November Is For New Starts



Have I mentioned I have a weakness for candy?

As I write this, a small stash of Halloween candy is calling to me from a desk drawer. It’s next to impossible for me to resist this stuff. And so I often take the attitude of “eat it all quickly so it’ll be gone,” which sometimes has the added benefit of making me so ill from eating so much candy that I don’t want to look at anything with sugar in it for a month.

Still, not a healthy relationship with food.

So it’s now a new month, and I’m trying to climb back out of the hole I dug for myself during the past month and a half. Stress and long hours at work meant that I didn’t get in any exercise during that time, and my nutrition was mostly of the fast food variety, aside from the Healthy Choice meals I ate at work. Thankfully, I didn’t gain any weight, but if I keep this pattern up much longer the weight will creep back on.

Turns out, a month and a half of no exercise can really kill your endurance. Yesterday I made the decision to get back into working out by doing a 30 minute session on the Wii game My Fitness Coach. I generally consider it an easy workout, for those days when I want to do something but not submit myself to the torture of Jillian.

This computer-generated video game trainer kicked my ass. I’m not kidding, I had a hard time keeping up, I occasionally had to stop for a breath, and I found myself struggling through some of the strength training exercises. Some of my best swear words – normally reserved for Jillian – were unleashed on this virtual trainer. Today I’m completely stiff and sore from the punishment.

How did I go from running a 5K to being a puddle of goo after a 30 minute Wii exercise game?

So this month, I’m back in the game and ready to make it hurt. I can’t guarantee that the candy will sit untouched, but you can bet I’m ready to work hard to counter the effects of that demonic sugary treat. My plan is to find some cold weather gear so I can keep running outdoors, do workout videos on other days, and try to watch my intake of junk food while drinking more water.

What about you? What are your goals/plans for November?

Proven Ways To Lose Weight That I Wouldn’t Recommend

Stomach virus.

Enough said.

I’m now seeing my weight in the 170’s, but I don’t feel like celebrating at the moment.

Ugh, slinking off to rest some more. As you can imagine, any working out has been completely derailed this week. But I also haven’t eaten anything more than stale saltines for the past 30 hours.

I do not endorse this method of losing weight.

March of Dimes Night Moves 5K Results

After the BlogHer 5K, I knew I needed to sign up for another 5K to keep me motivated or I’d simply stop exercising like I did a year ago.

I signed up for the March of Dimes Night Moves 5K for a few reasons. First, it benefits March of Dimes, a charity I have always supported. Second, it was at night, and since I work third shift I tend to do better running on a nocturnal schedule.

A few weeks ago I suffered a back injury that made it difficult to run for a little while. My training slowed as a result and I continued to be stuck at 25 minutes of running max. Last week I did manage one 28 minute run, but only to avoid social interactions. So I knew going into this race that it was nearly certain I’d be walking for part of it. My motto was “Just don’t finish last.”

Friday night the area around Front Street was packed with people, and I immediately felt excited when I walked into the plaza and saw the crowd. After I picked up my shirt and goody bag, I changed into my shirt and began stretching for the race.

Pre-race posing

Shortly after that, Brooke found me. She left a comment here last week saying she would be running this 5K as well, and I told her I hoped she would come find me. Thankfully she did and I quickly made a new blog pal! We talked about how neither of us had run a full 5K, and decided we’d run together. I warned her I was slow and gave her full permission to leave me in the dust if I started walking. (To be fair, she gave me the same permission, but I thought it doubtful that she would be slower than me.)

We cheered on the 5-mile racers as they started before the 5K runners, and then took our place in the pack. The run started on a hill – going up, of course – but the crowd was buzzing with excitement and as we started running I watched as other people darted around us. I was determined to keep it slow and steady, though, and not overdo it at the beginning. Brooke was kind enough to slow down and stay with me.

Everything felt great for the first mile or so. I fell into a good breathing pattern, and even managed to pass a few people who were already walking.

The second mile was harder, though. I started to reach the threshold of my running limits, and felt that sharp ache in my side. I tried altering my breathing to force it to go away, and it would help for awhile, but then it came back again. I could now start to hear my breathing over my music. My right shoulder started to hurt, too. The urge to walk was becoming stronger, but Brooke was still running, so I was determined to stay with her.

The last mile – especially the last half mile – was pain, pure and simple. My side hurt, my shoulder hurt, my lungs burned, and I felt like I was going to throw up. When we made the final turn towards the finish line, I wondered if I could make it or not. On one hand, I could see the finish line way up ahead, so it seemed silly to stop running now when I was so close. On the other hand, panic was beginning to set in and I wondered if I’d black out before I made it to the finish line. I could easily hear my breathing over the music now, which meant people a quarter mile away could likely hear it as well. I sounded like I was drowning in my own mucous.

With the finish line only a few blocks away, I made my mind up to finish this damn race running. Of course, that then meant I had to convince my body to go along with what my mind decided. I’m sure I was grunting at this point as I had to mentally force my feet to keep moving, force my arms to keep swinging, and force my body to move forward. I know I was swearing at myself to keep going.

And then at 41 minutes and 4 seconds, I crossed the finish line. Running. I didn’t plan this accomplishment – I thought myself several weeks away from graduating from the couch to 5K program. Yet there it was: I ran an entire 5K.

How did I feel after the run? Mostly happy that it was over, honestly. I had to sit down and suck in some air for a little while to feel OK again, and my legs still felt wobbly for the rest of the night.

Me & Brooke, post-race. I’m impressed I’m standing.

I woke up the next day feeling like I’d been hit by a car. Everything hurt – especially my back and sides. I guess my next goal will be to work on relaxing while running so I’m not so tense.

Big thanks to Brooke for running with me – I strongly doubt I would’ve kept running without seeing her still running beside me.

Up next? Well, I want to keep working on my distance, as I doubt I’ll be able to repeat that 5K in my own neighborhood with no one running next to me and no race to participate in. So I’ll go back to C25K and keep slowly working up my time. I might start working some intervals back in as well, trying to increase my speed just a wee bit.

And I’ve already selected my next 5K – the Fright Night 5K in October. Nothing like running through a haunted graveyard and woods at night to keep you moving! 

Believe me, folks – if I can do this, you can, too. I used to be the lump on the couch, the woman circling the parking lot for 10 minutes to get the slightly closer parking spot. It’s not easy, but it is possible.

The 5K Looming Ahead of Me

I’ve been having a lot of trouble with the 25 minute mark in running. Ever since BlogHer I’ve managed to run a full 25 minutes straight only a couple of times, and other times my legs have given out at the 22 or 23 minute instead. It’s been frustrating.

But Monday night, I set out to do a 25 minute run again, and a funny thing happened: I ran for 28 minutes – the next step on Couch to 5K. I’d like to say I did it due to great stamina and mental conditioning, but the truth is far more humble and a little funny.

As I looked at my iPhone and realized I had less than a minute left to run, I noticed two of my neighbors walking up ahead of me, going the same direction I was. At 20 seconds left, a quick calculation in my head made me realize that if I went into my cool down walk right at 25 minutes, I’d be stopping roughly at the same spot they were at. Which would mean I’d likely have to talk to them. We don’t get along all that well, and I really wasn’t in the mood to talk, anyway.

So I kept running. I ran right past them, my huffing and puffing a perfectly good excuse to not say hello or even acknowledge them as I focused on putting one foot in front of the other. I had to make sure I got far enough away before slowing to a walk – to keep it from looking obvious – so I gritted my teeth through the pain in my side and finished 28 minutes of running.

Social awkwardness: who knew it was such a great motivator?

This Friday I’ll be running in the March of Dimes Night Moves 5K. My hope was to run this one entirely, but I know I’m not quite ready for that yet, so I plan to run as much as possible and be proud just to finish. Well, that’s the plan, but I’m worried that I’ll come away disappointed if I don’t put in a certain level of performance, too.

As much as I want to run an entire 5K, I know that my body is still adjusting to the idea of being a runner. It will happen, though, and I’m hoping that the excitement of being at a 5K race again will push me to go a little further without walking.

Hey, I did 28 minutes straight, right? Maybe I just need to imagine the people in front of me are my neighbors who might want to have an awkward talk?

Ow Ow Ow

So last week I was completely thrilled to be able to run again, along with the cool weather that made running enjoyable.

And then I screwed up my back and all of that came to a grinding halt.

I wish I knew what I did. I remember leaning over to dry my hair after my last run, and feeling my back ache a little. Not a big deal, and it didn’t really bother me that much.

Then the next night, as my back was feeling better, I reached over to turn on the water in my bathtub, and suddenly white hot pain shot through my back. This wasn’t even a long, unusual stretch – I was barely bending over, and barely reaching for the handle.

That night my back was very sore, and the night after that I was in agony. I couldn’t twist, and I could only bend at the hip and knee – my back had to remain in one position. I was in far too much pain to even contemplate going to work, so I took the night off and focused on taking care of myself with medication and ice. Overnight, I woke up and had somehow irritated my back enough that I wanted to scream, but couldn’t because it hurt too much to even take a deep breath.

On Friday I went to visit a friend who is a massage therapist with the hope that he could work some magic and get my spine to lay off the pain. An hour and a half later, every muscle was happily relaxed, but the pain was still there in that one spot. Which means it’s a nerve pain, not a muscle pain.

I tried to take it easy over the weekend, and my back is starting to feel a little better. But I think at this point I might need to look into visiting a chiropractor to get my spine to shape up, or at least hold the proper shape.

What’s really frustrating is that I missed some ideal running time last week when the weather was beautiful and cool. This week, the forecast is in the 90’s every single day, and beyond that I’m not even sure I’m in any shape to attempt running right now.

I’m planning to be extra careful with my calories this week since I may not be exercising. And as soon as my back feels better, I think I’ll start incorporating some yoga into my workout routine to help strengthen my core and hopefully prevent these kinds of random injuries again.

Any recommendations for a good gentle yoga video for beginners?

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