Is My Daughter Being Bullied In First Grade?

Some days, being a parent is more like being a detective. Trying to find the truth between wildly different accounts of a situation can take a lot of time and effort, and in the end you’re still not sure if you know what really happened.

Last week was one of those situations.

It started on Thursday around 1pm when I was jolted awake by my cell phone. Since I work nights, I ask that no one call my cell during the day unless one of my children is hurt or I just won a million dollars. I answered the call and Cordy’s school nurse was on the other end. She said that Cordy had been knocked down by accident during recess and had a scratch on her arm, but it wasn’t bad. Cordy had been pretty upset about it, though, so they let her spend some time in the nurse’s office before sending her back to class.

I didn’t understand why a small scratch on her arm warranted a call home, but whatever. I went back to sleep quickly.

When Cordy came home that day, she wanted some computer time right when she walked in the door. As I sat with her at the computer, I asked to see the scratch on her arm – there was barely a mark there. But I noticed she was talking oddly, without moving her upper lip. A closer look revealed that her upper lip was split in the middle and swollen. The school nurse didn’t mention this?

I asked her what happened to her lip, and she didn’t want to tell me at first. But then the story came out: two boys came up to her in the field at recess and knocked her down. One sat on her while the other threw a kickball in her face. She said they both laughed at her and called her “weird” and that they’ve thrown things at her before.

I made her repeat the story to me several times that night. Unlike when she makes up stories, the details didn’t change and there were more details than she usually tells. She gave us their names. She told us she was afraid of them. And she insisted they called her weird and laughed at her.

You can imagine how furious I was. Just as I sat down to write an email to her teachers, an email arrived from her special needs teacher. In giving us the details of Cordy’s day, she mentioned the incident, although the details were different. She said Cordy claimed she was hit and was very upset, but the recess teachers saw it and it appeared to be an accident. There was no mention of the split lip, only the scratch on her arm.

I replied to her email and gave her Cordy’s version of the story. I said I couldn’t understand how accidentally knocking someone down could result in a split lip, or why Cordy would claim they laughed at her at called her weird. I mentioned that this sounded to me like bullying and I wanted it looked into further.

The response I received the next day provided an even more detailed view of the incident. Her teacher said that a group of kids – including Cordy – had been involved in a lot of play fighting during the week and it had become more rough each day. The teachers had told them to tone it down. Other kids had complained that Cordy was hitting them with her coat. Cordy’s teacher said she spoke with the boys and believes the play fighting may have accidentally become too real.

And then she said that she also spoke to Cordy and advised her to play around the playground equipment and not with the kids out in the field.

So now I’m left to piece all of it together. I believe the adults – Cordy was probably play fighting. I asked her about hitting other kids with her coat, and she said she did it only because they were doing it to her first. I’m not so blinded by love for my kid that I’m unwilling to admit she’d ever do anything wrong. We had a discussion about why it’s not OK to hurt someone just because they hurt you first, and I expect her to apologize to the kids she swung her coat at.

But I also believe what happened to Cordy was real. I don’t think she was knocked down on accident, and whether it was play fighting or not, she still ended up with a split lip and deserves at least an apology from those boys. I also believe that they called her weird and laughed at her. There’s no reason for her to make up something like that. Whether they were saying it “in pretend” or not, it’s still hurtful and should never be said to someone. Getting away with it now could lead to them thinking it’s OK in the future. I don’t want to aide a child on his first step towards becoming a bully.

So where’s the truth? It’s somewhere in between, but the more information I’m given, the more confused I become. I like Cordy’s teachers and her school, and want to believe them, but I also want to believe my daughter. Her part in the rough play at recess has been dealt with by us. But if she feels like she’s being bullied, it needs to be addressed. (And why didn’t anyone notice her swollen, cracked-open upper lip?) I hope there are programs in place to address bullying and the importance of accepting differences, and if not there need to be, even at the first grade level.

I was bullied as a kid for being different. I know how painful it is to feel like you can’t be yourself without someone ridiculing you, but even if you try to be someone else you still can’t ever fit in. Any self-esteem I had when I started elementary school was slowly shredded to pieces by junior high. Even things I should have been proud of – like being academically gifted – were marks of shame to hide once the bullies had their way with me. I never want Cordy to suffer what I went through.

Cordy is gradually coming to the understanding that she’s different. We’re gently introducing the topic of autism to her, framing it in a way to highlight the positive differences as well as the areas she struggles with that other kids may find easy. She still isn’t self-aware enough yet to completely get it, but hopefully the self-esteem building is getting through to her if nothing else is.

We are also teaching her that there are lots of other ways to be different, too. Some kids are great at sports, others can’t use their legs and require a wheelchair, and some kids just look very different from their classmates. All of these things make them different, but just as valuable and loved as any other kid. But hate, prejudice, and discrimination are not differences to value, and should never be tolerated.

For now I plan to keep an open communication with Cordy about this topic, making sure that no one else is calling her names and that she feels safe in her class. I’m sure we’ll discuss it more at the upcoming parent-teacher conferences as well.

Sigh…and people said the baby years were hard. Ha ha ha. Playing the role of Detective Mom has me in far more unpleasant situations than ever faced by even the worst blow-out diaper.

This Is Not A Blog Post

Oh sure, you might have thought you were getting a blog post from me today, but you’re not.

Instead you get this:

Pirate princess

And this:

Pink petal princess

And this:

Ready for trick or treat on Halloween

Revel in the cuteness and expect a real post in another day or so.

Or you can go visit my other blogs where I’m giving away Naturalizer shoes and Sephora gift cards.

Slim-Fast – Two Weeks Later (& Giveaway!)

Last time I posted, I mentioned I was giving Slim-Fast a try for two weeks. They had generously sent me some samples of their shakes in the new plastic bottles (yay, no more cans!) and I decided to see how well I could incorporate them into my diet. Considering that I hadn’t lost a pound in weeks – and may have gained a couple – trying something new was worth a shot.

I had several struggles during this two week challenge. One of my coworkers ended up in the hospital, and frequent visits to see her and worrying about her left me exhausted and emotionally drained, which weakened my defenses against comfort eating. Exercise was also a low priority during this time. Choosing between exercise and getting five hours of sleep instead of four was an easy choice: sleep.

And let’s not forget the other temptation I was facing: Halloween candy. We bought our bags of candy early, and tried to keep them hidden away, but it didn’t work and the bag was soon open. It’s hard to resist a Reese’s Cup.

Results: Despite the circumstances of the past two weeks, I still lost two pounds! I’ll admit I’m impressed I lost anything at all since there were days I strayed far from the plan and I rarely had any time to exercise. While using the Slim-Fast shakes and meal bars, I felt full after each meal and not very hungry between meals. My downfalls were emotional eating and the late night snackies, both of which are mental issues I need to overcome, and which no diet can really help me with.

Overall thoughts: The Slim-Fast plan is easy to follow, and perfect for someone who eats poorly due to always being in a rush. The meal bars and shakes are convenient and easy to eat on-the-go, making it easy to stick to your plan when your only other option is a drive-thru. The meal bars are a little sweet for my tastes, but balancing them with a glass of water helps a lot. The shakes are perfect and just what I need when I wake up for the day.

I plan to continue using the Slim-Fast products as a supplement in my weight loss plan. While I don’t think I’ll use them everyday, I will likely use the shakes for quick breakfasts and will definitely keep meal bars in my purse for my busy days when I don’t have time for lunch.


Slim-Fast is not only helping you lose the weight, but they want to remind you that it’s OK to pamper yourself a little, too. To help with that, I’ve got four $25 Sephora gift cards to give to four lucky readers! These gift cards can be used at any Sephora store (including the ones in JC Penney) or on the Sephora online store.

To enter: I’m asking you for a little bit of advice. Emotional eating is my greatest downfall – what are your tips to avoid falling into a plate of comfort food when you’re stressed or down?

Leave me a comment below with an email address to contact you and you’ll be entered for the random drawing for these four gift cards. One entry per person, and only entries that answer the question will be eligible to win. Contest is open until Sunday, November 6 at 11:59pm ET.

Four winners will be randomly selected and notified by email. Winners have two days to respond or an alternate winner will be selected. US residents only.

Good luck!

Full disclosure: I received product samples, free product coupons and Sephora gift cards to facilitate my review and provide giveaways. All opinions expressed here are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Slim-Fast.

The Accidental Crafty Mom

I’m generally in awe of all of you crafty moms out there.

You know who you are. The ones who prefer handmade to store bought, who can do anything with some craft sticks, googly eyes, pipe cleaners and a touch of glue. You have 1,000 different creative uses for old coffee cans and glass baby food jars and your supply closet rivals Martha Stewart.

I may be jealous, but I don’t hate you in any way. No, the truth is I wish I could be you. But I lack that ability to think up clever, creative crafts. More importantly, I lack the time and patience to do what you do.

So I repin your fantastic ideas and findings on Pinterest, dreaming of sitting at the table with my daughters as we paint chalkboard paint on lids of mason jars or sneaking into their rooms while they sleep to spread glitter and decorations as I pretend a fairy paid them a visit, fully knowing I won’t act on a single idea I’ve repinned.

And then occasionally I do something crafty without even meaning to. Case in point:

I just recently bought a pair of clogs for myself and for Cordy for the winter months. They’re suede and so I wanted to waterproof them before wearing them in this painfully wet weather we’ve had recently.

A few days ago, when it was dry, I set the shoes on our sidewalk and sprayed them with a waterproofing spray. After they were dry I brought them back in. No big deal, right? Just something I had to do to protect the shoes before I wore them.

The next (rainy) day, Cordy and Mira peered out the front door and shrieked, “We have ghosts, mommy!” Puzzled, I looked outside.

Had I been smarter with this, I would have staggered the shoes to look like they were walking towards the house. But I never thought I was actually creating something cool for the kids – I was just waterproofing my shoes.

So, to recap for any of you creative types that want one more spooky decorating tip for Halloween:

Waterproofing spray on and around shoes = ghost tracks on the sidewalk.

There you go, folks, my accidental craft tip of the day.

Suddenly I feel so accomplished.

Cordy’s Thank You Note

It’s been a busy week at work. We’ve been temporarily understaffed, and as a result I feel like my days have been spent either sleeping or working.


Remember when I begged you all for votes for the Columbus Parent Magazine cover contest? It all paid off! Thanks to your votes, Cordy made it into the top five finalists out of nearly 400 entries!

As promised, here’s your thank you note:

Now we have to wait to see if Cordy is selected as the winner. A panel made up of magazine editors and professional photographers will choose the winner by this Friday. (Tomorrow!)

I have no idea what goes into making a decision like that – how do you look at five kids and decide which one will be the cuter kid on the cover just by seeing one photo and no other information? I can’t imagine it would be easy – even Miss America has a question and answer portion to the competition. There’s no chance to find out what each child is like, what story they all have to go with those smiling faces…just a photo.

Cross your fingers and hope they can see Cordy’s story in her blue eyes. And if she wins…well, she’ll have to work on an even bigger thank you note.

Cordy plans to use this photo for all holiday and birthday gifts going forward as well. She’s a time saver like me. Or lazy. Like me. 
Edited to add: Cordy didn’t win the big prize of being on the magazine cover, but her photo will be featured in the December 2011 issue.
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