clearly insane

Easiest Black Friday Ever

I've always been a Black Friday shopper. Oh, I know, it's a crazy pastime to fight crowds in the cold…

11 years ago

When Your Political Tweet Is Retweeted Astray

This may be my longest post ever. Hang in there, it's worth it. I hope. Look, I dislike talking politics…

13 years ago

Geeky Pursuits

It's no secret that we're a family of geeks. Aaron and I met many years ago when performing at the…

13 years ago

Spring Break Madness

If you've noticed how quiet I've been this week, I have two words for you: spring break. I used to…

13 years ago

Two Nights In The Woods – Internet Isolation

Aaron and I celebrated our nine year anniversary by visiting the scenic Hocking Hills for three days last week. I…

13 years ago