daily life

Learning To Be Social

Back in June, Cordy had to go through a re-evaluation in order to continue receiving county assistance for her therapy.…

12 years ago

We’re Having A Smurfy Week (& Giveaway!)

How's your week going? I don't even know what day of the week it is. (Checks computer calendar...OK, it's Wednesday.)…

12 years ago

Compromised By A Cold

I came home from BlogHer a week and a half ago full of energy and full of ideas. It seems…

12 years ago

Summer Changes

It's been a rather tumultuous seven days around here. Or as I like to call it...any typical week in this…

12 years ago

My Weekend: Soccer, Comic Books, Sci-Fi & The POTUS

It's not even summer yet, and I can already feel my weekends getting busier. I'm a failure at having the…

12 years ago