With Halloween only days away, there is a rush on costumes. Here are some of the hot selections of costumes for pre-teens this year (yes, these all come in pre-teen sizes – some as small as 6-8):
Maybe your girl wants to be a storybook character, like Miss Muffet:
Or maybe she’d like to be a fairy, like when she was younger:
There’s always the classic vampire:
But if those are too sexy, you can fall back on the traditional pirate:
Yeah, it’s a sexy Halloween, and from the costumes being sold, it looks like the goal is to make everyone look sexy, from adult down to pre-adolescent girls. Do 8 year olds really need costumes like that? Are we so out of imagination and creativity that we have to fall back on sex, even for costumes designed for middle-school girls?
Yes, Linda Carter wore something very similar, but there are modified versions that are more appropriate for a 4 year old.
I’m not against mini-skirts, and I’m not a prude. I’m even OK with these types of costumes for older teenagers. They’re trying out adulthood, and experimenting with looking sexual can be part of finding an identity. But can’t little girls look like little girls, and not prostitots?
So, Miss On-Her-High-Horse, what are your kids dressing as for Halloween? you may ask. Here are this year’s selections. Mira had no choice in hers, but Cordy picked her costume herself.
Mira’s costume:
Cordy’s costume: