
Morning Drop Off and Bottle Opener

Amazingly, Cordy wanted to go to school today. Actually came up to me at home and said, "School?" and then…

18 years ago

Can’t Take The Heat Anymore

Summer in Ohio is much like winter in Ohio: the weather is so unbearable that you only go outside if…

18 years ago

But She Really Is Smart

I was a bundle of nerves this morning, with Cordy's evaluation looming in the distance of the afternoon. The house…

18 years ago

BlogHer 07 So Far

OK, so I know I'm not updating as much as I did at last year's BlogHer conference. But when you…

18 years ago

Welcome To Our House. Don’t Mind The Blood.

We had a first today. Laura brought her twins over for a playdate, along with McD's breakfast and coffee. (I…

18 years ago