Final Guest Poster

Hi everyone. Welcome self-professed new blogger James to the blog as my final guest poster. One more exam and I’m done with finals week. I’ll be back with something fun tonight.

My life is split into two parts. BD and PD. BD being “Before Danny.” Danny is my son, and Monica is my wife. He came into our life two years ago and changed my life in so many ways. Before Danny my life was pretty simple, go to work, spend time with my wife, and get in as much fishing as possible. When he was born, he changed everything! I knew that with his birth I might not be able to fish as much, but what I didn’t know was that this 7 pound, 3 ounce, 19 ½, inch bundle of joy would completely change my work life and my family’s future.

Shortly after welcoming him into the world we were bombarded with requests for news, pictures and videos of Danny. Seeking to quell the mob that demanded to see our new family member we logged onto the Internet and started posting pictures here and there and sending scattered emails that were sometimes filtered out by Spam-screeners. We soon became very frustrated by the need to act as technical support for Danny’s various online profiles and photo sites. Plus, we were constantly worried at how safe these sites really were. So, one of my closest friends and I created our own website for Danny. It was supposed to be just a one-time thing for Danny – next thing you know we were doing it for many other new parents and had built an online network, BabySpot, for new babies.

All of a sudden my simple, but pleasant life that entailed work, my wife and family, and fishing was turned upside down! I now had my own company on my hands and work-life balance became an utter challenge. My wife and I both work full time and now we have two babies on our hands – the love of both our lives, Danny, and our new company. We struggled initially balancing it all, but were blessed that our families have helped out. My mom lives a few minutes from us and so she takes care of Danny for us during the day. And, while I work a lot now, my schedule is more flexible where I can spend time with him in between meetings.

My little mister, Danny, completely changed my life – he definitely made it much more hectic – but he also gave it so much more meaning. My life now is about Danny, my wife and family, my company, and fishing whenever I can sneak it in! I can’t wait till Danny is older so that I can take him fishing.

Although that might be awhile, as my beautiful wife is 7 months pregnant and our little cutie pie, Danny, is giving us a fun time with his terrible two’s! I’m sure each of you out there has your own stories of how hard it is to manage newborns, work, and family. How did you manage? As we expect our 2nd son, my wife and I are really nervous for Danny as he will have to go to daycare for half the day. As new parents we feel like we are starting school again ourselves! Remember those butterflies in your stomach that you probably got when it was your first day of school? YUP those! Did you go through this?

Would love to hear how you balance it all! Let me know by leaving a comment of how you have been able to balance it all. Now, I have to run, Danny wants to play with Thomas the Train!

Spring Cleaning

(Yes, I’m supposed to be studying for finals. Shhh…I can’t tear myself away from blogging. )

Spring is just around the corner, and the desire to start tossing practically everything we own out the window is growing stronger everyday. It seems we always collect more junk each year, and then I spend a month going through it and purging what we no longer need.

Years ago, the amount of stuff that I would re-home was tiny. But having two kids somehow multiplies that amount to the nth degree. From clothes that are quickly outgrown, to toys that seem to reproduce like bunnies in the dark, if I don’t get this junk under control it will take over our house.

(And let’s not forget the money that was spent on all of this stuff. I wouldn’t mind having some of that money back.)

So what do I do with all of this stuff? Well, sorting it is generally how I begin. Anything that shows serious signs of wear is thrown out immediately. What purpose does a chipped glass have, anyway? Even if that glass was part of the set we received for our wedding, I can’t keep every item that has the slightest sentimental value.

Those items that can be reused are then scrutinized for value. Most of the Cordy’s clothing will be saved for Mira. Some of Mira’s clothing, and toys they no longer play with, will be sold to a resale shop like Once Upon A Child. Anything not sold back there will be given away.

Electronics and brand name baby clothes (like Gymboree) will likely go to eBay. These items have a higher resale value, so I can clean out my house while making some decent money in the process. I’m a bargain shopper – most of the items I own were purchased on sale to begin with. On more than one occasion I’ve sold items on eBay for close to what I purchased them for, and once or twice for more than I paid.

Miscellaneous items will be offered to friends and family, and the remainder will then go to a charity group. I used to hang onto things in the past just because I didn’t know what to do with them, but didn’t want to toss them out. Now I have no problem throwing a box of stuff together and dropping it off at our local Goodwill.

I think the best way to get rid of unwanted junk, though, is to stop buying so much to begin with. We’ve already cut back on our frivolous spending, thanks to $3.45 per gallon gas and grocery bills that are pushing $100 every week. Simply asking “Do we really need this?” goes a long way.

What about you? How are you saving money and simplifying your life?

This post is part of the Parent Bloggers Network blog blast sponsored by Zwaggle, an online community devoted to helping parents get rid of what they no longer need and find items they want, without the retail price tag. Sign up for Zwaggle through this blog blast to get extra Zwaggle points to use towards their first transaction.

Haiku Friday: A Guest Haiku

Dishes are piling
Puzzles, trains, and more scattered
The floors are a fright

I’ve had some fresh air
It’s been like summer outside
Time to get cracking

Perhaps it’s a lack of sleep?
Or of nutrition.

So I’m not cleaning
Guest posting haiku instead
Who needs a clean house?

– Special thanks to McMama for guest haiku’ing for me this week!

To play along for Haiku Friday, follow these steps:

1. Write your own haiku on your blog. You can do one or many, all following a theme or just random. What’s a haiku, you ask? Click here.

2. Sign the Mister Linky below or at Jennifer’s blog with your name and the link to your haiku post (the specific post URL, not your generic blog URL). DON’T sign unless you have a haiku this week. If you need help with this, contact Jennifer or myself.

3. Pick up a Haiku Friday button to display on the post or in your sidebar by clicking the button at the top.

REMEMBER: Do not post your link unless you have a haiku this week! We will delete any links without haiku!

Why You Should Really Watch Your Mouth

Hello there. Sarah reporting for duty, Goon Squad Sarah.

Christina asked if anyone wanted to guest post and of course I jumped at the chance. I met Christina at BlogHer two years ago and I’ve been a fan ever since.

So, as usual when I offer to guest post I have no clue what I am going to write about. Fortunately, something came up.

When you have three year old twins something always comes up.

In this case it came up on the way to the grocery store this morning.

The kids and I have been in Florida for almost a week. We got into the minivan, this morning and the low fuel light was on.

Because I have not yet adjusted to being a mother (when do you think that will be anyway? When they are four? Five? Eighteen?) I yelled something along the lines of “Dammit! We’re almost out of gas. Your father pisses me off!”

Then I remembered I was supposed to be the responsible adult in the car and I told the kids that we needed to stop at the gas station on the way to the grocery store.

To which Ian replied:

Dammit. Daddy pisses us off.


Nice job, Mom. Excellent parenting move. Now my husband will come home and Ian will say it again and it will look like we’ve been conspiring against him.

On second thought, did you notice how he changed the sentence from “Daddy pisses me off” to “Daddy pisses us off”? That is good grammar. What do you call it? Pronoun agreement?

I’m not such a bad parent after all. I teach people how to speak English. How about that?

In your face Ferber!

Loaning Out My Soapbox

I’m still in finals hell here, so I’m bringing in some guest bloggers for the rest of this week to keep this place hoppin’. Show them some love, OK?

I’ll be back just in time for the St. Patrick’s Day revelry, because you know I can’t resist a party. Especially a green beer swillin’ (ok, maybe green jello shots instead), shamrock showing, you bet your lucky charms kind of party.

Oh wait – that was college.

It’ll be a tame St. Patrick’s Day parade with the kids kind of day, I guess.

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