Occasionally I Have To Be A Student First

Another Hot by BlogHer post coming tomorrow, I promise, and there will be updates on my progress. Did the Girl Scout cookies superglue themselves to my ass or did I beat them back into their little brightly colored boxes? Did I dare attempt another Bollywood torture session? All shall be revealed!

But for the moment I’m nearly being crushed by pharmacology textbooks in preparation for an exam tomorrow. Who knew I’d have to study so much, or that the textbooks would be heavier than my preschooler?

More to come, but I’ll leave you with this: Mira has decided crawling is, like, so 8 months old. Now that she’s 9 months, she’s moving on to pulling up and shuffle-stepping along the furniture. Apparently all the cool kids are doing it now.

Hi mommy, mind if I hang here while you read blogs?

Yeah, I look good upright.

I’m Sassy, Hot, and I Make People Smile

Maybe I should tape that title to my mirror and repeat each morning?

I’m so lousy at blog housekeeping (just like real life housekeeping!) that I forgot to mention that I’ve been given some awards and nominations!

First, Karen decided to announce to the world that I’m sassy:

Geez, Karen, it was a big secret. Now everyone knows I’m sassy! Next thing you know, people will expect me to be witty, too.

As is the custom, I must pass the award on to other deserving bloggers. I’d like to give this one to Lotus, Dana, and Motherbumper. Thank you, Karen!

And then, Mayberry Mom confessed that Jennifer and I make her smile for hosting Haiku Friday:

Awww…you make me smile, too. And keep those haiku coming! Besides Mayberry, there are lots of folks who make me smile, but today I’m going to honor some of the local ladies: Julie, Laura, and Kristi.

I chose Laura and Kristi because whenever we go out for our once-a-month Ladies Night get together, I always leave happy and refreshed and wishing I could spend more time with them (and everyone else – I’m not forgetting you, Chris and Emily!). And I picked Julie because her son is so adorable I want to eat him up, and her crafts are stunningly beautiful. Go see the apron she made recently and marvel at the bazillion french knots.

Thanks, Mayberry – I’m glad you like this little haiku day Jennifer and I came up with.

Speaking of Jennifer, this crazy woman nominated me for two Blogger’s Choice Awards categories awhile back:

My site was nominated for Best Parenting Blog!

My site was nominated for Hottest Mommy Blogger!

I know I don’t stand a chance next to the other fabulous (and hot) mommybloggers out there, but if you’d care to vote for me so I’m not sitting at 0 votes, I certainly wouldn’t object. And be sure to go vote for Jennifer, too. (Thanks, Jennifer!)

Finally, sometime around 6:45pm Eastern time, focus all of your calming energy my direction, would you? Tonight is my performance exam for one of my nursing classes, and I’m already starting to shake from nerves. This is one of those “perform the skill perfectly or you automatically fail out of the program” kind of things, so you can understand why I might be a little jittery.

Edited to add: I passed! Thanks for your well wishes!

Haiku Friday: Red Bird

A blanket of white
And then I see him: a small
Flash of brilliant red

Lovely cardinal,
Won’t you come closer? We want
To admire you

(click the picture to enlarge it)

I snapped this photo earlier in the week from my living room window. This little guy has been hanging out at my backyard bird feeder all week, but he’s too shy to come out from the trees when I’m near the window. Still, he’s stunning against the snowy backdrop, isn’t he?

To play along for Haiku Friday, follow these steps:

1. Write your own haiku on your blog. You can do one or many, all following a theme or just random. What’s a haiku, you ask? Click here.

2. Sign the Mister Linky below or at Jennifer’s blog with your name and the link to your haiku post (the specific post URL, not your generic blog URL). DON’T sign unless you have a haiku this week. If you need help with this, contact Jennifer or myself.

3. Pick up a Haiku Friday button to display on the post or in your sidebar by clicking the button at the top.

More From The Curly Headed Child

As I am feeding Mira, Cordy comes from behind and bumps into me hard, clearly on purpose.

Cordy: Oh, I must have been sleepwalking!


Me: Cordy, come here and let me change your diaper.

Cordy: (doing nothing in particular) No! I can’t.

Me: You can’t? Why not?

Cordy: I’m busy right now, mommy! I’m busy!

Can’t imagine where she learned that one…ugh.


Cordy: (Climbing into my lap) Mommy, I need a big hug.

Me: (hugging her tight) OK, I can do that.

Cordy: I love you, mommy.

Me: I love you too, Cordy.

Cordy: (looking up at me) Best friends, mommy?

Me: Yep. Best friends.

Cordy: Awww…best friends.

And you can bet I’m going to remember that exchange for those days when she’s sixteen and screaming that she hates me because I won’t let her borrow the car.


Finally, we received a gift in the mail the other day from a certain Ms. Sugarpants. Now that Cordy will let us touch her hair, Karen thought some proper hair clips were in order.

She’s right, and Cordy loves her new “clippies!” a lot. We’ve already lost one in her room because she insisted on going to bed with it in her hair. (No worries, I can probably find it under her bed.) And she likes to wear the other two together at the same time.

(clippies made by Little Stars Bowtique)

Thank you so much, Karen!

Is It March 4th Yet?

Those of you who follow US politics – and who doesn’t right now? – probably know there’s a little election coming up in Ohio on March 4. Along with some local issues, the fate of the democratic presidential nominee might be resting in our hands. (How is it Ohio always ends up being so important?) As you can expect, Ohio is now getting a lot of attention.

A big part of this attention is advertising: mailings, TV ads, radio ads, yard signs, people holding up signs on street corners, and the occasional passing sign in a car window. Everyone wants to get out the message that their candidate is the best. And while I understand the excitement, I have to admit something: I’m sick of it.

Every weekday morning I drive Cordy to preschool. And each morning I like to listen to my favorite radio station, which happens to be a local pop rock station. (Sorry, Aaron’s the one who listens to NPR all day. I can only take so much news.) The morning has a mix of music and DJ talk, which I like because they rarely talk about the same thing two days in a row.

In the past two weeks, radio ads for the candidates began appearing during commercial breaks. But not just here and there – oh, no. I now fully understand the term “blanketing” when it comes to advertising, because I feel like I’m being smothered by one. The same Obama “I endorse this message” ad has been playing during every. single. damn. commercial break.

If you consider that in the course of my drive to and from preschool I hear about four commercial breaks – so four times a day minimum IF I don’t leave the house again – then you’d know I can practically quote the ad now. I hear a Clinton ad now and then, but not with the same frequency of the Obama ads.

I know candidates want to reach out to the voters and get their message across. But right now the only message I’m being sent is: I have an annoying ad that will be played every 15-20 minutes to hammer my name in your head. It’s overkill, and although I like Obama, it’s doing nothing to inspire me to vote for him.

In situations where I like two candidates equally, I’ve been known to vote against the one who annoys me with too many ads, or advertising that is too negative. Right now, I’m still on the fence about Clinton and Obama, but I admit this aggressive ad campaign is strongly affecting me. Maybe try for every other commercial break? Spice it up a little with some shorter ads that don’t bore me?

So while I encourage everyone out there to do your research on each candidate, pick the one you think will do the best job and go vote on March 4, I also can’t wait until the 5th when all of the campaign commercials will magically vanish into the ether. Then we’ll go back to being unimportant until the national campaign kicks off after the Republican and Democratic conventions. At that time I will be required to pull out my iPod and refuse to listen to the radio until mid-November.

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