Hi everyone – like the new look?
Yeah, I know it loads slower than a child walking to bed when there’s fireworks and pony rides outside. I can’t figure out why. It loaded so quickly when I saw other people’s versions of the template. Figures.
I’m no expert at this, so you’ll probably see some tinkering over the next week. In addition to being a Domestic Zero, I’m apparently not-so-hot in the technical field, either.
Don’t worry, I won’t be doing this for anyone else anytime soon. Because with the amount of time I’ve put into screwing around with this template, and photoshop editing, and finding a background that’s passable-but-not-quite-right, I’d probably have to charge $9,280. And that’s assuming minimum wage per hour.
So if anything looks out of whack, let me know. If you care to share thoughts, I’d love to hear them, too. But only if they’re positive, OK? This was my first attempt at template re-design, and I’d like to someday try again instead of forking over money I don’t have to someone else.