Did you all miss the news where the governor of Ohio said we should all help our neighbors out during this snow storm?
Clearly you saw your very pregnant neighbor early this afternoon, trying to clear her car of the snow and ice. I know because I saw you looking out the window. Plus, it was hard to miss hearing your kid pounding on the window at me, as if I was an animal in the zoo, when I fell on my butt on the uneven, icy ground. It’s OK, I really didn’t need the help, even after I fell a second time, and was clearly struggling to keep my footing.
Of course, two hours later, when I was trying to go to work, not only did you watch out your window as I got stuck in the snow plow wake in the street, but apparently other neighbors also joined in to watch as well. You watched as I tried to dig my car out of a rut with only a long-handled ice scraper, huffing and puffing, not offering your able-bodied self as I repeated my attempt to leave, then dig out, then attempt to leave, several times over. I’m glad I could provide some mid-afternoon entertainment for your family.
Special thanks to the neighbors across the street: I noticed you peek out your window to see what all the noise was, but I guess you couldn’t bother to help. Especially with your freakin’ snow blower.
And to the neighbor who drove right past me, on the plowed side of the street: thanks for that little wave, and for narrowly missing me with your car, but I really would have preferred it if you stopped to give me a push. Guess you were too busy trying to get to some important destination, and had no time to lend your strength to a pregnant woman who was clearly having trouble standing up on the ice and snow, much less digging in it with an ice scraper.