
Haiku Friday: School Time!

What's that sound I hear?A school bus is driving by -It's that time againNot a moment toosoon! It's back to…

17 years ago

Racing Through The Fog

I really don't have time to be depressed right now.August is shaping up to be one of the busiest months…

17 years ago

There Are No Rainbows and Unicorns Here

I should have known the monster was lurking in the shadows.Lately I've felt out-of-sorts. It started innocently enough - I…

17 years ago

Meet My New Tech Support

Mark my words: in a couple of years, this kid will be hacking into government supercomputers for fun. I've been…

17 years ago

Why We’ll Never Be Welcomed Back For Dim Sum Ever Again

Everyone has that one tale about kids acting up in a restaurant, right? Often the tale is of another family,…

17 years ago