
November Is For New Starts

So...Halloween.Yeah.Have I mentioned I have a weakness for candy?As I write this, a small stash of Halloween candy is calling to…

14 years ago

Proven Ways To Lose Weight That I Wouldn’t Recommend

Stomach virus.Enough said. I'm now seeing my weight in the 170's, but I don't feel like celebrating at the moment. Ugh, slinking…

14 years ago

March of Dimes Night Moves 5K Results

After the BlogHer 5K, I knew I needed to sign up for another 5K to keep me motivated or I'd…

14 years ago

The 5K Looming Ahead of Me

I've been having a lot of trouble with the 25 minute mark in running. Ever since BlogHer I've managed to…

14 years ago

Ow Ow Ow

So last week I was completely thrilled to be able to run again, along with the cool weather that made…

15 years ago