Just in case you missed my subtle placement of the news in my last post, it would appear I am pregnant. Which means we beat our previous attempt record of 2 months.
The reality is still sinking in around here. We’re both excited, although I think Aaron’s a little disappointed that we hit the jackpot on the first try. After all, the real fun is in the trying, right? I never would have thought I’d get pregnant the first month.
And while excited, as this reality sets in, I find myself feeling a little overwhelmed at the thought of a second child. Two kids. Two separate beings, going in different directions, at different developmental stages. As an only child, I have no idea how people manage two children at once, but I’m going to find out. I don’t know which part will be harder – the beginning, where child #2 is largely immobile yet more high-needs, or later, when child #2 is walking and I have to try to keep two sets of hands out of trouble.
I was a little nervous when pregnant with Cordy, but I told myself that people have been having children for millions of years, and somehow most managed to raise a child without a crisis. Now I’m telling myself that same thing about having two children. There are several people I look to, both in real life and in the blog world, with more than one child, and I’m sure in the upcoming months I will be begging for advice.
So it looks like I’ll be due sometime around May 21, which means I get to miss out on being pregnant in the heat of summer this time! Woo-hoo!
On the to-do list now is to call my doctor to set up the first appt., and to stock up on ginger ale and crackers, just in case. When pregnant with Cordy, 6 weeks pregnant to the day, I was hit by a 24/7 nausea that didn’t go away until around week 12. (That day also happened to be the day we left for a vacation to the Disney resorts and Disney World. Sigh.)
While the thought of going through that nausea again is not pleasant, at least I can look forward to the 15 lb. weight loss that will accompany it.