Mommy Has SOME Talent, I Guess

OK, maybe I’m not a complete domestic zero.

Cordy wants only two things for Christmas: a magic wand, and a ballerina skirt.

Have you seen the prices for tutus?

No way, not buying one. So I bought the materials and made one. I think it looks pretty good for a first try.

I can’t wait to see her face on Christmas day. Too bad the jolly fat man will be getting all the credit for it.

Haiku Friday: A Blogger’s Torture

Dark clouds overhead
Please let us weather this storm
Crossing my fingers

My stomach in knots
Did we offend you, karma?
Let things go our way.

I wish I could tell
All these worries in my head
But I must stay mute

Want to know how to drive a blogger insane? Give her news that directly affects her family and stresses her out, but then tell her she can’t blog about it because people involved may read the blog, which could affect the outcome. It’s killing me.

I want to explain what’s going on. I want to whine and cry and ask for a shoulder to lean on, spilling out my fears to any who would listen. It’s a situation I’ve never had to deal with before, it’s scary, and being unable to type out those words is almost painful. It’s such a big part of my life right now that writing posts without discussing it feels sort of dishonest.

As soon as I’m able, I will share everything. But for now, I can only write these vague lines. Slightly therapeutic, but overall still unsatisfying to me, and I’m sure to you, too.

(Oh, and before you ask: I’m not pregnant. And everyone is healthy. Just wanted to make that clear.)

To play along for Haiku Friday, follow these steps:

1. Write your own haiku on your blog. You can do one or many, all following a theme or just random. What’s a haiku, you ask? Click here.

2. Sign the Mister Linky below or at Jennifer’s blog with your name and the link to your haiku post (the specific post URL, not your generic blog URL). We will delete your link if it doesn’t go to a haiku. If you need help with this, contact Jennifer or myself.

3. Pick up a Haiku Friday button to display on the post or in your sidebar by clicking the button above.

Please Ignore The Smoke Coming From Ohio…

…that would be me trying to set my kitchen on fire.

I’ve said before that I’m a domestic zero. Hate cleaning, can’t cook, and I’m not so hot at baking. But I thought I might try my hand at some homemade food gifts this year – it’s cheap, and people appreciate yummy homemade food. And it’s cheap.

Last year I made this amazing peppermint bark (recipe here), and two different families loved it and praised my abilities to simply melt chocolate. So, ego inflated from last year’s success and compliments, I decided to make it again this year, only adding to it a drizzle of white chocolate across the top.

Apparently having that second child took out that last remnant of domestic ability I had hiding in me.

I didn’t have my grandmother’s double boiler, so I decided to go all modern and melt the chocolate in the microwave. First was the Ghirardelli dark chocolate chips. They melted beautifully, a sea of rich dark brown liquid in the bowl. Easy peasy!

Next I had to add the peppermint extract. But instead of measuring out the 1 tsp of peppermint, I just dumped a little into the mix. A little too much, I think. The smooth sea of chocolate instantly turned lumpy, and I stirred and stirred trying to even it out again. I heated it more, but the lumps remained.

Giving up on this step, I poured the mix out onto the parchment paper and smoothed it out as best I could. So it won’t be as pretty, but it’ll still taste good, right? Having finished with the spatula, I licked off the remaining chocolate. Or should I say mint with a hint of chocolate. Ick.

Oh, and I burned my tongue in the process because who knew freshly microwaved melted chocolate was hot?

Time to melt the white chocolate. Maybe the drizzled white chocolate could at least make it look pretty again? Into a bowl I put a handful of white chocolate chips. A bowl I have used in the microwave many, many times, I might add. I set it for two minutes and walked away.

When the buzzer went off, I checked it. Still in solid chip form. Hmmm….needs more heat, I guess. So I microwaved them for another minute. Still chip form, but when I stirred them with a spoon they started to squish. OK, almost ready. Another minute in the microwave should do it.

Then I opened the microwave to a cloud of smoke. In the bowl was now something dark, not white. I pulled the bowl out, and immediately noticed something dripping. Looking into the bowl, I could see my toes. Uh, oh.

It burned straight through the bowl. Apparently the melting point of white chocolate is higher than that of microwave safe plastic. Nothing will melt those damn chips.

I quickly tossed the bowl in the trash and cleaned up the mess of melted plastic and white chocolate that had dripped across the kitchen, sizzling on the floor like acid trying to eat through the linoleum.

I always knew white chocolate was evil…now I have proof.

And a cookie sheet full of lumpy, too-minty dark chocolate bark.

So if Aaron is smart, he will revoke my kitchen privileges and limit me to nothing more advanced than making PB&J sandwiches and heating Lean Cuisine meals. Otherwise we won’t have any mixing bowls left. Or possibly a kitchen.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go buy some peppermint bark and put it in my homemade containers to pass off as my own. If you want real, edible homemade treats, go see this woman.

Hey Look, It’s A Train Wreck. Let’s Watch.

It’s too bad Lynne Spears’s new parenting book has been delayed indefinitely.

With Britney unable to drive in a straight line and quit drugs long enough to get unmoderated visitation with her boys, and little sister Jamie-Lynn Spears now an unwed teen pregnancy statistic (a pregnant Zoey 101!), I was looking forward to reading that book.

I mean, I want to learn how to make sure my daughters self-destruct by high-school, assuming they make it that far.

Seriously, it would read as the ultimate “what not to do” guide, wouldn’t it?

Maybe she should scrap the plan and work on a book about birth control and the dangers of drugs. It could be a board book for her grandchildren.

Oh, Spears family, you provide us with so much entertainment, but I wish for your sakes you wouldn’t.


Mira has had the strength to sit unsupported for a few weeks now, but little actual interest in doing so. I’d place her in a sitting position, and she would soon fall over in order to grab a toy and examine it from a supine position. There was nothing that could convince her that sitting up was fun! And cool! And all the six month olds were doing it!

But over the weekend our friends Nico and Judith gave us a toy their youngest was no longer as interested in. Today’s result: instant motivation to stay upright and play.

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