growing up

Birthday Weekend Extravaganza

I probably should have written a post on Friday, but I was still too in shock over the realization that…

13 years ago

Shark Girl Loses A Tooth

I lost my first tooth when I was five years old. Cordy lost her first tooth at five years old,…

13 years ago

Sally Ride: Aiming For The Stars

I was shocked to hear about the death of Sally Ride yesterday. Her name had been absent from the news…

13 years ago

So This Is 36

When my mom was 36 (and happy birthday yesterday, mom!), I was 14 and considered her to be old. Not…

13 years ago

End of School Emotional Boogaloo

Yesterday was the last day of school for our district, and OH what a day it was. I was a…

13 years ago