family time

Birthday Weekend Extravaganza

I probably should have written a post on Friday, but I was still too in shock over the realization that…

12 years ago

End of Summer Trip, Day 2: Put-in-Bay

After a busy day at Cedar Point (you can read about Day 1 here), we wanted our second day to…

13 years ago

End of Summer Trip, Day 1: Cedar Point

Last week we had the chance to get away for a couple of days before the start of the school…

13 years ago

Beating the Heat With A Spash Park Adventure

In case you don't follow anyone on Twitter or Facebook from Ohio (and if you don't, why not? I've got…

13 years ago

I Need A Vacation From My Weekend

So, how was your weekend?Mine was...busy. You're supposed to rest and relax on weekends, right? Especially three-day holiday weekends? Ha.…

13 years ago