I Wish Some Gifts Came With Receipts

As much as I wanted my girls to not be themselves for Mother’s Day, I have to say that it wasn’t as bad as I expected. My husband – always the bright one – caught on when I said I only wanted a card for Mother’s Day, and nothing more. He recognized that this meant I have no idea what to ask for, so make it good, buddy and took the appropriate action.

Well, sort of. On Saturday he did misinterpret my go buy my gift and enjoy spending some time alone, and hey, maybe you could bring home some ice cream as a message that said go buy my gift quickly and spend the rest of the evening at a gaming store until midnight, because I didn’t want to spend any time at all with you, and oh, I wasn’t serious about asking you to bring me home ice cream or asking you to call if you were going to be late. I can see how that mistake could be made.

The girls, too young to drive themselves to Target to pick out a pretty gift, instead showered me with gifts that were, shall we say, more intangible and less wanted. A quick round-up of the gifts that were bestowed on me this weekend:

From Aaron: Two martini glasses, a cosmo shaker kit, and a box of Choxie dark chocolate truffles. Hmmm…you think he knows me? It was a nice gift, and nearly made up for me going to bed alone the night before.

From Cordy: Blow-out diapers all weekend long. I still haven’t figured out if it was some kind of gastrointestinal virus or a reaction to something she ate on Friday, but either way I didn’t expect to spend the weekend wondering if it was worth the risk of a toxic spill in public to leave the house.

Sick girl

From Mira: Attitude. I can already see this child will somehow be involved in my demise. She’s doing a great job at making me feel like a first-time mother again. This is the age we’re supposed to be setting limits, right? She should get upset when I use a firm, strong NO, right? So why when I give that firm no in my best mean mommy voice, I now get this in return?

Scary (drooly) evil grin

Teaching her new friend Evan all her tricks

Razzing me

Oh yeah, attitude galore. And as soon as I tell her no and pull her away from what I don’t want her to do, she goes right back to it, giving me that impish, scrunchy-face grin as if to say Oh, you’re in for it, lady. Is she my Stewie?

From three random little girls: A pretty carnation. We went out to dinner on Sunday night because I wanted a nice dinner and decided any risk of toxic spill was an acceptable trade-off. The restaurant had been giving carnations out to each mom, but they ran out about twenty minutes before we arrived. No big deal. Sitting across from us was a family who had three girls. They were cute and funny and clearly having a great time together.

Shortly after we ordered, they finished and gathered their things to leave. I saw the youngest (maybe 4 years old?) lean over and whisper something to her mother, and her mother replied, “I think that’s a great idea.” They walked away, and less than a minute later, the manager came to our table and handed me a carnation. He explained that the girls said they were planting a flower garden and didn’t need the flower, so they wanted to give it to me, since I was a mommy and didn’t get a flower. Awwww….

Overall, not a bad day. But maybe my daughters can take a lesson from the little girls in the restaurant and just give me flowers next year?

Another cool gift I got this weekend was my first monthly delivery of photos from Kinzin. Check out my review of this photo sharing and printing service.

Haiku Friday: Young Jedi

Haiku Friday

Daddy-daughter time:
She is a Jedi fighter.
He is a Sith lord.

A flash of blue light
crashing against red light in
the lightsaber duel

It’s Star Wars at home
She’s never seen the movies
But it is still fun

This is what happens
When your husband’s a geek and
Shares it with your kid

To play along for Haiku Friday, follow these steps:

1. Write your own haiku on your blog. You can do one or many, all following a theme or just random. What’s a haiku, you ask? Click here.

2. Sign the Mister Linky below or at Jennifer’s blog with your name and the link to your haiku post (the specific post URL, not your generic blog URL). DON’T sign unless you have a haiku this week. If you need help with this, contact Jennifer or myself.

3. Pick up a Haiku Friday button to display on the post or in your sidebar by clicking the button at the top.

REMEMBER: Do not post your link unless you have a haiku this week! We will delete any links without haiku!

Five Years

Forgive The Bragging, Please

I know some of you mommy bloggers out there have been posting lately about your husbands behaving badly. Being wimps. Being lazy. Being selfish, condescending, and mean. The labels “assholes” and “pussies” have been thrown around lately.

I’m sorry, ladies, for the story I’m about to share. But maybe you can show your husbands the end of this post and the testosterone desire to compete shaming sweet tale will convince them to make up for their ways.

Sunday, Aaron and I were given a rare break from the children to see a movie. Aaron wanted to see I Am Legend. I was uninterested. I wanted to see this instead:

Uh-huh. A chick flick. And not just a chick flick, but one containing the actor who is at the upper-most, highest peak, tippity-top of my List of Five.

Allow me a moment of high school girl obsession: *droooooool*

And do you know what my sweet, loving husband said to me when I casually suggested seeing P.S. I Love You, trying to sound as if I was interested in the story and not that I just wanted to stare at Gerard Butler on the big screen for two hours?


Even knowing I’d be searing every shirtless image, every sexy smile, every word spoken in that hot Scottish accent into my brain, he agreed to see a movie he wasn’t interested in on our one chance in weeks to get out together.

And he dislikes Hilary Swank.

And in a theater filled with women, he was one of TWO men.

And the other guy was so old he probably didn’t remember what movie he was seeing afterwards.

Not only did he agree to see this chick flick without complaint – he enjoyed it. Teared up at times, even! (Note: bring kleenex to this movie. No matter how stone-faced you think you are, it’s a four hankie tear-jerker.)

I’m a lucky woman.

Oh sure, he’s not perfect, and he can piss me off sometimes. Or a lot, depending on the week. (and I’m sure he gets sick of me, too) But I’m glad I have him, and after almost five years of marriage, he’s still willing to do little things to make me happy.

Now, mommy blogger husbands out there, listen up: I challenge you to top this. Do something totally selfless, something entirely for your lovely wives. Make these women unable to resist bragging about how great their guys are.

I want to see some happy mamas out there, because these wonderful women deserve a little special treatment!

The Post-Thanksgiving Post, in Bullets!

We survived another holiday filled with too much sugar, way too many foods that Cordy is allergic to (’tis the season for cinnamon!), and lots of relatives we haven’t seen in a long time, who forget that Cordy needs time to warm up to them, and therefore freak her out.

Because I am still in holiday mode, and because I have barely slept in days (see second bullet below), I give you this post, bullet-style:

  • I’m thankful that Cordy is finally letting go of Halloween. It’s taken a hefty dose of the new Disney series Bunnytown (Have you seen this? It’s like crack for toddlers!), plus a showing of Mickey’s Once Upon A Christmas, but Halloween is fading from her vocabulary. I soon expect her to be talking up Christmas every waking moment.
  • I’m not thankful that Mira started waking up every couple of hours at night. Wha? How is this fair? I can deal with her not napping during the day, being cranky nearly every waking moment, and even the occasional bite to my nipple. But PLEASE let me have my four hours of sleep a night, child! Two is just not enough. If you’d sleep more, kid, I wouldn’t be as fat. You’ll appreciate it when you’re a teen and you don’t have a fat mom to embarrass you, OK?
  • Did you know my blog is being mentioned in a book? It’s true. Vicky Zhou is working on a book about the most interesting blogs on the web, and she has somehow included this little blog in her list. I don’t know which category, but I’m sure it isn’t in the category of “blogs with deep thoughts and big words”. I swear I didn’t pay her.
  • And speaking of blog business, I totally missed my second blog anniversary due to Thanksgiving. Actually, it was on Thanksgiving. Happy second year to me! I promise to come out of this baby-induced haze (if she’d let me sleep) and write more interesting posts again in the next year.
  • Finally, I have more proof that my children apparently threw out most of my genetic material in favor of Aaron’s at conception. Of course everyone thinks that Mira looks like Aaron, but several people say Cordy looks like me. I think they’re only seeing the coloring, and not the features, but then I took this picture. Can you see how we would never end up on Maury Povich for a DNA test?

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