Is It March 4th Yet?

Those of you who follow US politics – and who doesn’t right now? – probably know there’s a little election coming up in Ohio on March 4. Along with some local issues, the fate of the democratic presidential nominee might be resting in our hands. (How is it Ohio always ends up being so important?) As you can expect, Ohio is now getting a lot of attention.

A big part of this attention is advertising: mailings, TV ads, radio ads, yard signs, people holding up signs on street corners, and the occasional passing sign in a car window. Everyone wants to get out the message that their candidate is the best. And while I understand the excitement, I have to admit something: I’m sick of it.

Every weekday morning I drive Cordy to preschool. And each morning I like to listen to my favorite radio station, which happens to be a local pop rock station. (Sorry, Aaron’s the one who listens to NPR all day. I can only take so much news.) The morning has a mix of music and DJ talk, which I like because they rarely talk about the same thing two days in a row.

In the past two weeks, radio ads for the candidates began appearing during commercial breaks. But not just here and there – oh, no. I now fully understand the term “blanketing” when it comes to advertising, because I feel like I’m being smothered by one. The same Obama “I endorse this message” ad has been playing during every. single. damn. commercial break.

If you consider that in the course of my drive to and from preschool I hear about four commercial breaks – so four times a day minimum IF I don’t leave the house again – then you’d know I can practically quote the ad now. I hear a Clinton ad now and then, but not with the same frequency of the Obama ads.

I know candidates want to reach out to the voters and get their message across. But right now the only message I’m being sent is: I have an annoying ad that will be played every 15-20 minutes to hammer my name in your head. It’s overkill, and although I like Obama, it’s doing nothing to inspire me to vote for him.

In situations where I like two candidates equally, I’ve been known to vote against the one who annoys me with too many ads, or advertising that is too negative. Right now, I’m still on the fence about Clinton and Obama, but I admit this aggressive ad campaign is strongly affecting me. Maybe try for every other commercial break? Spice it up a little with some shorter ads that don’t bore me?

So while I encourage everyone out there to do your research on each candidate, pick the one you think will do the best job and go vote on March 4, I also can’t wait until the 5th when all of the campaign commercials will magically vanish into the ether. Then we’ll go back to being unimportant until the national campaign kicks off after the Republican and Democratic conventions. At that time I will be required to pull out my iPod and refuse to listen to the radio until mid-November.

Haiku Friday: Gamer’s Paradise

It took long enough
but then we received the call:
Wii would like to play

For the low cost of
two hundred forty-nine bucks
you can bowl with friends

Thanks to Aaron’s brother, we are now the proud owners of a Wii. Awesome game system, and perfect for parties. I can’t wait to try out more games.

To play along for Haiku Friday, follow these steps:

1. Write your own haiku on your blog. You can do one or many, all following a theme or just random. What’s a haiku, you ask? Click here.

2. Sign the Mister Linky below or at Jennifer’s blog with your name and the link to your haiku post (the specific post URL, not your generic blog URL). DON’T sign unless you have a haiku this week. If you need help with this, contact Jennifer or myself.

3. Pick up a Haiku Friday button to display on the post or in your sidebar by clicking the button at the top.

Hey, Hey, I Wanna Be A Rockstar

OK, memes can get a little stale and boring. I’ve answered five (or was it eight? or ten?) random things about myself more than once. But this new meme that I’ve seen floating around the internet, well…this is just plain fun.

Do you want to be a rockstar? There were times as a kid when I dreamed of it. The fame, the fortune…but what would be the name of my band? Seems like all the good ones are taken. And what would I call my first album?

Well, kids, that has now been solved. I’d like to present my new band, Kabuki Quantum Fighter, and our first album, Those Who Ne’er Succeed:

(Original image by luisa_m_c_m_cruz)

Awesome, isn’t it? Yeah, we had some rough starts, but I think we’re the best alterna-rock mommyband out there. Our concerts are only held in the afternoons (so we don’t wake the kiddos at bedtime), and we insist all concert venues have appropriate diaper changing facilities.

Want to be a rockstar, too? Follow these steps:

1. Click this link. The first title on this page is the name of your band.

2. Now click this link. The last four words of the very last quote is the name of your album. If it doesn’t work at all, click the “New Random Quotations” button for more.

3. And finally, click this link. The third picture on this page will be your album cover. Add your band name and album title, and you’re done! (Please remember to give credit for the original picture.)

You’ll be seeing Kabuki Quantum Fighter on the next Lollapalooza tour. Fer sure. (Wait. Do they even still have Lollapalooza? Oh god, I’m out of touch with pop culture, aren’t I?)

I encourage everyone to play along, but since we’re supposed to tag a few people, I’ll tag Sarcastic Mom, L.A. Daddy, and Playgroupie (once she gets internet again, of course).

Now It’s A List Of Four


I still can’t believe Heath Ledger is dead.

28 years old. Father of a two year old. Such a promising future ahead of him.

I’ll admit it: I had a fangirl crush on him. When I first heard the news, my chest felt heavy and my throat tightened. This is a sick joke, I thought. He was on my List of 5, after all, and earned his spot on that list from the first moment I ever saw him on the short-lived TV series Roar.

I had noticed that he didn’t look as put-together recently. Ever since his split with Michelle Williams, he seemed to stop taking care of himself. The low-key yet still stylish sense of fashion was replaced by unwashed hair, wrinkled clothing, and a worn-out, troubled expression on his face. Maybe he was depressed over his relationship issues. Maybe his latest roles had taken too much out of him. I can’t say. But the change was noticeable.

We all stop and gawk when a celebrity dies, especially if they’re young. But I guess this one is hitting me hard because he wasn’t one of the usual suspects. He wasn’t a celebrity party-boy, he wasn’t in trouble all the time, and he seemed like an average, quiet, down-to-earth type who just wanted to do his job and be left alone. You didn’t look at him and see another Anna Nicole Smith in the making.

At this time, there’s still no answer as to what happened, but it seems that investigators have centered on two theories, either accidental or intentional overdose on the prescription sleeping pill Ambien. I’d like to think it was accidental, because I find it so hard to wrap my mind around the thought that a man who professed how much he loved being a dad would intentionally leave behind his two year old daughter. And now that daughter will likely never remember those happy times they had together.

It sucks, and I am sad that I will no longer be able to see more from him. I enjoyed his acting and respected the decisions he made in the roles he accepted. But I’m also sad for his family, and seeing this tragedy makes me hug my two girls a little tighter and be thankful for each day I am here for them.

You’ll be missed, Heath.

Hey Look, It’s A Train Wreck. Let’s Watch.

It’s too bad Lynne Spears’s new parenting book has been delayed indefinitely.

With Britney unable to drive in a straight line and quit drugs long enough to get unmoderated visitation with her boys, and little sister Jamie-Lynn Spears now an unwed teen pregnancy statistic (a pregnant Zoey 101!), I was looking forward to reading that book.

I mean, I want to learn how to make sure my daughters self-destruct by high-school, assuming they make it that far.

Seriously, it would read as the ultimate “what not to do” guide, wouldn’t it?

Maybe she should scrap the plan and work on a book about birth control and the dangers of drugs. It could be a board book for her grandchildren.

Oh, Spears family, you provide us with so much entertainment, but I wish for your sakes you wouldn’t.

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