The Past Was Great…Or Maybe Not

Browsing through some vintage ads today, I happened to find this one:

Sometimes I wish I lived in the past. Skinny girls were out of fashion! Curves were in! Instead of starvation diets, they offered a formula to increase your appetite so you could “add pounds and pounds of firm, attractive flesh” to obtain those “Glamorous Curves!”

But of course there has to be a dark side. And if your appetite increased too much, or those pounds and pounds of flesh weren’t so firm or attractive, you had to endure this:

(Lane Bryant, thank goodness your marketing has improved)

Maybe I’ll just stay in the present.

Holiday Hangover

Like many others, my mind is still in a haze, recovering from the holiday marathon. Three more containers of brisket remain until I’m finished with the leftovers and guaranteed to never want to see brisket again until next December. Other highlights:

* Both girls stayed awake for all holiday gatherings this year, two of which lasted past 9 pm. This is especially impressive for Cordy, who can rarely stay awake past 8 pm.

* Starbucks gift cards really are some of the best gifts out there. Nothing says love like the gift of sweet, hot caffeine. Restaurant gift cards (especially to restaurants that don’t have crayons) fall closely behind that. Cash trumps everything, of course.

* For the first time in several years, my mom did not stay with us on Christmas Eve. And for the first time in several years, Aaron and I slept without clothing on Christmas Eve. Yay, naked!

* The best part of Hanukkah falling over Christmas? You can hit the post-Christmas sales for any remaining Hanukkah gifts.

* The girls looked great in their dresses. Cordy loves her fancy dress and asks to wear it every day now. Had I actually paid for it, she probably would wear it every day to make it worth it. Still, it’s a gorgeous dress on her.

* No one was sick!

* I found out more family members read my blog than I originally thought. So to all of you who revealed yourselves last week: hi, welcome to my blog, and I’m glad you like it. Don’t be afraid to leave a comment now and then, OK? And I really can’t be held responsible if you read anything that is TMI for you (see third * above), so read at your own risk.

*Cordy picked a bad time of the year to learn new profanity. When told she couldn’t do something, she sighed in her saddest voice, “Aw, fuckers…” Wonder where she learned that word, Aaron?

* Little girls in their PJs and tutus are really cute.

* I’m thrilled that a large part of our holiday shopping came from small, independent shops. Gifts for Aaron’s family were purchased at the annual Winterfair craft show in Columbus, including a nice pen with a wooden case, a handwoven purse, and some dip mixes that are incredibly delicious. Mira scored with two dresses from Etsy:

Cute, aren’t they? Had we more money this year, Etsy sellers would have seen a lot more of my cash. Given the choice, I’d rather purchase something made by hand by a small-time business owner than something mass produced and probably made in a foreign country by children who should be spending their time in school or just, you know, being kids.

Which brings up another topic: have you seen the Help Save Handmade campaign? To sum up, a new act going into effect very soon would require all children’s products to undergo government lab testing before they could be sold. Despite the fact that the larger manufacturers are the more likely culprits of using dangerous materials or construction, this would require small-time crafters to pay the thousands of dollars for testing for each item – a cost most couldn’t afford, for products that are already made from natural materials.

If you haven’t already, read up on the issues, vote on, join in the handmande meme, and get involved in contacting Congress and the CPSC to protest this act. Most of all, continue to support handmade businesses – many of which are started by moms and dads who want kids to have quality toys and clothing – so that our kids can continue to get cool handmade gifts every Christmas.

The Baby Ate My Feedreader. Well, sort of.

Sure, kids may blame the dog for eating homework, but we parents can blame our kids for stuff that we’ve flaked on, too. Especially when they really are responsible for it.

I had good intentions of cleaning out my Bloglines. With over 800+ posts to catch up on, I spent part of this afternoon plowing through it to whittle down that number to something approaching reasonable. I’ll admit I read too many blogs, but I love keeping up with so many people, even if I don’t always have time to comment.

So at one point Mira was sitting on my lap, when she suddenly took an interest in the laptop that she was sharing the lap with. She loves pushing buttons, and kept reaching for the keyboard in an attempt to appease her addiction.

And then she got frustrated when I kept intercepting her button-pushing fingers. With one quick movement, she slapped the keyboard.

And just like that, my Bloglines went to 0.


She somehow marked all posts as read.

Over 700 posts, no longer marked for me to catch up on.


I suppose she did me a favor by forcing me to start fresh. Still…argh.

Haiku Friday: What Now?

The elections are
over now. The signs are down.
Campaigning silenced.

Now for the let-down.
After all this time, what will
we talk about now?

It’s true. Just a couple of days post-election, and I no longer feel the urge to read Huffington Post every hour. I missed the evening news tonight and didn’t feel the urge to switch over to MSNBC to see if there were any new polls. The surge of emotion has climaxed, and we slowly drift back into our “old” lives, free of famous plumbers, folksy politicians, and political commercials every 2 minutes.

And I’ve already started wondering, with all of that time spent on politics now gone, I feel like I’m empty and need to fill that space. Maybe I’ll take up knitting again?

To play along for Haiku Friday, follow these steps:

1. Write your own haiku on your blog. You can do one or many, all following a theme or just random. What’s a haiku, you ask? Click here.

2. Sign the Mister Linky below with your name and the link to your haiku post (the specific post URL, not your main blog URL). DON’T sign unless you have a haiku this week. If you need help with this, please let me know.

3. Pick up a Haiku Friday button to display on the post or in your sidebar by clicking the button at the top.

REMEMBER: Do not post your link unless you have a haiku this week! I will delete any links without haiku!

A Touch of Random Update

Have you visited my reviews blog yet to read about our family’s adventure in making French Toast? There are pictures and video of Cordy participating in her first cooking experiment, already showing more talent than me. Although she did want to drown each piece of bread.


The car is fixed! When I posted last week about our car troubles, a local reader e-mailed me and offered to send her husband over to look at our car. He discovered the faulty part, and $80 later the car works again. Thanks to his diagnosis it became a problem we could afford to fix instead of something that would have likely been out of our price range when adding in labor and the fee they charge to read the check engine light code.

I’d like to give a big thanks to Karen and Clay for their help. (I’m not sure if Karen wants me to link to her blog or not – but if she does I’ll add the link.) Have I ever mentioned that there are very nice people in Columbus? Well, there are. I got more proof of it this weekend, and had fun meeting a new local mom in the process.


Cordy didn’t like it when daddy refused to turn the TV on for her the other day. Her response: “Daddy, those aren’t the right words.” That’s her new go-to line whenever we say something she doesn’t like.


Anyone watching the debate tonight? I’m watching and joining Momocrats for their liveblog?


After all of my wailing about being poor, there’s a chance Aaron will have a new job tomorrow.

Advantages: he’ll be working with a good friend (she’s the one who encouraged him to apply), the pay is good, there are opportunities for overtime, and he can work from home.

Disadvantages: It’s contract only, so at the end of three months he’s done, unless he can impress them enough to get a second contract.

But it would be enough money to afford COBRA health insurance for a couple of months, pay the bills, and buy presents for the holidays this year. I’m crossing my fingers and hoping this string of bad luck has finally reached its end.


Now that school is over two weeks into the quarter, I think I’ve figured out a good school-work-life balance again. That means I can get back to reading and commenting on blogs regularly again, so hopefully I’ll catch up on your life soon.


Remember back in May when I did the Cincinnati Walk Now for Autism? It was a fun (although wet) event, and thanks to a few readers, we raised $345. Well, this Sunday I’m walking in the Columbus Walk Now for Autism and once again accepting donations for the cause.

You can give a tax-deductible donation for my team through the website to help support autism research, advocacy and awareness. Even $5 or $10 helps, so if you have the ability, please consider giving. Those in Columbus are encouraged to come to the event on Sunday morning to show your support. We’ll be there in force with the kids and extended family.

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