clearly insane

Things To Do While Unemployed

I'm taking the elimination of my job amazingly well. Or at least that's what everyone is telling me. People look at…

13 years ago

A Crazy Example of Great Service

I had one other amazing experience during Blissdom that I wanted to share, but decided that it needed its own…

13 years ago

Cosmo the Wonder Pup

As if my house wasn't already enough of a zoo, we added a new species to the mix just before…

13 years ago

Wait, How Is It September Already?

Back to school is always a busy time of year, but this year seems extra busy for some reason. The changes…

14 years ago

Wishing for Boredom

I've had a lot on my plate lately, so rather than explain in long narrative, I'll give it to you…

14 years ago