being a mom

Temple Grandin Gives Me Hope

Seems like anytime I send for an old-fashioned DVD from Netflix, it then sits around our house for weeks and…

14 years ago

The Pioneer Woman, Ice Cream, and Sick Kid All In One Weekend

Some weekends are short, and then some fly by so quickly that you barely had time to process everything that…

14 years ago

A Fair and Balanced Christmas

I thought I had most of the Christmas shopping done long before today. But then when I paused for a…

14 years ago

Sickness, Dollars and Sense

Saturday night was a long night. I trudged up to bed around midnight, my body and brain fighting to figure…

14 years ago

Heaven Help Us When She’s Sixteen. Or Four.

You'd think that with a second child I'd feel like less of a novice mother. I've been through it all once,…

15 years ago