Today, By The Numbers

6 – Hours spent at the Children’s Hospital emergency room

24 – Number of examining rooms, most filled with screaming children at some point

3 – Doctors that examined Mira

2 – Band-aids covering two punctures

1,000,000 – Germs that were probably floating through that place, making me keep a blanket over Mira while in the hallway

9 – Number of times I retold Mira’s list of symptoms to some medical professional walking into the room

5 – Number of times I told someone, “It’s a girl – don’t let the blue blanket fool you”

1 – Crazy volunteer woman who came in to keep me company, telling me why French men make great lovers and how unfair it is that the Mexicans aren’t forced to learn English when all the other immigrants were in the past

1 – IV port, urinary catheter, and lumbar puncture on Mira

The results? She has a cold.

It seems Mira has picked up the respiratory infection that Cordy is recovering from. I noticed yesterday that she was a little congested, so I took her to the doctor today when she seemed to have a low fever. Turns out she did have a fever, but since she is under two months old, the pediatrician insisted we go to the hospital for a sepsis workup to make sure everything was OK. It’s routine for any baby under two months.

I grudgingly agreed and took her to the hospital, where they put an IV port into her little hand to take blood and then give her fluids. After that, they inserted a catheter to get a urine sample. And finally they did a lumbar puncture (spinal tap) to check for meningitis. I protested the lumbar puncture, and so they brought in another doctor to convince me it was necessary. I probably wouldn’t have been so worried had I not heard the attending doctor instructing the resident on how to do a lumbar puncture. Nothing like being the first, right?

Poor Mira did amazingly well through all of it. She fought the lumbar puncture with all the strength she had, and cried a lot for the other procedures. But once they were done, she drifted back to sleep. The doctors kept saying what a good baby she was – I told them that’s how I knew she was sick. If it’s daytime and she’s not crying, there’s clearly something wrong.

In the end, it was ruled a simple viral respiratory infection. Infant Tylenol, rest, and lots of breastmilk and she should be fine. I was pretty sure that’s what it was to begin with, but they insisted on all of these tests to make sure. And being a mom, I was worried about her and so I went along with all of it. Seeing your child choking and gagging from post-nasal drip is scary.

Now I just hope this tiny, angry baby will forgive us for putting her through all of that to diagnose a common cold. And I hope she’ll get well soon.

What To Really Expect When You’re Expecting

The first time I was pregnant, I bought a ton of books so that I could be as educated as possible. However, I think the popular books scared me more than educated me. They covered all of the exotic, strange things that could go wrong while pregnant, making me feel that anything out of the ordinary was leading to a miscarriage, when in reality it was nothing to worry about.

The one thing I wasn’t prepared for with pregnancy was the emotional toll it would have on me. I was thrilled to be pregnant – we had planned this, after all – but at the same time I felt scared, a little lonely, overwhelmed, and a little sad at the life I was leaving behind. Did the books tell me how to deal with this emotional overload? Nope, and it took me well into my second trimester to finally seek out help for the depression these emotions were causing.

I wish now that I had the book Body, Soul, and Baby back then. Parent Bloggers asked me to take a look at this book, and now that I’ve read it I think it might be one of the best pregnancy books out there.

Click here to read the full review…

She’s So Emo (and not even three yet)

I always knew I had a weird child. Cordy has never gone with the flow, but the weekend confirmed that she’s an odd one.

First, on Saturday, she was playing near an old fan, and somehow managed to cut three of her fingers. Nothing too deep, but they did bleed a lot. Was she bothered by this? No. Did she try to finger paint with her new source of red paint? Yes. There was blood everywhere. The thing that upset her the most was when Aaron’s parents tried to clean off her fingers and take away her source of fun.

Later in the evening, I caught her trying to pick off the scabs to bring back the fun blood paint. Forget the fact that it clearly hurt. Sigh.

Then yesterday we went to Toys R Us. We needed to buy something for Mira, but agreed to let Cordy pick out a toy, too. She got cranky near the end of the shopping trip, but she did decide on a toy. You know how some parents say that their kid tires of a toy the second they buy it? As soon as our stroller passed through the electronic doors to the parking lot, Cordy freaked out and shoved the toy at me, no longer wanting it, and threw the World’s Greatest Tantrum. Threw herself down on the pavement, fought getting into the carseat, and threw the toy when we tried to give it back to her. She screamed the entire way home.

I can see throwing a tantrum over a toy you didn’t get, but having a fit over a toy you got? Come on! What kid is upset because she has the toy she wants?

If this is her as a toddler, I’m terrified of when she becomes a sullen teenager.


I’m sorry I haven’t been as vocal at all of your blogs. Please know I’m still reading, even if I’m not commenting. I only get a tiny part of the day when my (non-napping) infant lets me put her down to have access to the keyboard. But I can reach the mouse and click through Bloglines while I feed her, which means I read more than I comment.

Also, be sure to check out my post at Do you have mommy superpowers?

Hate Cleaning the Bathroom?

When it comes down to household chores, bathroom cleaning ranks at the very bottom for me. I would rather scoop litterboxes and soak poop-stained toddler clothing than clean the bathroom.

There’s something about cleaning in and around the toilet that grosses me out (maybe it’s the guy factor, with all of the drips on the rim?), and being forced to chip off dried toothpaste from the sink gives me chills. And let’s not forget the harsh fumes from cleaners that burn my lungs and make my eyes water. That’s why I usually leave the bathroom cleaning up to my husband.

But then Parent Bloggers sent me two new products to try: the Kaboom Neverscrub! Continuous Toilet Cleaning System and the Kaboom Shower, Tub, and Tile spray cleaner.

Click here to read the review…

I Didn’t Think We Lived That Far From Civilization

We live in a subdivision with trees behind us, but it’s still in the city. Which is why I’m always amazed when we have visitors like this in our backyard:

(Can you see the head peeking up behind the fence?) She didn’t seem to be too bothered by me looking out the window and taking her picture. Guess she has acclimated to having humans for neighbors. I first saw just a bit of her ears out of the corner of my eye, and wondered who was sneaking around behind our fence. Never expected it to be a deer!

Cordy is still sick, and after her fever returned with a vengeance on Thursday night, we took her to the doctor on Friday morning. As expected, she freaked out at the doctor’s office, refusing to do anything other than scream and fight. When checking out, the receptionist asked the doctor what the diagnosis was, and he quickly replied, “An extreme case of anger.”

The real diagnosis? She somehow picked up a respiratory infection AND a stubborn stomach bug at the same time. It’s no wonder she’s not getting any better – her little body is overwhelmed trying to fight off two things at once. She’s on antibiotics now, meaning we’re trying to sneak her amoxicillin into anything we can twice a day. So far, milk is the best – it’s orange flavored, so I’d imagine it makes her milk taste like a dreamsicle.

Damn, now I’m craving a dreamsicle…or at least an orange freeze from Steak ‘n Shake.

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