Keeping up a workout routine and good eating habits is hard enough when you’re in your normal environment of home and work. You can select what foods you bring to work. You know when you have free time to work out. You select what foods go in your cart at the grocery.
But when you’re away from home at a conference or on vacation? All bets are usually off.
Not this time.
I’m leaving this morning for Blissdom, and not only am I excited about attending the conference again, meeting up with great friends and having a fantastic time in the Gaylord Opryland Biodome, I’ve also signed up for morning fitness sessions.
Say what?
Yes. I’m going to get up way too early – ON PURPOSE – and drag my (likely) underslept self out of my room to exercise. Willingly. Twice.
Maybe this has become a lifestyle change? Or maybe I just want to get in a good workout to justify the extra calories I will be consuming while at the conference? Either way, I’m going to make sure I’m at each workout to ensure I don’t completely derail my progress in one trip.
I just hope I don’t look too bad when I’m red-faced and gasping for air in my frayed workout gear.