Haiku Fridays

Haiku Friday: Can You Help A Fellow Blogger, Sister?

Have you heard the news?Bad stuff is happening tobloggers everywhere.Some are losing jobsOthers losing health or life -Bad times all…

16 years ago

Haiku Friday: A Bit of Shock

Back from BlogHer nowTime to check up on Bloglines -O M F'in G! Over one thousandposts to read. And yet…

17 years ago

Haiku Friday: BlogHer Edition

Huh? Looking for me?Sorry, I'm at BlogHer nowToo drunk to haiku Have a great Friday, everyone!To play along for Haiku…

17 years ago

Haiku Friday: Test Time

Big test tomorrowIf I pass, I stay in school -No pressure at all. I'd write more haiku, but I really…

17 years ago

Haiku Friday: A Fourth of July Haiku

Hey AmericansHappy Independence DayEnjoy the fireworksCordy's school had aparade in the rain, marchingwith their drums and flagNo fireworks for usBoth…

17 years ago