It’s Tough

It’s the week before preschool starts, and you are taking your child to meet the teachers. As you get out of your car, you hear an awful wailing and screaming coming from another car in the parking lot. You look over and see a mother, positioned half inside the car, trying to put her toddler in a car seat. The toddler is flailing and screaming, most of which you can’t understand, but you do catch the words, “No, mommy, no!” several times.

You take your time getting out of your car and unbuckling your child while continuing to witness the drama. The toddler is screaming and crying hard: deep, primal screams that echo through the parking lot. When you look over at the car, you see the child is now on the floor of the backseat, with the mother bent over the child. You can’t see clearly enough to tell exactly what is going on. Is she hitting the child to cause such screams? The screaming continues, but during those brief moments when the toddler gasps for breath, you also hear a baby crying pitifully.

You take your child out of the car and start to walk to the preschool, looking back at the car. Now the toddler is half in the carseat, and the mother is trying to hold the screaming child in place, fighting off small hands and fighting the toddler’s back arching efforts while she tries to find the buckles. The screams are even more primal now, like a wounded animal.

This happened today at our preschool, and the entire scene lasted 25 minutes before the mother got her child buckled in and drove off. What would you do in this situation? Would you ignore it and let the mother handle it on her own? Would you come over and offer to help? Based on those screams, would you worry the mother is hurting her child and call the police or children’s services?

I’m curious to know, because today I was the mother, and that toddler was Cordy.

I was worried that going to school on a non-school day would be a mistake. When we arrived in her classroom, she threw herself down at the entrance and wouldn’t come in. She did eventually come in, about ten minutes later, and we stayed for a half hour. During that half hour, she had a few moments where she threw herself to the ground because something didn’t go her way.

I gave her ample warning that we would be leaving, but when it came time to leave, she again threw herself on the ground and demanded to go to the playground. I explained that the preschool playground was closed right now, but that we could go to another playground instead. This didn’t work, though, and she screamed and sat down when it was time to leave.

The director agreed to keep an eye on her while I took Mira and the paperwork I was carrying out to the car. (Don’t worry, I started the car at this point to keep Mira cool.) I came back and scooped up Cordy, who had calmed down by this point. But as we got closer to the car, she became frenzied and started fighting me while I held her.

Much of what happened next was described above. I don’t quite understand what set her off, but she was like a wild animal at that point. That car seat was a seat covered in thorns to her, and her tantrum to stay out of the seat was one of the worst I’ve seen yet. Once she writhed and thrashed her way to the floor of the car, I then had to try to restrain her, as she was trying to throw herself into the center console and bash her head on anything solid. Mira had started crying at this point, too, because the car was still parked and how dare I put her there without getting that car moving?

Cordy continued to be dead weight when it came to lifting, and active resistance once I did lift her to the height of the seat. I did have to push against her midsection to force her back in the seat while trying to pull the straps around arms that were working to pull those straps off. 25 minutes into the battle, I finally won and we left.

However, during this entire scene, I noticed the other parents around me. There were a lot of parents coming and going, and many took notice of our little domestic problem. One dad even stayed in his car for awhile, carefully watching what I was doing, before taking his girls into the preschool. When I finally had her buckled in, I looked up to see a group of parents standing on the sidewalk, talking in hushed tones and all watching me.

The weight of the stares these parents sent my way was heavy. Hard, disapproving stares, as if to say, What are you doing to that child? and Can’t you control your own kid? with a little bit of That poor child – what an awful mother! thrown in, too. One parent looked right at me, arms crossed, and shook her head with a grimace. I noticed one parent calling someone, too, and I immediately thought: he’s calling the police or child services. They think I’m an unfit parent, and that I’m hurting my child.

No one has shown up at my door yet, so they may not have called anyone. At the same time, however, not one of these disapproving parents bothered to ask me if everything was OK, or if I needed any help. I could feel their judgment on my back, but at the same time, they knew nothing about us. They don’t know that this is almost routine for us. Had I pulled her out of the car and let her go back into the school, the second try would have ended the same way. Had I waited for her to calm down, we could still be there right now. I had tried bribes and threats early on in the game – neither worked.

And none of them got close enough to really see how I was handling it. Did I yell at any point? No, I continued to talk quietly to her. Did I hit her? No. Did I want to? Hell yes, but I didn’t. Does she have a single mark on her? No. But look at my arms and you’ll see bruises and a bite mark from her.

I held it together the entire way home, even though Cordy continued her possessed screaming. I talked quietly and gently to her in an attempt to calm her down. Once home, I brought everyone inside, closed the door, and broke down crying, hot, angry tears streaming down my face as I collapsed on the couch.

It’s too much sometimes. I know Cordy’s behavior isn’t typical, but the average passerby doesn’t know that, and so I’m immediately judged as a bad parent when I can’t contain a meltdown. I can’t hide my family in our house forever – we have to go out in public, but each time I live in fear of more episodes like this. I’m so tired of looking like the bad parent, when I try so hard to do the right thing.

The funny thing is, a few years ago I probably would have been one of those people who looked at that situation and wondered what the hell was wrong with that mother. Those screams would have led me to believe that child was being hurt. Amazing how a role reversal can change your perspective.

Now I sit here, completely out of energy with aching muscles (she’s amazingly strong when she wants to be!), while Cordy bounces around the room happily and asks me for juice. It’s as if she doesn’t even remember what happened earlier.

I can’t explain to her why mommy is sad. Why I cry and tell myself I can’t do this anymore. Why I wish that just once – just once, dammit! – she could have a good day, free of meltdowns. Why I feel like I want to run away from being a parent, because it’s so hard on these days when there is no reward, tangible or otherwise, in what you do – only struggle and judgment.

Sometimes I worry I’m not cut out for this.

Edited to add: Elizabeth asked a great question I didn’t address: What would I want these other parents to do? In my case, I think I would have rather had them go about their business without the disapproving stares and congregating to watch, or if they felt something was wrong, a simple “Do you need a hand?” or an understanding “Those toddlers sure are tough, aren’t they?” would have been welcomed. In other words, showing me they understood or at least weren’t judging me.

I’ve also learned you never know if a child you see in public has special needs that makes them act out more. Often the parents are doing the best they can, so I try to ignore it or offer a sympathetic smile.

Haiku Friday

Flooding to the north
Just hot as fluckin hell here
Kooky weather, eh?

Sure, writing about the weather is usually as exciting as writing about what you had for lunch, but have you stepped outside lately? It’s going to be close to 100 here today, with plenty of humidity thrown in to provide that genuine thick, heavy air Midwestern experience. Meanwhile, less than a hundred miles away from me, several towns in Ohio, like Findlay, are still underwater and trying to bail out. With a small shift in the storm pattern, that could have been us.

Then there’s earthquakes, hurricanes and tornadoes in greater strength or frequency, as if Mother Earth is trying to shake us off like we’re fleas? I’m hoping for a quiet, pleasant fall, but the lead in doesn’t looking promising so far.

Anyone want to join me in writing about their day in haiku today? As mine shows, they don’t have to be good.

Here’s Your Baby, and Your Domain Name

In surfing the news this morning, I came across this article. It seems the new “trend” is for parents to purchase their child’s name as a domain name as soon as they’re born. Some parents go so far as checking that the domain is available before deciding on a name for their child.

Is this really a big deal? I’m not sure how I feel about it. I can see wanting to guarantee your child could have their own website in the future without being (come on, you know David will be a rare name by that point). The article makes a good point that a personal website could work as a digital identity to centralize a person’s social networks, making it easier to manage all of your contacts and having one site for everyone to find you. But who knows if the current set-up of the Internet will be the same in 18 years?

On the other hand, I worry about having a site with my child’s full name. There are predator concerns, especially when first and last name are displayed, and in many cases, a simple WhoIs look up can reveal an address, too. It’s essentially a big “here I am!” for those with less than pure intentions. The counter point is that many of us already have blogs, and use our child’s real first name, so someone could still find us. However, it would still be more difficult to find us when you have to go through the trouble of discovering last names and locations.

For now, I don’t really see the need to have a domain for each of my daughters. They have very unique names (if you include their last names), so I don’t worry about another Cordelia *** or Miranda *** snapping up their domains. Plus, while it’s only a small amount, I don’t want to pay those renewal fees every year for an unused site.

I say unused site because if I did have their domains, I wouldn’t be using them. I don’t like the idea of everyone having access to their full names, pictures, and address. When they’re adults, they’re free to do as they please. There is no such thing as true anonymity on the ‘net, and I know I’m taking some risk in showing their pictures and using their names on this blog, but I don’t share everything in an effort to provide a little security. What people see here is about as much as someone could learn if they were to see us out in public. Especially Cordy’s name, as I tend to yell it over and over as she runs away from me.

For now, buying domains for my children is not a pressing issue, but I can see why some people would want to do it. What do you think? Have you bought your child’s domain name? Would you consider doing it? Why or why not?

PS – Don’t forget to enter my contest to win a BusyBodyBook! Also, I have a new review up at Mommy’s Must Haves – a sunscreen that isn’t sticky or greasy, and perfect for sensitive skin.

Win A BusyBodyBook!

Fall always seems to be a busy time of year. Whether it’s back-to-school, back-to-preschool, or just thinking ahead to the upcoming holidays (I can’t even fathom thinking of gift shopping yet!), this is the time of year schedules tend to fill up fast.

With the help of BusyBodyBook, I’m giving away a Personal & Family Organizer. If you haven’t seen one of these, it’s a personal calendar with columns for up to five members of the family. Unlike other calendars, it lets you keep track of everyone’s weekly schedule all on one page, making sure that a child’s doctor appointment won’t interfere with your scheduled massage (a girl can dream right?).

Don’t have five family members? Use the extra columns to keep track of different projects. For me, I use one column to remind me of deadlines for writing assignments, and another to keep track of my schoolwork.

To win your own copy, simply leave a comment here and link back to this contest on your own blog. Don’t have a blog? You can still enter! I’ll take entries until Friday night at 11:59pm eastern time, and then one winner will be picked at random to receive their choice of BusyBodyBook in Stripes or Dots.

You can read my full review of the BusyBodyBook over at Cirque du Mommy.

My Self-Esteem Was Shot Down By An Elf

It was a good Saturday, overall. Cordy was with grandma, and Aaron, Mira, and I went west to Indianapolis to spend the day at GenCon. I think we’ve established that Aaron and I are geeks, so this should come as no surprise.

There were only two bad events all day today. The drive home was miserable, thanks to construction on Interstate 70. If you don’t live anywhere near I-70, let me explain: you can never travel on I-70 without at least one traffic jam, due to construction, accident, or just something shiny on the side of the road that everyone must stop and look at.

Today, two miles of construction took 45 minutes. And Mira, who doesn’t mind being in the car as long as it’s moving, did not appreciate the slow crawl during that time. The fussing and crying nearly made me turn the car around and set up a new home in Indy instead of facing that traffic. Sure, I’d miss Cordy, but maybe we could see her again someday when they started construction on the other side of I-70?

The other bad moment ruined my high for the day at the convention. I was dressed in an entire outfit of non-maternity clothes, had shaved my legs, brushed my hair, and thought I looked pretty damn good. Aaron was carrying Mira in the baby sling, which always gets a lot of attention (women love a man wearing a baby), leaving me baby-free and feeling non-mom-like. And then the following happened while visiting a friend’s sales booth:

(20-something woman dressed as an Elf walks up to us)

Woman: Awww…she’s cute.

Aaron: Thanks.

Woman: (gesturing to sling) That’s a great idea. She looks so comfortable!

Aaron: Yeah, they’re wonderful…(starts talking about pros of babywearing – I admit I wasn’t fully paying attention at this point)…It’s really a great way to get around and keep the baby happy.

Woman: (turning to me, and I swear she said this) And it looks like you’ve got another on the way?

At this point, I should also tell you that when she said this, she actually began to reach out to touch my belly! Seriously! Thank her little elven Gods that she didn’t complete her impulsive action or I might’ve gone all Orc on her.

Me: (totally aghast) No, I’m not pregnant, I’m postpartum.

Woman: (who doesn’t seem to realize the social faux pas she’s committed) Oh. Well, she’s cute! (walks away, elven cape flapping behind her)

WTF? Maybe an Elf has a shorter pregnancy, but I don’t see how I could be pregnant and showing when I have a baby who clearly looks like a 12 week old. I spent the remainder of the day sucking in my belly and plotting a trip to Macy’s to lock my mid-section into some kind of support garment for the rest of my life. Maybe corsets could come back in style?

And so I offer this small public service announcement: unless a woman tells you directly that she’s pregnant, or you see a baby’s head crowning, NEVER ASSUME SHE’S PREGNANT. Sorry, don’t mean to shout, but this obviously doesn’t get through to some people. Save yourself and the poor other woman some embarrassment and leave any and all topics of reproductive status alone. (Oh, and don’t touch other people’s bellies without permission, too. You might just lose that hand, especially if the woman isn’t pregnant.)

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