
Karma Has A Sense of Humor. A Dark, Twisted Sense of Humor.

After BlogHer, I was a sloth. This isn't a new thing, though - I usually come home from BlogHer so…

15 years ago

Bump on Log

So BlogHer is over. And it's a million degrees outside. And I haven't run in a week.I need to shake…

15 years ago

BlogHer 5K: We Came, We Put on Tutus, We Ran!

At BlogHer09, there was a 5K that I fully intended to run. I had the best intentions, but after about 5 minutes…

15 years ago

And Sometimes You Surprise Even Yourself

Two years ago, I never could have dreamed that I could be a runner. I was out of breath climbing…

15 years ago

Double Rainbow All The Way!

After my spectacular fail at running two eight-minute intervals on Sunday, I set out to do it again last night. It…

15 years ago