fate laughing at me

This Wasn’t Exactly What I Was Asking For

When Cordy was a newborn, she was a royal pain. She cried all the time from colic and reflux. She…

18 years ago

Sleepless Nights (Not The Baby)

While Mira does seem to have colic, at least she's sleeping her long stretches at night. She generally gives us…

18 years ago

There’s No Such Thing As Cosmic Balance

A good friend just had her baby on June 1. We were amazed when we found out we were both…

18 years ago

An Award and An Answer From The Heavens

Woo-hoo! I got an award! The fabulous Kate from Eucalyptus Pillow (geez, I still have to look up the spelling…

18 years ago


This morning I had it confirmed that my second daughter is following in her big sister's footsteps by being turned…

18 years ago