Haiku Friday: Date Night

Haiku Friday
What used to be a
routine event is now rare:
the sublime date night

Now it requires time
and logistics, and of course
a babysitter

But the stars aligned
and tonight we’ll be without
kids at the movies.

I swear date nights are the one time I get to feel like a human being and not just a jungle gym for two hyperactive girls. I’ve talked about how doing hobbies, indulge in some pampering, and shopping on my own help rejuvenate me, and going out on a date with my husband is right up there on that list, too.

Watching a movie and getting a meal with no interruptions is my idea of a fancy Friday night now. And I’m OK with that.

To play along for Haiku Friday, follow these steps:

1. Write your own haiku on your blog. You can do one or many, all following a theme or just random. What’s a haiku, you ask? Click here.

2. Sign the Mister Linky below with your name and the link to your haiku post (the specific post URL, not your main blog URL). DON’T sign unless you have a haiku this week. If you need help with this, please let me know.

3. Pick up a Haiku Friday button to display on the post or in your sidebar by clicking the button at the top.

REMEMBER: Do not post your link unless you have a haiku this week! I will delete any links without haiku!

The Fountain of Youth

Over the weekend, Aaron and I left Columbus to celebrate our 6th anniversary. It’s still a little odd for me to think that only six years ago, Cordy wasn’t even a concept in our heads yet. Of course, six years ago I never thought any of what I’m doing now – blogging, nursing school – would be in my life.

Six years didn’t have quite the impact that five did, probably because our sixth year of marriage was one of those years we’d like to quietly forget. Job loss, no health insurance, relationship issues and marriage therapy clouded much of the year. But we’re still together, we’re relatively healthy, and we’re doing our best to hold everything together – that’s our silver lining.

The best part of getting out of town was leaving the kids with Camp Grandma. We spent most of the weekend chatting with friends that we rarely get to see due to distance and busy lives. On Saturday evening, after a day of relaxing with friends, the two of us left for dinner at a nice restaurant.

It was during dinner that Aaron told me, “We need to do this more often, get away without the kids.”

I smiled and said, “Well, that would certainly be nice…”

He then said, “I was watching you today while you talked with friends, and you looked five years younger.”

I laughed. “It must have been the light.”

“No, really. You looked so much younger again.”

It seems that a single afternoon with a large group of friends, no children, and no immediate stress somehow subtracted five years from my face. I can’t prove this, of course, but he was certain of it.

I’d like to believe I did look younger. I often miss the “old” me, the me who isn’t spending all her time worrying about doing everything right for her kids, making sure all the bills are paid, and trying to balance the checkbook. I hate the person I am at the end of the day, when my eyes are dull and bloodshot, and the bags under my eyes have bags of their own. When I’m short with Cordy and Mira, grumpy around Aaron, and wishing I could get five minutes – just FIVE minutes – to myself, without someone needing something or a child sitting in my lap.

If the fountain of youth is an escape from what stresses you, I know I will never have eternal youth. Because no matter how much I might want it, my children need me here and not at that fountain. I can’t avoid paying the bills, and the checking account won’t replenish itself.

But I will enjoy those brief moments pausing at that fountain, if only to take a sip and renew my spirit for a little while.

Bring On The Glitz

Years ago when we lived in Oxford (Ohio), Aaron and I would host an Oscar party for all of our friends. We’d invite everyone we knew, buy lots of food and drink for the party, design and print off fancy ballot sheets for each guest, and spend all afternoon cleaning the living room.

Then as evening approached, we’d cram as many people as we could into our apartment right before the red carpet coverage started, and begin our evening of entertainment. Each person would fill out a ballot, choosing who they think would win for each category. Ballots had to be completed before the curtain came up so there was no cheating.

We’d critique and criticize each designer dress that came down the red carpet, laughing at some of the poor choices and applauding those stars who had sensible friends to tell them, “Trust me, you’ll look good in that.”

As each winner was announced, some would groan and others would cheer as we updated our ballots. We turned the entire award show into a sporting event.

Our last Oscar party was in 2004. After that we moved to Columbus, had children, and let life get in the way. We still watched the Academy Awards each year, always remarking how we missed our Oscar parties.

Well, now the party is back. Our house will play host to six others to watch Hugh Jackman try to breathe life back into the old Oscar. The drinks and snacks are ready, the ballots are printed, and it’s going to be a fun night.

My predictions? I’ll give you a few. Having seen Slumdog Millionaire, I’m nearly certain it’s the Best Picture winner. And I’m hoping Heath Ledger gets his posthumous Best Supporting Actor statuette.

I’m putting odds on Kate Winslet for Best Actress and Mickey Rourke for Best Actor. (It could be Sean Penn, but I’m pulling for the underdog.) WALL-E should get Best Animated Film.

As for the dresses, I’m guessing Angelina Jolie will look absolutely elegant, and while it’s always tough to predict the train wreck outfit of the night, Cameron Diaz is always a safe bet.

We’ll see how right I am at the end of the night.

I Got Your Geeky Man Cave Right Here

Parent Bloggers is hosting another blog blast this weekend, and the theme for this one is extremely amusing to me. They want to see the “man cave” in our houses – you know, that area your husband (or you) has claimed as his own and filled with stuff that he can’t bear to part with.

This was a little tough for me, because Aaron has several small stashes of stuff that would be ideal to showcase. Maybe pictures of his bookcases (yes, plural) full of sci-fi novels and gaming books? Or the multiple sci-fi marathon, horror movie marathon, and stage combat workshop t-shirts he’s amassed over the years and refuses to part with?

But then I decided what would work best. Mira’s room, before she was born, was Aaron’s own not-so-much man cave as man war-room. But now that Mira is here, much of his stuff had to be pushed aside to make room for her. The bookcases remain in her room, with gaming books next to a crib and baby toys, and the small walk-in closet is still his entirely. Here are some of the contents:

Closer views:

What’s all in there? Here’s a short list of some of the more prominent items:

1. Lots of stage combat swords of different sorts
2. Can of enamel spray paint for painting miniatures for gaming
3. Box of rope and wooden “knives” for stage combat
4. Fencing jacket
5. Toolbox (OK, this is the family toolbox. Still, it seems at home in there.)
6. Fancy (read: expensive) Star Wars lightsabers that actually light up and make all the noises
7. Eight or so of the 28+ boxes of comic books
8. A large Captain-America-esque round shield
9. Box of wooden “lightsabers” used for stage combat practice
10. Sword cleaning supplies (steel wool, WD-40, some kind of powder)
11. Wooden sword – a relic from when he and a friend did a Renaissance Faire stage act

The original plan was for all 28+ boxes of comic books to reside in this closet. However, we realized that by stakcing all of them in that small space, the weight might compromise the floor and send it all crashing through into the garage. I wasn’t so thrilled with the idea of a hole in the floor in Mira’s room.

This is just a little of the geek stuff that Aaron owns. He’s still a little resentful of having his man cave taken over by our second child, insisting that soon both girls can share Cordy’s room so he can have his room back. I have a feeling that when we move to our next house, whenever that may be, he’ll insist on a house that will provide a room for him again.

So what’s in the man cave at your house?

This blog blast is sponsored by Parent Bloggers and Bill Me Later, where they invite you to enter to win a man cave makeover.

Haiku Friday: A Surreal Experience

Yesterday I was
on my college campus and
walking to my car

“Hey, baby,” he said.
I looked up to see a car
right in front of me.

He had long dark hair
And he couldn’t have been more
than twenty years old

“Do you want a ride?”
His eyebrows raised as he said
this bad pick up line.

I glanced behind me
Who, me? I thought to myself
Is this a cruel joke?

He was serious.
Didn’t he know I’m at least
ten years his elder?

I was tired and
didn’t look my best for sure.
Could this shirt have helped?

Mominatrix shirts: they’ll make younger men hit on you.
My thanks to you, dude,
I don’t know why you did it,
But I am flattered.

It’s been a long time
Since a guy who isn’t my
husband hit on me.

You helped me to feel
sexy again. I’m more than
just a frumpy mom!

And so I must say
I am very sorry that
I laughed in your face.

To play along for Haiku Friday, follow these steps:

1. Write your own haiku on your blog. You can do one or many, all following a theme or just random. What’s a haiku, you ask? Click here.

2. Sign the Mister Linky below or at Jennifer’s blog with your name and the link to your haiku post (the specific post URL, not your generic blog URL). DON’T sign unless you have a haiku this week. If you need help with this, contact Jennifer or myself.

3. Pick up a Haiku Friday button to display on the post or in your sidebar by clicking the button at the top.

REMEMBER: Do not post your link unless you have a haiku this week! We will delete any links without haiku!

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