
Maybe I Should Save For A Tummy Tuck?

I had the fortune to get an evening away with my husband - sans children - last night. We went…

17 years ago

Each Time A Door Closes…

...another one opens, right? And hopefully it is a bigger, better door: prettier, shinier, brighter, more comfortable, makes you happier,…

17 years ago

Who Are The Police Protecting?

So, let's say your house was broken into almost two years ago, in the middle of the afternoon. A lot…

17 years ago

Will She Give The Kid A Beer, Too?

On my morning drive to Cordy's preschool, I was stopped at a obscenely long traffic light. I glanced over to…

17 years ago

Socializing Our Girls To Be Meek, Uninteresting Women

The other day I was at my favorite resale shop (c'mon, you think I pay full price for Gymboree?), and…

17 years ago