Now You Know Why They’re Not Models

Scene: Fall festival, trying to take a nice photo of both girls. (Click any photo to enlarge.)

OK, girls, look at mommy and smile!

C’mon, Mira, smile for mommy! You’re too young to be sullen! Oh…um, Cordy, I don’t need your help making Mira smile…

Mira, c’mon, look at the camera like Cordy did. Cordy, are you looking?

What kind of a face was that, Mira? Cordy, please focus! Just one photo of the two of you smiling! That’s all I’m asking for!

Good eye contact, Mira. If only you didn’t look so bershon. Now can we get Cordy to look at the camera and have both of you smile? Please?

OK, clearly we’re done here. Fine, I’ll leave you alone to play on the stairs and wait for the hayride.

Wait…now you’re smiling? Hold still! Let me get my camera out again! Don’t stop smiling! Argh, I don’t have enough time! *CLICK*

You two are determined to have me committed.


I can’t even imagine how much trouble she’ll be when she’s 10. She knows herself, and she knows how to work anyone to her will. Her first day of preschool? Didn’t even whimper when we left — instead she ignored us and set to work making the room her own. When Aaron picked her up, they said she was “sweet” to everyone, and acted as if she’s always been a part of that class.

Mira will rule them all through charm.

PS – Did you catch the Columbus Dispatch article where I (and a handful of other great local mom bloggers) shared our thoughts on the state of mom blogging? No? Go read it!

If You Think This Is Bad, You Don’t Want To See Her Texting Bill


Haiku Friday: Miss Independent

Next week, a big change
for Mira regarding her
summer camp schedule

Two days a week was
her old schedule, but she wants
more time at her school

Mira is our Little Miss
Independent, wanting more
time away from home

So next week, she will
attend five days a week, just
like her big sister

Mira is nothing if not independent. While Cordy struggles every day with going to summer camp, Mira dives right in. She’s happy to be there, throwing her backpack at me by the time she hits the doorway to her classroom. If I stay and talk to the teachers too long, she will come back to me, look up at me, place her hand on my belly and say “bye bye” as she gently pushes me out the door.

But being there only two days a week is not enough for her. On the days when Cordy goes to camp on her own, Mira often throws a fit because she can’t go with her. So after a lot of number crunching and a little help and prodding from family, we extended her summer camp schedule to five days a week for the last three weeks of camp. I think based on her results so far, she’ll love it.

This kid will be trying to move out on her own before she’s six.

To play along for Haiku Friday, follow these steps:

1. Write your own haiku on your blog. You can do one or many, all following a theme or just random. What’s a haiku, you ask? Click here.

2. Sign the Mister Linky below with your name and the link to your haiku post (the specific post URL, not your main blog URL). DON’T sign unless you have a haiku this week. If you need help with this, please let me know.

3. Pick up a Haiku Friday button to display on the post or in your sidebar by clicking the button at the top.

REMEMBER: Do not post your link unless you have a haiku this week! I will delete any links without haiku!

Roller Coaster of Life

It’s been such a busy 36 hours here, full of ups and downs and uncertainties. I’ve barely had time to sit down long enough to process it all.

The good:
Remember that job I applied for in a local small hospital? I got it! I’ll be working in the Birth Center as a labor/delivery/postpartum nurse. I’m thrilled to be starting my nursing career in a specialty I’m interested in, and the smaller hospital size may work to my favor.

The bad:
It’ll be a long commute – over 45 minutes. And I was a little surprised to realize that the starting pay is equal to what I used to make as a technical writer five years ago. Ah well, it’ll be worth it to be working with mamas and babies.

The good:
After Mira’s well-child check when she turned two, we were told to schedule an appt. with Children’s Hospital for a speech evaluation. Mira had an evaluation with Help Me Grow last fall, but her pediatrician wanted to see a more aggressive therapy schedule. After waiting over a month, we got an appointment and Mira spent the morning with the speech pathologist today. She was amazed that Mira can speak in full 3-4 word sentences. We heard the word “gifted” again.

The bad:
Although she can speak in 3-4 word sentences, good luck trying to figure out what those words are. Mira is a smart little kid, but she was diagnosed with apraxia of speech. It means that somewhere between her brain and the muscles in her mouth, the message is getting garbled, resulting in poor muscle coordination with her mouth.

It’s nothing that therapy can’t fix, although I’m not looking forward to the fight we’ll have trying to convince the World’s Most Stubborn Toddler to cooperate in even more speech therapy.

The not-so-good:
Cordy’s had a rough week or so. She’s been extremely uncooperative, rude and had several outbursts when frustrated. The culmination was at summer camp today, when she freaked out at swimming time, refusing to go into the water, pinching another child, and then when she had a full-out meltdown, she kicked her teacher and then lost control of her bladder, peeing on her teacher. Not her best day.

The uncertain:
Tomorrow Cordy goes in for surgery. It’ll be early in the day, and as long as the hospital has wireless I’ll probably be tweeting to keep from going insane from worry. I’m sure her tooth has been hurting her – maybe it was the reason she’s been acting out so much? – but the thought of my little girl undergoing general anesthesia is hard to bear. Cordy often has strange reactions to medications, and I don’t know which way she’ll react to what they give her.

I’ve had nightmares for days about something going wrong, then waking up in a full panic attack, trying to stop the tears. Were this Mira, I would not be as worried. Don’t get me wrong – I love Mira just as much, but she’s an amazingly tough kid. She’s never seemed as medically fragile as Cordy. Ha, I can’t believe I just called Cordy fragile. My Amazon warrior princess?

So spare a thought for Cordy in the morning, and hopefully I’ll be reporting that her surgery was quick, routine, and we’ll be home in time for her to watch Word World.

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