
Disturbing School District Priorities

There are times when I will defend our local school district. Aaron is a product of that district, and had…

15 years ago

Snowed In

8 inches of new snow on top of 8 inches of old snow: Why yes, those chairs are half-buried in…

15 years ago

Make Sure You Walk Away With The Right Kid

On Friday afternoon I found myself running late after a doctor appointment, rushing home to make sure I didn't miss…

15 years ago

I’m Going to War Against Artificial Food

I was recently asked to take a survey about a new fruit snack. Normally I'm willing to be pretty open…

15 years ago

Health Care Reform & What It Means To Me, Part 1

Meet Cordelia, my single most important reason for health care reform:Many of you know her, either from in-person meetings or…

16 years ago