
Spooky and Kooky Days of the Week

In four short years, I've had to listen to a lot of music designed for kids. Some of it is…

16 years ago

New School Year

Ready for her first day of school - no tears, minimal protesting.

16 years ago

Haiku Friday: School Time!

What's that sound I hear?A school bus is driving by -It's that time againNot a moment toosoon! It's back to…

17 years ago

Ups and Downs: Currently In The Downs

It's amazing how much harder it is to blog in the summertime. When Cordy's regular special needs preschool ended, I…

17 years ago

Haiku Friday: Test Time

Big test tomorrowIf I pass, I stay in school -No pressure at all. I'd write more haiku, but I really…

17 years ago