice Execeptional: Twice the Fun, Twice the Challenge

I generally get nervous when I see the elementary school's phone number appear on our caller ID. In the past…

12 years ago

That One Time I Walked In A Fashion Show At BlogHer ’12

You may have seen the reports that while I was at BlogHer '12, I was in a fashion show.I know,…

13 years ago

What I’ve Been Up To This Week

It's been a busy week for me. Aside from the normal work, kids, dog, etc., I also had a quick…

13 years ago

Not A Cover Girl, But Still Special

Locals might want to pick up a (free) copy of Columbus Parent Magazine before the end of the month. While…

13 years ago