daily life

More Cordy-isms: The Passive-Aggressive Edition

"Mommy, I have a cold.""Oh, really? I'm sorry to hear that, Cordy.""I need ice cream to feel me better.""Are you…

16 years ago

Maybe I Should Save For A Tummy Tuck?

I had the fortune to get an evening away with my husband - sans children - last night. We went…

16 years ago

Haiku Friday: Can You Help A Fellow Blogger, Sister?

Have you heard the news?Bad stuff is happening tobloggers everywhere.Some are losing jobsOthers losing health or life -Bad times all…

16 years ago

Ups and Downs: Currently In The Downs

It's amazing how much harder it is to blog in the summertime. When Cordy's regular special needs preschool ended, I…

16 years ago

Each Time A Door Closes…

...another one opens, right? And hopefully it is a bigger, better door: prettier, shinier, brighter, more comfortable, makes you happier,…

17 years ago