A Touch of Random Update

Have you visited my reviews blog yet to read about our family’s adventure in making French Toast? There are pictures and video of Cordy participating in her first cooking experiment, already showing more talent than me. Although she did want to drown each piece of bread.


The car is fixed! When I posted last week about our car troubles, a local reader e-mailed me and offered to send her husband over to look at our car. He discovered the faulty part, and $80 later the car works again. Thanks to his diagnosis it became a problem we could afford to fix instead of something that would have likely been out of our price range when adding in labor and the fee they charge to read the check engine light code.

I’d like to give a big thanks to Karen and Clay for their help. (I’m not sure if Karen wants me to link to her blog or not – but if she does I’ll add the link.) Have I ever mentioned that there are very nice people in Columbus? Well, there are. I got more proof of it this weekend, and had fun meeting a new local mom in the process.


Cordy didn’t like it when daddy refused to turn the TV on for her the other day. Her response: “Daddy, those aren’t the right words.” That’s her new go-to line whenever we say something she doesn’t like.


Anyone watching the debate tonight? I’m watching and joining Momocrats for their liveblog?


After all of my wailing about being poor, there’s a chance Aaron will have a new job tomorrow.

Advantages: he’ll be working with a good friend (she’s the one who encouraged him to apply), the pay is good, there are opportunities for overtime, and he can work from home.

Disadvantages: It’s contract only, so at the end of three months he’s done, unless he can impress them enough to get a second contract.

But it would be enough money to afford COBRA health insurance for a couple of months, pay the bills, and buy presents for the holidays this year. I’m crossing my fingers and hoping this string of bad luck has finally reached its end.


Now that school is over two weeks into the quarter, I think I’ve figured out a good school-work-life balance again. That means I can get back to reading and commenting on blogs regularly again, so hopefully I’ll catch up on your life soon.


Remember back in May when I did the Cincinnati Walk Now for Autism? It was a fun (although wet) event, and thanks to a few readers, we raised $345. Well, this Sunday I’m walking in the Columbus Walk Now for Autism and once again accepting donations for the cause.

You can give a tax-deductible donation for my team through the website to help support autism research, advocacy and awareness. Even $5 or $10 helps, so if you have the ability, please consider giving. Those in Columbus are encouraged to come to the event on Sunday morning to show your support. We’ll be there in force with the kids and extended family.

Murphy’s Law & Unexpected Kindness

As I mentioned recently, we lost our health insurance last Thursday, and we’re currently in the process of getting the kids onto state health insurance, just until Aaron can find a new job.

Thankfully, we have two healthy girls. Mira has seen the doctor once outside of normal well-child visits. Cordy has only been twice for a sick visit in nearly four years. So what are the chances that the girls would get sick in this small window of no insurance?

On Friday, Mira ran a high fever. I was sure we would have to take her to the doctor because she was so hot. However, I treated it with ibuprofen at home and after a few days it went away on its own. Whew – crisis averted.

But over a week ago Cordy started to develop some red spots around her mouth. Then they turned into weepy sores. I thought at first that maybe she had eaten something that caused an allergy, but they only got worse, not better, and then they started to spread to her chin.

I called the doctor last week (while we still had insurance), and they told me it was probably impetigo and to put some antibiotic ointment on it and it would be fine. They didn’t want to see her. I did as instructed, but on Sunday I could see it was still getting worse.

Of course. The child who never needs to see the doctor now needs to see one. Even worse: she’s the one who has epic meltdowns at the doctor’s office.

So I looked over our options, and the cheapest was to visit a little clinic inside our local grocery store. It was only $59, versus over $100 at the doctor or urgent care. We waited our turn, with Cordy being amazingly well-behaved considering we were going into a medical setting. After half an hour, Cordy’s name was called by a gentle looking older woman.

We walked into the office, and the woman – a nurse practitioner – could immediately see our problem. She pulled on some gloves and took a closer look at Cordy’s face while I explained the history of the sores and how I’ve treated them so far. She agreed it was impetigo.

“Have you been here before?” she asked.


“What insurance do you have?”

At this point I explained that we had none at the moment, due to my husband losing his job. She nodded, glanced at her computer with the new patient form waiting to be filled in, then turned back to us.

“Well, I can write her a prescription to clear that up. And don’t worry about a charge for the visit.”

My jaw fell open. “Are…are you sure?” I asked. (And yes, later I thought to myself WHY DID YOU QUESTION HER? Take the free offer and run!)

“Oh yes, don’t worry about it. I’ve had to do so many sports physicals for kids today, with all the paperwork that goes with them, that this is a relief! Let me go check with the pharmacy and find the least expensive option for you to clear this up.”

As she left the room to consult with the pharmacist, I reflected on her generosity. She had no reason to do it. After all, this place was designed for those who don’t have insurance or need to see someone after regular office hours, and she gets paid for seeing patients. The visit fee isn’t cheap, but it’s far cheaper than other options.

I couldn’t even consider Cordy as the cause. While I never encourage it, Cordy’s inability to deal with certain situations has resulted in being ushered to the front of line or given quick service in the past, probably to get rid of us as rapidly as possible.

But this time Cordy was brilliant, and I was so proud of her. She stayed in her seat, with only minor quirky behavior and even let the nurse touch her – unheard of behavior for this child! Cordy actually focused on the nurse when she spoke to Cordy, too. I wondered if this nurse was secretly some kind of spectrum-child-whisperer, and could she please come home with us?

When she came back into the room, she told me that the first choice of treatment for impetigo was very expensive, but the second choice was an antibiotic that comes in a generic form for roughly $20. I agreed to that, and she wrote the prescription. We chatted for a few minutes about nursing school and she gave me tips for finding a job after graduation. I thanked her at least ten more times before we left. She asked Cordy for a hug, and again the stars aligned and the heavens parted to shine down on this nurse as Cordy gave her a big hug.

Times may be tough, but there are good people out there doing what they can to help. We all – no matter our situation – have the ability to help others in some way, even if it’s something as small as saying a kind word or giving a friend a hand with moving. (Or participating in Blog the Recession.) I hope I can pass on to others the benevolence given to me.

Our kindness to each other shows humanity at its best, and reminds me that just maybe the world isn’t the cold, selfish, impersonal place that I often worry it’s becoming.

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