Halloween Test Run

On Saturday we took the girls to Boo at the Zoo. It’s an annual event where kids come in costume and trick-or-treat at the zoo, costumed characters are available for pictures, and additional Halloween-themed events happen all weekend.

It gave us a chance to see how the girls would look in their costumes in the daylight, and it gave them a little practice in trick-or-treat etiquette. The result? Cordy’s always been the one to steal the spotlight from other kids, but I think she may have some competition now, because Mira was the one everyone cooed over. Get used to it, kid – your little sister is the comedian, after all.

They both had fun, though, and I now get to practice telling Cordy no when she asks for some of her candy every five minutes.

Supergirl up, up and away!

Raggedy Anne ponders the hay maze

Ready to defend the world and get some candy, too

Spending some time with the sheep and goats in the Petting Zoo

There’s No Reason Not To Do It

It’s OK to be nervous if it’s your first time.

If you’re not sure how to do it, there are guides you can read.

You can tell everyone all about doing it, or you can keep it to yourself.

You can do it at night, or you can do it during the day if you don’t have to work.

You could do it at work, too, as long as no one catches you.

You can do it in private or out in public, although people might stare.

You can do it with your clothes off or you can do it with your clothes on.

You might choose to sit your older kids down and explain what it is and why adults do it.

If you’re rushed you can make it a quickie, or you can take it slow and savor each moment.

If you’re not in the mood, you can try again tomorrow.

If the kids are home, you can put on a video for them while you sneak away to do it.

You can invite your friends over to do it together as a group, if you’re into that sort of thing.

Other people may try to tell you the right way to do it, but only you know what works for you.

After you finish, you can have a glass of wine and bask in the glow of what you just did.


What about you?

Yeah, you.

Have you done it?

I’ll confess: I just did it, and it felt great.

Click to enlarge

Wait, what did you think I was talking about?

Ohio’s early voting is currently in progress. You can vote by absentee ballot, or go to any country election office to vote in person. In Franklin County, you can do it in the evening and even on Saturday and Sunday.

Does your state have early voting? Have you voted yet?

I Got Your Geeky Man Cave Right Here

Parent Bloggers is hosting another blog blast this weekend, and the theme for this one is extremely amusing to me. They want to see the “man cave” in our houses – you know, that area your husband (or you) has claimed as his own and filled with stuff that he can’t bear to part with.

This was a little tough for me, because Aaron has several small stashes of stuff that would be ideal to showcase. Maybe pictures of his bookcases (yes, plural) full of sci-fi novels and gaming books? Or the multiple sci-fi marathon, horror movie marathon, and stage combat workshop t-shirts he’s amassed over the years and refuses to part with?

But then I decided what would work best. Mira’s room, before she was born, was Aaron’s own not-so-much man cave as man war-room. But now that Mira is here, much of his stuff had to be pushed aside to make room for her. The bookcases remain in her room, with gaming books next to a crib and baby toys, and the small walk-in closet is still his entirely. Here are some of the contents:

Closer views:

What’s all in there? Here’s a short list of some of the more prominent items:

1. Lots of stage combat swords of different sorts
2. Can of enamel spray paint for painting miniatures for gaming
3. Box of rope and wooden “knives” for stage combat
4. Fencing jacket
5. Toolbox (OK, this is the family toolbox. Still, it seems at home in there.)
6. Fancy (read: expensive) Star Wars lightsabers that actually light up and make all the noises
7. Eight or so of the 28+ boxes of comic books
8. A large Captain-America-esque round shield
9. Box of wooden “lightsabers” used for stage combat practice
10. Sword cleaning supplies (steel wool, WD-40, some kind of powder)
11. Wooden sword – a relic from when he and a friend did a Renaissance Faire stage act

The original plan was for all 28+ boxes of comic books to reside in this closet. However, we realized that by stakcing all of them in that small space, the weight might compromise the floor and send it all crashing through into the garage. I wasn’t so thrilled with the idea of a hole in the floor in Mira’s room.

This is just a little of the geek stuff that Aaron owns. He’s still a little resentful of having his man cave taken over by our second child, insisting that soon both girls can share Cordy’s room so he can have his room back. I have a feeling that when we move to our next house, whenever that may be, he’ll insist on a house that will provide a room for him again.

So what’s in the man cave at your house?

This blog blast is sponsored by Parent Bloggers and Bill Me Later, where they invite you to enter to win a man cave makeover.

Haiku Friday: Costumes Subject to Change

“I want to be a
superhero!” she tells me
for this Halloween.

So superhero
costume purchased, and now? She
wants to be a bat.

I sometimes wonder
if she does this on purpose
just to screw with us.

To play along for Haiku Friday, follow these steps:

1. Write your own haiku on your blog. You can do one or many, all following a theme or just random. What’s a haiku, you ask? Click here.

2. Sign the Mister Linky below with your name and the link to your haiku post (the specific post URL, not your main blog URL). DON’T sign unless you have a haiku this week. If you need help with this, please let me know.

3. Pick up a Haiku Friday button to display on the post or in your sidebar by clicking the button at the top.

REMEMBER: Do not post your link unless you have a haiku this week! I will delete any links without haiku!

Down On Your Luck vs. Real Poverty

Despite the events of the past four months, I still know that no matter how bad we had it during that time, it still wasn’t that bad. We still had our house, we still had food to eat, and we had resources to turn to when we needed them. We have been poor during this time, but we were not living in true poverty. (Yes, our income is beneath the “federal poverty line” but it has only been for a short period.) We also have good educations, making it easier for us to get past any bump in the road. Some never have those chances.

Whatever the reason, there are millions of people on this planet who are living in poverty, wondering each day if they’ll get a single meal, or where they might sleep tonight. Our situation of having no job has been tough, but not nearly as tough as what others live through every single day.

We have recently started cleaning out our closets, shelves, and garage to purge our house of more junk. Some of it was sold in a garage sale a few weeks ago. The rest of it is going to Goodwill, so that others may benefit from it in some way. This period of unemployment has helped me to more clearly see the poverty in this world, and how we all need to do what we can to help.

It sickens me to think that while those making more than $250,000 a year (and the rest of us) in the US are worrying if they’ll have more taxes levied against them with the new president, we have children in this country who are going to bed hungry at night. You know what? Raise my damn taxes. If that money will go to truly help end poverty – providing food, shelter and healthcare for those who need it – I’m all for giving more.

Because let’s face it – those of us who spend any amount of time on the internet are not truly poor. We have leisure time to spend surfing the web, which means we probably have access to food and someplace stable to live. If you were asked to give just $5 to help others, you could probably find it.

So if you ever find yourself feeling thankful for all you have, reward that thankfulness by doing some task, however small it may be, to help others.

To read some inspiring posts about poverty, please visit Blog Action Day.

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