
I Am Not An Island (And Neither Are You)

I've tried to avoid writing all week about the Mitt Romney secret tapes where he essentially stated that nearly half…

12 years ago

End of Summer Trip, Day 2: Put-in-Bay

After a busy day at Cedar Point (you can read about Day 1 here), we wanted our second day to…

13 years ago

Dish Suds, Domestic Disasters, and P&G Deals For You

As has been established, I'm useless when it comes to basic domestic activities. We all have our talents - mine…

13 years ago

Sally Ride: Aiming For The Stars

I was shocked to hear about the death of Sally Ride yesterday. Her name had been absent from the news…

13 years ago

So This Is 36

When my mom was 36 (and happy birthday yesterday, mom!), I was 14 and considered her to be old. Not…

13 years ago